
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
TowerHillGIGA1 Map
10 01/01/9999 midnight GIGA 0.00 -38.32723000000 142.36790000000 -9999.000 tuff
Trigelow1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. 3D gently plunging, open folds in psammite / quartzite, Point Ann, W.A. 1.50 -34.19865000000 119.55386000000 -9999.000 gently plunging fold, open fold, metasediments, structure quartzite
Trigelow2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. 3D gently plunging, open to tight folds in psammite / quartzite. Point Ann, W.A. 0.60 -34.19875000000 119.55394000000 -9999.000 fold plunge, fold, quartzite quartzite
WestBeach1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. 3D M geometry folds with penetrative cleavage in garnet schist. West Beach, W.A. 1.00 -33.95337000000 119.97512000000 -9999.000 penetrative cleavage, M folding, garnet schist garnet schist
WestBeach10 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:35 a.m. 3D Biotite and kyanite crystals growing on quartz vein selvage. West Beach, W.A. 0.35 -33.95360000000 119.97449000000 -9999.000 biotite vein selvage, kyanite vein selvage schist
WestBeach2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:34 a.m. 3D folded layering, showing fold vergence in schist. West Beach, W.A. 0.80 -33.95340000000 119.97511000000 -9999.000 fold vergence, structure schist
WestBeach3 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:50 a.m. 3D detailed view of 'M' folding in garnet schist from site WestBeach1. West Beach, W.A. 0.30 -33.95340000000 119.97511000000 -9999.000 M fold geometry, folding, structure garnet schist
WestBeach4 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:34 a.m. 3D close-up view of fold in garnet-bearing schist, West Beach. W.A. 0.30 -33.95349000000 119.97489000000 -9999.000 fold, structure garnet schist
WestBeach5 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:50 a.m. 3D 'M' folding in garnet schist, West Beach, W.A. 0.00 -33.95352000000 119.97489000000 -9999.000 M folds, structure, garnet schist garnet schist
WestBeach6 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:42 a.m. 3D steeply plunging, tight to open folds in finely laminated schist. West Beach, W.A. 0.50 -33.95350000000 119.97487000000 -9999.000 folding, schist, structure schist
WestBeach7 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:49 a.m. 3D aggregates of black kyanite crystals in band of schist. West Beach, W.A. 0.20 -33.95360000000 119.97449000000 -9999.000 kyanite, schist, metamorphic schist
WestBeach8 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:35 a.m. 3D radiating needles of kyanite in schist. West Beach, W.A. 0.10 -33.95360000000 119.97449000000 -9999.000 kyanite, schist, metamorphic kyanite schist
WestBeach9 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:51 a.m. 3D radiating kyanite aggregates on schistosity surface. West Beach, W.A. 0.30 -33.95360000000 119.97449000000 -9999.000 kyanite aggregates, schist kyanite schist
WreckBeach1 Map
0 06/14/2016 2:13 p.m. 3D shore platform exposure of multiple carbonate veins in well sorted sandstone. Wreck Beach, Vic. 1.20 -38.75579000000 143.21394000000 -9999.000 sandstone, carbonate vein sandstone
Buchan3 Map
10 07/21/2015 3:20 p.m. 3D Detail of parasitic fold in Buchan Caves Limestone as depicted in Buchan2. Buchan, VIC. 20.00 -37.49072000000 148.16913000000 -9999.000 limestone, fold, structure limestone
Buchan4 Map
10 07/18/2015 2:58 p.m. 3D Buchan thrust fault -Folding in the hanging wall in Buchan Caves Limestone. Buchan, VIC. 100.00 -37.50776000000 148.21648000000 -9999.000 limestone, thrust fault, structure limestone
MyrtleBch2 Map
1 06/17/2015 9:23 a.m. 3D Large (~6m) megaclast of folded Wagonga Group rocks within cliff of Permian Snapper Point Formation. Poor image due to limited vantage points. No scale. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 0.00 -35.68269000000 150.30045800000 -9999.000 megaclast, sedimentology sandstone
DaisyBanksPit9 Map
20 03/17/2015 12:49 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying late Cenozoic alluvial terrace deposits. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.72983600000 147.42554400000 -9999.000 clay, alluvial, regolith Clay
BermaguiFSP1 Map
5 08/21/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP thickly bedded, folded and faulted turbiditic metasediments of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Bermagui, N.S.W. 50.00 -36.42449000000 150.08263000000 -9999.000 structure, sedimentology, turbidite turbidite
NambuccaGiga3 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight GIGA Nambucca, N.S.W. 0.00 -30.64876000000 153.01909000000 -9999.000
Splitpoint6 Map
10 06/17/2015 10:56 a.m. 3D Bedded limestone of the Torquay Group disconformably overlying pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 30.00 -38.46460000000 144.10770000000 -9999.000 disconformity, carbonate sedimentology, pyroclastic, volcanology limestone, tuff
SBay1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:17 a.m. 3D Pole photography of the Charles Darwin Cliff at Sandy Bay. Tertiary basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic material deposited from a small volcanic vent approximately 200m to the west 25.00 -42.91649600000 147.36026000000 -9999.000 basalt, tuff, agglomerate, volcanology, igneous basalt, tuff
BHillFSP19 Map
0 10/19/2015 11:06 a.m. FSP road cutting, showing joint surfaces and small scale folding in gneiss. Broken Hill. N.S.W. 200.00 -32.00626000000 141.28963000000 -9999.000 fold, joint surface gneiss
BH2013Adelaidean2 Map
20 03/24/2015 5:49 p.m. 3D cross bedded sandstone pavement with sheeted vein sets. First set of bucky quartz veins are off-set by second set, with apparent sinistral movement direction and growth of quartz within the veins. Broken Hill, N.S.W. 0.50 -31.59924614000 141.59926357000 -9999.000 sinistral movement, quartz vein, direction indicators, structure, sheeted veins sandstone
Mathinna6 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D outcrop of folded proximal turbidite in Mathinna Group sandstone layers with ferruginous altered quartz vein and sheeted / en echelon quartz vein set . Mathinna Road, Tas. 1.00 -41.47871562000 147.95149417000 -9999.000 quartz vein, ferruginous, sheeted vein set, en-echelon vein, turbidite, structure turbidite

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