Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
BH2011n5 Map |
20 | 04/17/2015 11:47 a.m. | 3D | multiply folded quartz vein intruding fine-grained metasediments. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 2.00 | -31.63604914000 | 141.53520384000 | -9999.000 | fold, structure, complex folding | metasediment |
BH2011n4 Map |
20 | 04/17/2015 11:37 a.m. | 3D | shallow basin folding in metasediments. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 5.00 | -31.63580894000 | 141.53475285000 | -9999.000 | basin folding, fold, structure | metasediments |
BH2011n3 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:54 p.m. | 3D | moderately plunging parasitic folds in quartzite layer. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 0.50 | -31.63595890000 | 141.53825045000 | -9999.000 | fold plunge, parasitic fold, metasediments, structure | metasediment |
BH2011n2 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:54 p.m. | 3D | moderately plunging, tight folds in thinly bedded quartzite and mudstones metasediments. Strong cleavage also evident. Broken Hill. N.S.W. | 1.00 | -31.63628271000 | 141.53839687000 | -9999.000 | fold plunge, tight fold, fold, structure, metasediments, cleavage | metasediments |
BH2011n1 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. | 3D | tightly folded and moderately plunging folds in Hores Gneiss. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 0.80 | -31.63547118000 | 141.53853471000 | -9999.000 | gneiss, tight fold, fold, structure | gneiss |
Maria14 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:31 p.m. | 3D | Unconformity and basal contact showing rip-up clasts of the underlying basement granite incorporated into the overlying tillite. Maria Island, Tas. | 5.00 | -42.68617478000 | 148.08275828000 | 5.000 | unconformity, tillite | granite, tillite |
Maria14 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:31 p.m. | 3D | Unconformity and basal contact showing rip-up clasts of the underlying basement granite incorporated into the overlying tillite. Maria Island, Tas. | 5.00 | -42.68617478000 | 148.08275828000 | 5.000 | unconformity, tillite | granite, tillite |
Maria9 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:33 p.m. | 3D | matrix supported Pleistocene talus deposit with predominantly dolerite clasts. Maria Island, Tas. | 5.00 | -42.66113564000 | 148.10395542000 | 2.000 | talus deposit, Pleistocene | talus |
Maria8 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | view of Unconformity between underlying Maria Island Granite and overlying flat-lying sediments of the Parmeener Supergroup. Maria Island, Tas. | 10.00 | -42.66130222000 | 148.09977179000 | 5.000 | unconformity, granite | granite, sandstone |
Maria8 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | view of Unconformity between underlying Maria Island Granite and overlying flat-lying sediments of the Parmeener Supergroup. Maria Island, Tas. | 10.00 | -42.66130222000 | 148.09977179000 | 5.000 | unconformity, granite | granite, sandstone |
Maria5 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | igneous contact between granite and hornfels Siluro-Devonian sediments. Maria Island, Tas. | 2.00 | -42.68485460000 | 148.08078901000 | 5.000 | igneous contact, igneous intrusion, hornfels | metasediments |
Maria3 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | Jurassic dolerite dyke intruding granite basement. Maria Island, Tas. | 1.00 | -42.68494814000 | 148.08071719000 | 1.000 | dyke, intrusion | granite, dolerite |
Maria3 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | Jurassic dolerite dyke intruding granite basement. Maria Island, Tas. | 1.00 | -42.68494814000 | 148.08071719000 | 1.000 | dyke, intrusion | granite, dolerite |
Maria2 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:32 p.m. | 3D | dolerite igneous intrusion into basement psammites and pelites with abundant jointing. Maria Island, Tas. | 3.00 | -42.68498498000 | 148.08069893000 | 1.000 | igneous intrusion, metasediments, jointing | dolerite, psammite |
Maria1 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:30 p.m. | 3D | 'The Great Unconformity'. Contact between metamorphic psammite and spotted pelite and Permian sediments. Maria Island, Tas. | 7.00 | -42.68504467000 | 148.08062372000 | 0.000 | contact, structure, unconformity | pelite, siltstone |
Maria1 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:30 p.m. | 3D | 'The Great Unconformity'. Contact between metamorphic psammite and spotted pelite and Permian sediments. Maria Island, Tas. | 7.00 | -42.68504467000 | 148.08062372000 | 0.000 | contact, structure, unconformity | pelite, siltstone |
SulphurCreekFSP5 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | shore exposure of faulted contact between basalt and folded sediments. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 500.00 | -41.09097000000 | 146.02003000000 | 1.000 | fault, contact, metasediments, structure | mudstone, basalt |
SulphurCreekFSP5 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | shore exposure of faulted contact between basalt and folded sediments. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 500.00 | -41.09097000000 | 146.02003000000 | 1.000 | fault, contact, metasediments, structure | mudstone, basalt |
SulphurCreekFSP4 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | beach exposure of truncated folding in bedded sandstones and mudstones. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 500.00 | -41.09097000000 | 146.02003000000 | 1.000 | fault, fold, structure, metasediments | metasediments |
SulphurCreekFSP3 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | view of thinly layered mudstones with kink bands. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 500.00 | -41.09081000000 | 146.07003000000 | 1.000 | kink band, fold, structure | mudstone |
SulphurCreekFSP2 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | out crop of folded interbedded sandstones and mudstones. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 500.00 | -41.09081000000 | 146.07003000000 | 1.000 | fold, metasediments, structure | metasediment |
SulphurCreekFSP1 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | folded metasediments, with stringer and stockwork veining. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. | 250.00 | -41.09081000000 | 146.07003000000 | 1.000 | stockwork veining, metasediments | metasediments |
CityofMelbourneBay6 Map |
5 | 04/25/2015 11:38 a.m. | 3D | basaltic volcanic package, showing flows and pillows, inter pillow / flow sediments and possible breccia flow? City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. | 3.00 | -40.01292543000 | 144.11667927000 | 1.000 | lava flow, sediments, volcanology | basalt |
CityofMelbourneBay5 Map |
5 | 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. | 3D | package of basaltic pillow lava with some inter-pillow sediments. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. | 2.00 | -40.01291699000 | 144.11668860000 | 2.000 | basalt, pillow lava, inter-pillow sediments, volcanology | basalt |
CityofMelbourneBay4 Map |
5 | 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. | 3D | package of basaltic pillow lavas and thin flows with inter-flow sediments. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. | 2.00 | -40.01289812000 | 144.11667629000 | 1.000 | pillow lava, flow, basalt, inter-pillow sediments, volcanology | basalt |
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