Several geological educational resources are now available for download. Please email the AusGeol team to recieve a login and gain access.
The majority of the lessons will require you to use the free GeoVis3D software. Please download a copy (plus supporting documents) from the GeoVis3D page on this site. Updated versions of this software will be made available from time to time. Please visit the GeoVis3D page periodically to check you have the latest verson. The current version is GeoVis3D 2.0
Resources are classified in terms of difficulty as developed either for tertiary undergraduate students or for use in secondary education. Please see the following lists for available lessons.
Resources for tertiary education include:
Geovis3D Structural Geology Tutorial 1. This exercise is designed for tertiary undergraduates to get them started in using the GeoVis3D softwear and its application in structural geology. This activity assumes that students have a basic understanding of the following:
Geometric Characterisation of Folds - Cape Liptrap. This exercise is designed for tertiary undergraduate students that have a basic understanding of structural geology. The exercise covers folds and requires students to make analysis of 3D models of folds using GeoVis3D.
This activity assumes that students have a basic understanding of the following:
Geometric Characterisation of Folds - Harveys Return. This exercise is designed for tertiary undergraduate students that have a basic understanding of structural geology. The exercise covers folds and requires students to make analysis of 3D models of folds using GeoVis3D.
This activity assumes that students have a basic understanding of the following:
Resources for secondary education were developed through a collaboration with the Teacher Earth Science Education Programme (TESEP) and include the following:
We welcome your suggestions and feedback, particularly if you have used a lesson and would like to provide your comments. Please send your correspondence to
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