
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
BoyaPole2 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
WeetootlaFSP5 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:38 p.m. FSP outcrop of massive carbonate. Weetootla gorge. 0.00 -30.47945000000 139.22777000000 -9999.000 sedimentology carbonate
WeetootlaFSP6 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:38 p.m. FSP outcrop of massive homogeneous carbonate. Weetootla gorge. 0.00 -30.47952000000 139.22774000000 -9999.000 sedimentology carbonate
WeetootlaFSP10 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:37 p.m. FSP view of folded carbonate mudstone. Junction with Weetootla Creek and Balcanoona Creek. 0.00 -30.48236000000 139.23982000000 -9999.000 fold, structure mudstone
WeetootlaFSP9 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:38 p.m. FSP view of mega-boudins in folded carbonate mudstone. Weetootla gorge. 0.00 -30.47988000000 139.23091000000 -9999.000 sedimentology, boudin, structure carbonate
WeetootlaFSP11 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:37 p.m. FSP view of thinly bedded carbonate mudstone pavement, showing folding. Weetootla Creek. 0.00 -30.47598000000 139.24332000000 -9999.000 fold, structure mudstone
WeetootlaFSP12 Map
0 09/27/2015 4:37 p.m. FSP View of steeply dipping sediments (hills) and creek exposure of diamictite. Balcanoona Creek. 0.00 -30.48433000000 139.24013000000 -9999.000 diamictite, sediments diamictite, mudstone
Arkaroola9 Map
5 11/06/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Boulder of granite breccia at the Pinnacles, Arkaroola. Northern Flinders Ranges, S.A. 0.00 -30.29921000000 139.30934000000 -9999.000 breccia breccia
MtGipps4 Map
0 06/25/2016 noon 3D Adelaidean diamictite. Mount Gipps, N.S.W. 0.00 -31.60959000000 141.52582000000 -9999.000 diamictite, Adelaidean, structure diamictite
BlinmanFSP2 Map
0 11/27/2015 10:24 a.m. FSP out crop and cliff exposure of gently - moderately dipping, bedded carbonates, Blinman Pools walking trail. Blinman, S.A. 0.00 -31.12832800000 138.58078600000 -9999.000 carbonate carbonate
SugarloafRock4 Map
0 05/15/2016 noon 3D folded and boudinaged amphibolite layers in granitic gneiss. Pegmatite in boudin necks. Sugarloaf Rock, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. This unit may also be known as Neoproterozoic granites 76645. 0.00 -33.56074000000 115.00518000000 -9999.000 boudinage, amphibolite, metamorphics gneiss
0 07/21/2016 9:38 a.m. FSP foliated ironstone / sandstone outcrop, North West of Tennant Creek, N.T. 0.00 -19.61547200000 134.17657700000 386.669 foliation, structure sandstone
Blinman16 Map
0 11/12/2015 10:17 a.m. 3D detail of cross-section and 3D view of stromatolites. Blinman pools walking trail. Blinman, S.A. 0.00 -31.12896000000 138.57230000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, palaeontology carbonate
Windjana5 Map
0 06/05/2016 noon 3D conglomerate with sparry calcite cement, East Windjara Gorge, W.A. 0.00 -17.41102000000 124.97226000000 -9999.000 sparry calcite cement, limestone conglomerate conglomerate
CalcalingMine1 Map
5 05/25/2016 noon 3D weathered, complex zoned pegmatite, near Quanta Cutting-Weira Rd. W.A. 0.00 -30.91527600000 118.43186600000 -9999.000 zoned pegmatite, pegmatite, igneous rock pegmatite
LiptrapPole1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:25 a.m. 3D wave cut platform showing chevron folding and cross cutting faults in finely bedded turbidites. Cape Liptrap, Vic. 0.00 -38.90406232000 145.91729772000 0.000 turbidite, chevron folds, structure turbidite
Brachina16 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:26 a.m. 3D lumpy bedforms on bedding on surface of Bonney Sandstone, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.00 -31.33549000000 138.56331000000 -9999.000 bedforms, sedimentology sandstone
Broome4 Map
0 06/03/2016 noon 3D channels and concretions in orange, cross-bedded sandstone. Broome, W.A. 0.00 -18.00847000000 122.20957000000 -9999.000 sandstone, channels, cross-bedded, sedimentology sandstone
Liptrap14 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:19 a.m. 3D tightly folded distal turbidites. Cape Liptrap, Vic. 0.00 -38.90333045000 145.91635312000 0.000 structure, folding turbidite
WreckBeach12 Map
0 06/14/2016 2:38 p.m. 3D view of concretion horizons in cross-bedded sandstone. Wreck Beach, Vic. 0.00 -38.75724000000 143.21513000000 -9999.000 concretions, cross-beds, sedimentology sandstone
RHead2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of polymict, clast-supported conglomerate lense in Newcastle coal measures. Semi-rounded clasts. Redhead, N.S.W. 0.00 -33.01356000000 151.72147000000 -9999.000 conglomerate, clast-supported, polymict, sedimentology conglomerate
ArkaroolaFSP5 Map
5 09/27/2015 5:56 p.m. FSP View form spur leading to Mt Painter. Looking back to ridge top track, with view of Mt Gee Sinter blocks in the foreground. The ridge across to Mt Painter and views out to the surrounding Arkaroola can also be seen. Northern Flinders Ranges, S.A. 0.00 -30.22092000000 139.36333000000 -9999.000 Blocks Sinter
PointAnn3 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:46 a.m. 3D early isoclinal folds and later F2 folds with fold interference patterns. Point Ann, W.A. 0.00 -34.17004000000 119.58205000000 -9999.000 fold interference pattern, F2 folds pelite
ArkaroolaUAV1 Map
20 04/19/2016 12:27 p.m. UAV view of 'The Pinnacles' showing massive leucogranite, Arkaroola. Northern Flinders Ranges, S.A. 0.00 -30.22888000000 139.34544000000 -9999.000 leucogranite granite
Ironstone5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D giant bomb in pyroclastic deposits. Ironstone Point, Tas. 0.00 -42.97054000000 147.73294000000 -9999.000 pyroclastic, basalt, volcanics, bomb, Tertiary basalt basalt

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