
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Bingi11 Map
5 07/28/2015 10:35 a.m. 3D mafic enclaves and metasedimentary xenoliths in Devonian granodiorite. Bingi, N.S.W. 1.50 -36.01255000000 150.16403000000 2.000 granodiorite, diorite, mafic enclave, xenolith, igneous granodiorite, diorite
Bingi12 Map
5 06/20/2016 2:37 p.m. 3D detail of Devonian aplite showing biotite? Clots. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.10 -36.01266000000 150.16414000000 2.000 aplite, biotite, clots, igneous aplite
Bingi13 Map
5 07/28/2015 11:03 a.m. 3D Detail of Devonian granodiorite with ellipsoidal mafic enclave. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.20 -36.01262000000 150.16396000000 2.000 granodiorite, diorite, enclave, igneous granodiorite, diorite
Bingi14 Map
5 07/28/2015 11:10 a.m. 3D details of feldspar phenocrysts in mafic dyke. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.10 -36.01260000000 150.16382000000 3.000 dolerite, phenocrysts, porphyritic, igneous dolerite
Bingi15 Map
5 06/20/2016 2:35 p.m. 3D Thin dolerite dykes intruding Devonian granodiorite and an earlier quartz vein. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.80 -36.01260000000 150.16382000000 3.000 granodiorite, dolerite, dyke, igneous, structure granodiorite, dolerite
Bingi16 Map
5 06/21/2016 12:37 p.m. 3D detailed texture of hornblende-biotite diorite/gabbro. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.10 -36.01301000000 150.16377000000 3.000 diorite, hornblende, igneous diorite
Bingi17 Map
5 06/06/2016 1:34 p.m. 3D detail of vein mineralogy in gabbro. Bingi, N.S.W. 0.30 -36.01306000000 150.16377000000 3.000 veins, gabbro, igneous, structure gabbro
Bingi18 Map
5 08/21/2015 11:08 a.m. 3D detail of quartz-feldspar veins in Devonian 'gabbro'. Bingi, N.S.W. 1.00 -36.01305000000 150.16364000000 3.000 gabbro, veins, igneous, structure gabbro
PtStephens1 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:30 p.m. 3D Mafic dyke in coastal exposure cross cutting felsic lava/ignimbrite of the Carboniferous Nerong Volcanics. Port Stephens, N.S.W. 30.00 -32.78745000000 152.11860000000 6.000 dyke, igneous, structure ignimbrite, dolerite
PtStephens2 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:30 p.m. 3D Mafic dyke in felsic ignimbrite - dyke shows clear joint control on emplacement and dilation directions. Port Stephens, N.S.W. 8.00 -32.78760000000 152.11960000000 5.000 igneous, structure, dilation, joints ignimbrite, dolerite
PtStephens3 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:32 p.m. 3D Detailed view of the texture of ignimbrite from the Nerong Volcanics. Port Stephens, N.S.W. 0.20 -32.78760000000 152.11960000000 5.000 igneous ignimbrite
PtStephens4 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:32 p.m. 3D Mafic dyke cross cutting red pyroclastic rocks of the Nerong Volcanics. Port Stephens, N.S.W. 8.00 -32.78739000000 152.11961000000 5.000 igneous, structure, dyke ignimbrite, dolerite
Bungwahl1 Map
5 06/20/2016 4:44 p.m. 3D Reverse fault in sediments Carboniferous sediments of the Boolambayte Formation. Bungwahl, N.S.W. 8.00 -32.38022000000 152.36542000000 -9999.000 sandstone, mudstone, reverse fault, structure sandstone
Booti1 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:43 a.m. 3D Dipping thickly bedded sandstone and minor siltstone of the Booti Booti Sandstone with a sea cave. Booti Booti, N.S.W. 12.00 -32.31560000000 152.52878000000 5.000 sandstone, sea cave, fault, sedimentology, geomorphology sandstone
Booti2 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:44 a.m. 3D Brachiopod valve casts infilled by calcite in Carboniferous sandstone of the Booti Booti Sandstone. Booti Booti, N.S.W. 0.70 -32.31560000000 152.52880000000 5.000 sandstone, brachiopods, fossils, sedimentology, palaeontology sandstone
Booti3 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:45 a.m. 3D Cross bedding in thickly bedded sandstone layers of the Carboniferous Booti Booti Sandstone. Booti Booti, N.S.W. 10.00 -32.31627000000 152.52956000000 8.000 sandstone, cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Booti4 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:46 a.m. 3D Casts of brachiopod valves in medium to coarse grained sandstone of the Carboniferous Booti Booti Sandstone. Booti Booti, N.S.W. 0.60 -32.31584000000 152.52887000000 8.000 sandstone, fossils, brachiopods, sedimentology, palaeontology sandstone
Blackhead1 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:23 a.m. 3D Chert? clasts/nodules in intensely deformed sandstone. Black Head, N.S.W. 2.00 -32.07052000000 152.54614000000 0.000 sandstone, chert, nodules, sedimentology, structure sandstone, chert
Blackhead2 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:25 a.m. 3D Matrix supported breccia consisting of dark chert clasts/nodules in a matrix of medium to fine grained sandstone with numerous quartz veins. Black Head, N.S.W. 5.00 -32.07057000000 152.54620000000 0.000 sandstone, chert, breccia, structure breccia
Blackhead3 Map
1 07/08/2015 9:26 a.m. 3D Detail of quartz veins and faults in matrix supported breccia. Black Head, N.S.W. 0.40 -32.07057000000 152.54620000000 0.000 mudstone, quartz veins, fault, structure Breccia
Blackhead4 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:29 a.m. 3D Detail of chert blocks and quartz veins in breccia. Black Head, N.S.W. 1.00 -32.07057000000 152.54620000000 0.000 breccia, quartz veins, chert, structure breccia, chert
Blackhead5 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:30 a.m. 3D faults and exotic blocks in fine sandstone. Black Head, N.S.W. 3.00 -32.07090000000 152.54692000000 0.000 faults, sandstone, structure sandstone
Blackhead6 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:31 a.m. 3D faults cutting dipping beds of sandstone, mudstone and chert. Black Head, N.S.W. 3.00 -32.07087000000 152.54707000000 1.000 sandstone, mudstone, chert, faults, structure sandstone, mudstone, chert
Blackhead7 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:32 a.m. 3D Detail of fault breccia in very fine sandstone. Black Head, N.S.W. 0.10 -32.07087000000 152.54707000000 0.000 sandstone, fault breccia, structure sandstone, breccia
Blackhead8 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:33 a.m. 3D folded and faulted metasediments - some layers have been boudinaged. Black Head, N.S.W. 7.00 -32.07085000000 152.54720000000 0.000 fold, boudin, fault, structure metasediments

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