Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
Scamander3 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | turbiditic sandstone with cross bedding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.50 | -41.45928471000 | 148.23059931000 | -9999.000 | bouma sequence, cross bedding, sedimentology | turbidite |
Scamander4 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | turbidite sequence, with load casts and flame structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 1.00 | -41.45857777000 | 148.23035562000 | -9999.000 | load cast, flame structure, sedimentology, turbidite | turbidite |
Scamander5 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | turbidite sandstones and mudstones with load cast and flame structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.80 | -41.45854544000 | 148.23027686000 | -9999.000 | load cast, flame structure, sedimentology, turbidite | turbidite |
Scamander6 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | turbidite sandstone grading upwards to siltstone with undulating bedding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.80 | -41.45844778000 | 148.23026011000 | -9999.000 | undulating bedding, turbidite, sedimentology | turbidite |
Scamander7 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | load casts on lower sandstone contact with finer silty mudstone layer below. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.80 | -41.45837554000 | 148.23018277000 | -9999.000 | load casts, sedimentology, turbidite | turbidite |
Scamander8 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9 a.m. | 3D | view of underside of bouma sequence, showing load cast? Structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.90 | -41.45835793000 | 148.23014347000 | -9999.000 | bouma sequence, turbidite, load cast, sedimentology | turbidite |
Scamander9 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | view of bouma sequences in turbidite package, showing massive sandstone at the base and fining upwards to silty mudstones. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 2.00 | -41.45837554000 | 148.23018277000 | -9999.000 | bouma sequence, turbidite, sedimentology | turbidite |
Scamander10 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | turbidite beds, with soft sediment folding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. | 0.80 | -41.45949135000 | 148.23076806000 | -9999.000 | soft sediment deformation, turbidite, sedimentology | turbidite |
Mathinna1 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with shear kink band. Mathinna Rd. Tasmania. | 1.00 | -41.47834957000 | 147.95035485000 | -9999.000 | kink band, shear, structure, turbidite | turbidite |
Mathinna2 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with shear kink band. Mathinna Rd. Tasmania. | 0.40 | -41.47836900000 | 147.95039171000 | -9999.000 | turbidite, kink band, shear, structure | turbidite |
Mathinna3 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with graded bedding in muddy siltstones and fine-grained sandstone layers. Image also shows penetrating cleavage. | 1.00 | -41.47838007000 | 147.95048318000 | -9999.000 | cleavage, structure, turbidite, graded bedding | turbidite |
Mathinna4 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | outcrop of folded proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sandstone layers with spaced cleavage and ferruginous altered quartz vein. Mathinna Road, Tas. | 0.40 | -41.47861506000 | 147.95137381000 | -9999.000 | ferruginous, quartz vein, structure, fold, turbidite | sandstone |
Mathinna5 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | 'rod' shaped quartz vein boudins in deformed Mathinna Supergroup sandstone. Mathinna Road, Tas. | 0.40 | -41.47868108000 | 147.95142611000 | -9999.000 | turbidite, boudinage, boudin, rod, quartz vein | sandstone |
Mathinna6 Map |
5 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | outcrop of folded proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sandstone layers with ferruginous altered quartz vein and sheeted / en echelon quartz vein set . Mathinna Road, Tas. | 1.00 | -41.47871562000 | 147.95149417000 | -9999.000 | quartz vein, ferruginous, sheeted vein set, en-echelon vein, turbidite, structure | turbidite |
Bicheno1 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | Biotite-tourmaline clots within coarse grained porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. | 0.40 | -41.86975026000 | 148.30363407000 | 1.000 | granite, igneous, clots, cognate inclusion | Granite |
Bicheno2 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite displaying large plag and k-feld phenocrysts, with bt-tourm-qz alteration of the k-feld phenocrysts. Tas. | 0.35 | -41.86983185000 | 148.30361327000 | 1.000 | Granite | |
Bicheno3 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | Narrow porphyritic dykelet displaying intense k-feld alteration of country rock (porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite). Tas. | 0.50 | -41.86979796000 | 148.30375883000 | 1.000 | igneous, dykelet, granite, alteration, selvedge | Granite |
Bicheno4 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. | 3D | Biotite-tourmaline clots within coarse grained Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. | 0.60 | -41.86974704000 | 148.30375252000 | 1.000 | deuteric, igneous, clots, granite | Granite |
Bicheno5 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Megaphyric cognate inclusion within coarse grained porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. | 1.20 | -41.86985104000 | 148.30358265000 | 1.000 | porphyritic, granite, cognate inclusion, Phenocryst | Granite, Granite |
Bicheno6 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite displaying large plag phenocrysts and biotite alteration. Tas. | 0.20 | -41.86977728000 | 148.30369533000 | 1.000 | granite, igneous, phenocryst, porphyritic, alteration | Granite |
Bicheno7 Map |
0 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Biotite-tourmaline clots and associated k-feld alteration within porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. | 0.00 | -41.86977728000 | 148.30369533000 | -9999.000 | igneous, porphyritic, granite, alteration | Granite |
Bicheno8 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Narrow dykelets within the porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. | 0.90 | -41.86976735000 | 148.30374291000 | 1.000 | granite, pluton, igneous, porphyritic, phenocryst, dykelet | Granite |
Bicheno9 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Late stage Devonian (?)dolerite dykes within the porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Conjugate joints penetrating both rock types suggest they occurred post or concurrent with dyke emplacement. Tas. | 4.00 | -41.88068252000 | 148.30853102000 | 1.000 | Granite, igneous, dyke, joints | Dolerite, Granite |
Bicheno10 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Late stage Devonian (?) dolerite dykes intruding Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Nice example of termination of dyke with dykelets. Tas. | 3.00 | -41.88071585000 | 148.30855539000 | 0.000 | dyke, dykelet, granite, igneous | Granite, Dolerite |
Bicheno11 Map |
20 | 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. | 3D | Late stage mafic Devonian dyke intruding Bicheno Granite. Tas. | 3.00 | -41.88071585000 | 148.30855539000 | 0.000 | Granite, Dyke, Mafic, Igneous | Granite, Dolerite |
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