
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Prices4 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Normal faults disrupting Triassic sandstone and siltstone layers - detail view of Prices3. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 7.00 -43.03492200000 147.74760300000 0.500 normal fault, sandstone, siltstone, fluvial sediments, structure, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
NTasUAV5 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 200.00 -40.92560000000 145.61093300000 -9999.000 fold, metamorphic rock quartzite
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 0.00 -40.92531200000 145.61275600000 -9999.000 fold, structure, bedding quartzite
Prices10 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:12 a.m. 3D Fault contact in the shore platform between steeply dipping carbonaceous siltstone and horizontal siltstone - thrust fault? Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03404100000 147.74658500000 0.500 fault, structure siltstone
NTasUAV4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 100.00 -40.92489400000 145.61249400000 -9999.000 fold, dip, structure quartzite
SwanseaUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Coastal platform with numerous petrified/coalified tree stumps within tuffaceous rocks of the Permian Boolaroo Formation. Swansea, N.S.W. 500.00 -33.08807500000 151.66484200000 17.500 tuff, petrified forest tuff
BellinghamUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of folded and faulted, thick turbidite package at Bellingham, NE Tasmania. View taken from 60m above the ground. 500.00 -41.00721400000 147.16257300000 186.700 structure, turbidite package, fold, fault turbidite
WTasUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of the Iron Blow open pit at My Lyell with view of the Lyell Schist and Owen Group. Gormanston, West Tasmania. 0.00 -42.06835300000 145.59241300000 -9999.000 fault, contact, structure, Mount Lyell, Lyell Schist, Owen Group, conglomerate, Iron Blow Copper Mine schist, conglomerate
BellinghamUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV a 20m above the ground aerial overview of parasitic folds in the folded turbidites of the Retreat Formation. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 200.00 -41.00787100000 147.16577100000 20.000 turbidite, fold, parasitic fold, structure turbidite
WTasUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Heemskirk Granite in contact with ultramafic suite at north end of Trial Harbour. Trial Harbour, West Tas. 50.00 -41.92522000000 145.16256400000 -9999.000 igneous contact, contact, Heemskirk Granite granite, ultramafic
LimebayUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV Aerial view of basaltic volcanic breccia and volcanic deposits intruded by multiple, thin basaltic dykes. Lime Bay, Tasmania. 300.00 -42.94014400000 147.69268800000 18.000 volcanics, basalt dyke, dyke basalt, basalt
IronstonePtUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view around Ironstone Point and basaltic flows and associated volcanics. Ironstone Point. Tasmania. 200.00 -42.97061200000 147.73363000000 35.300 basalt flow, basalt, volcanics basalt
Blackjack10 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D contact between volcanic breccia and a basalt lava flow. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 0.60 -42.99270000000 147.65276000000 -9999.000 lava, basalt, flow basalt
Blackjack11 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D volcanic breccia with basaltic vesicular clasts on shore line. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 0.60 -42.99269000000 147.65282000000 -9999.000 volcanic breccia, volcanics, bomb basalt
Blackjack12 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D contact between volcanic breccia and a basalt lava flow. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 0.50 -42.99270000000 147.65276000000 -9999.000 contact, basaltic flow, breccia, volocanics basalt
BurnieUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV view of large quarry outcrop in quartzite? At the entrance to the township of Burnie. Burnie, north Tas. 430.00 -41.06717200000 145.94652400000 70.000 quarry, quartzite quartzite
Jourama7 Map
20 04/28/2016 3:40 p.m. 3D Dolerite dykes intruding granite. Clear examples of small scale intrusive structures. Jourama Falls, QLD. 5.00 -18.86548900000 146.12737500000 109.000 Granite, mafic dyke swarm, cross cutting relationships, igneous granite, dolerite
DianasBasinUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of steeply dipping Mathinna Supergroup turbidite package. St Helens, Tasmania. 77.40 -41.36620600000 148.30181600000 100.000 turbidite, steep dip, dip turbidite
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Maria14 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:31 p.m. 3D Unconformity and basal contact showing rip-up clasts of the underlying basement granite incorporated into the overlying tillite. Maria Island, Tas. 5.00 -42.68617478000 148.08275828000 5.000 unconformity, tillite granite, tillite
KakaduUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV 270 degree view of tall (~30m) sandstone tower with shallowly dipping cross beds and planar beds. Bardedjilidji Walk. Kakadu National Park. N.T. 40.00 -12.43749000000 132.96887000000 -9999.000 tower, sandstone, cross bedding, weathering feature sandstone
KakaduUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of small cliff exposure, showing gently dipping cross beds, truncated by planar bedded sandstone. Bardedjilidji Walk. Kakadu National Park. N.T. 10.00 -12.43685000000 132.97076000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
WaterfallbayUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV extensive aerial view of 'clean' Permian sediment cliffs. Waterfall Bay, Tasmania. 500.00 -43.05168000000 147.94986900000 170.448 Permian sediments, dolerite dyke, faults, sedimentology sediments
BlackjackUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of exposed layered volcanic package, including basalt lava flows and volcanic breccias. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 100.00 -42.99280500000 147.65259900000 -9999.000 breccia, lava flow, basalt, volcanics, volcanic package basalt
BlackjackUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of exposed modern paleo-beach deposits of flat cobble shingles. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 50.00 -42.99353100000 147.65130500000 70.729 paleo-beach deposit, paleo land form, shingles conglomerate

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