
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Scamander3 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D turbiditic sandstone with cross bedding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.50 -41.45928471000 148.23059931000 -9999.000 bouma sequence, cross bedding, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander4 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D turbidite sequence, with load casts and flame structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 1.00 -41.45857777000 148.23035562000 -9999.000 load cast, flame structure, sedimentology, turbidite turbidite
Scamander5 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D turbidite sandstones and mudstones with load cast and flame structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45854544000 148.23027686000 -9999.000 load cast, flame structure, sedimentology, turbidite turbidite
Scamander6 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D turbidite sandstone grading upwards to siltstone with undulating bedding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45844778000 148.23026011000 -9999.000 undulating bedding, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander7 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D load casts on lower sandstone contact with finer silty mudstone layer below. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45837554000 148.23018277000 -9999.000 load casts, sedimentology, turbidite turbidite
Scamander8 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D view of underside of bouma sequence, showing load cast? Structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.90 -41.45835793000 148.23014347000 -9999.000 bouma sequence, turbidite, load cast, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander9 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D view of bouma sequences in turbidite package, showing massive sandstone at the base and fining upwards to silty mudstones. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.45837554000 148.23018277000 -9999.000 bouma sequence, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander10 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D turbidite beds, with soft sediment folding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45949135000 148.23076806000 -9999.000 soft sediment deformation, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Mathinna1 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with shear kink band. Mathinna Rd. Tasmania. 1.00 -41.47834957000 147.95035485000 -9999.000 kink band, shear, structure, turbidite turbidite
Mathinna2 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with shear kink band. Mathinna Rd. Tasmania. 0.40 -41.47836900000 147.95039171000 -9999.000 turbidite, kink band, shear, structure turbidite
Mathinna3 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sediments, with graded bedding in muddy siltstones and fine-grained sandstone layers. Image also shows penetrating cleavage. 1.00 -41.47838007000 147.95048318000 -9999.000 cleavage, structure, turbidite, graded bedding turbidite
Mathinna4 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of folded proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sandstone layers with spaced cleavage and ferruginous altered quartz vein. Mathinna Road, Tas. 0.40 -41.47861506000 147.95137381000 -9999.000 ferruginous, quartz vein, structure, fold, turbidite sandstone
Mathinna5 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D 'rod' shaped quartz vein boudins in deformed Mathinna Supergroup sandstone. Mathinna Road, Tas. 0.40 -41.47868108000 147.95142611000 -9999.000 turbidite, boudinage, boudin, rod, quartz vein sandstone
Mathinna6 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of folded proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sandstone layers with ferruginous altered quartz vein and sheeted / en echelon quartz vein set . Mathinna Road, Tas. 1.00 -41.47871562000 147.95149417000 -9999.000 quartz vein, ferruginous, sheeted vein set, en-echelon vein, turbidite, structure turbidite
Bicheno1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D Biotite-tourmaline clots within coarse grained porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. 0.40 -41.86975026000 148.30363407000 1.000 granite, igneous, clots, cognate inclusion Granite
Bicheno2 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite displaying large plag and k-feld phenocrysts, with bt-tourm-qz alteration of the k-feld phenocrysts. Tas. 0.35 -41.86983185000 148.30361327000 1.000 Granite
Bicheno3 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D Narrow porphyritic dykelet displaying intense k-feld alteration of country rock (porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite). Tas. 0.50 -41.86979796000 148.30375883000 1.000 igneous, dykelet, granite, alteration, selvedge Granite
Bicheno4 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D Biotite-tourmaline clots within coarse grained Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. 0.60 -41.86974704000 148.30375252000 1.000 deuteric, igneous, clots, granite Granite
Bicheno5 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Megaphyric cognate inclusion within coarse grained porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. 1.20 -41.86985104000 148.30358265000 1.000 porphyritic, granite, cognate inclusion, Phenocryst Granite, Granite
Bicheno6 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite displaying large plag phenocrysts and biotite alteration. Tas. 0.20 -41.86977728000 148.30369533000 1.000 granite, igneous, phenocryst, porphyritic, alteration Granite
Bicheno7 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Biotite-tourmaline clots and associated k-feld alteration within porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. 0.00 -41.86977728000 148.30369533000 -9999.000 igneous, porphyritic, granite, alteration Granite
Bicheno8 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Narrow dykelets within the porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Tas. 0.90 -41.86976735000 148.30374291000 1.000 granite, pluton, igneous, porphyritic, phenocryst, dykelet Granite
Bicheno9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Late stage Devonian (?)dolerite dykes within the porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Conjugate joints penetrating both rock types suggest they occurred post or concurrent with dyke emplacement. Tas. 4.00 -41.88068252000 148.30853102000 1.000 Granite, igneous, dyke, joints Dolerite, Granite
Bicheno10 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Late stage Devonian (?) dolerite dykes intruding Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Nice example of termination of dyke with dykelets. Tas. 3.00 -41.88071585000 148.30855539000 0.000 dyke, dykelet, granite, igneous Granite, Dolerite
Bicheno11 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:02 a.m. 3D Late stage mafic Devonian dyke intruding Bicheno Granite. Tas. 3.00 -41.88071585000 148.30855539000 0.000 Granite, Dyke, Mafic, Igneous Granite, Dolerite

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