Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
GordonRdUAV1 Map |
20 | 02/23/2016 9:18 a.m. | UAV | view of polyharmonic folding quartzite and phyllite beds, Gordon Dam Road, Tasmania. | 6.00 | -42.81057000000 | 146.09669000000 | -9999.000 | polyharmonic folding, quartzite, deformation | phyllite |
KarijiniFSP9 Map |
0 | 05/29/2016 noon | FSP | View of pool, finely bedded banded iron cliffs, crocidolite seam? and terraced floor of Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park, W.A. | 100.00 | -22.47721000000 | 118.55666000000 | -9999.000 | banded iron formation, Karijini National Park | BIF |
GibbRiverFSP7 Map |
0 | 06/06/2016 noon | FSP | view of pools and cascades over gently dipping sandstone in Bell Creek Gorge. Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberley, W.A. | 100.00 | -16.99340000000 | 125.20431000000 | -9999.000 | waterfall, sandstone, gorge, dip | sandstone |
BHill54 Map |
5 | 09/15/2015 2:59 p.m. | 3D | view of porphyroblastic Alma Gneiss. Broken Hill. N.S.W. | 0.20 | -31.98932000000 | 141.47763000000 | -9999.000 | porphyroblastic, gneiss | gneiss |
BH2011n10 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. | 3D | view of preserved dome in metasediments. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 3.00 | -31.64098561000 | 141.54132199000 | -9999.000 | dome, fold, metasediment, structure | metasediment |
TimberCreek3 Map |
0 | 06/18/2016 noon | 3D | view of preserved ripple marks on sandstone bedding plane. Cliff exposure near water tanks, Timber Creek settlement, N.T. | 0.60 | -15.65383000000 | 130.46185000000 | -9999.000 | ripple marks, sandstone, sedimentology | sandstone |
Riley7 Map |
0 | 10/20/2015 4:24 p.m. | 3D | view of 'pudding rocks' / metasediments exposed on shoreline. Point Riley. | 6.00 | -33.90218000000 | 137.62891000000 | -9999.000 | metasediments | sediments |
Riley9 Map |
0 | 10/20/2015 4:24 p.m. | 3D | view of 'pudding rocks', metasediments, with cross cutting quartz veins. Point Riley. | 4.00 | -33.90216000000 | 137.62889000000 | -9999.000 | metasediments, quartz veins | sediments |
Hamelin9 Map |
0 | 05/23/2016 noon | 3D | view of pustular mat feature of stromatolite. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. | 0.45 | -24.40056000000 | 114.15903000000 | -9999.000 | tidal flat deposits, stromatolites, pustular mat | tidal flat deposits |
Boya2 Map |
10 | 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. | 3D | view of quarry walls, showing weathering and jointing patterns in granite and gneiss. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. | 50.00 | -31.91484580000 | 116.06239402000 | -9999.000 | quarry, granite, gneiss, Boya | granite, gneiss |
Olary14 Map |
5 | 07/14/2015 10:43 a.m. | 3D | view of reclined fold at the base of a waterfall, in banded metasediments. Weekaroo, Olary. S.A. | 13.00 | -32.17109000000 | 139.98505000000 | -9999.000 | reclined fold, fold, structure | psammite |
MarbleBarFSP9 Map |
0 | 06/01/2016 noon | FSP | view of red, white and grey banded chert layers at Marble Bar, W.A. | 1000.00 | -21.18741000000 | 119.71218000000 | -9999.000 | banded chert, Marble Bar, sedimentology | chert |
MarbleBarFSP10 Map |
0 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | view of red, white and grey banded chert layers at Marble Bar, W.A. | 1000.00 | -21.18780000000 | 119.71243000000 | -9999.000 | Marble Bar Chert Member, chert | chert |
Florina2 Map |
0 | 06/22/2016 noon | 3D | view of resting trace fossil in dolostone. Florina Homestead at Daly River, N.T. | 0.30 | -14.63042000000 | 131.70625000000 | -9999.000 | trace fossil, dolostone, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil | dolostone |
BHillFSP13 Map |
0 | 10/19/2015 10:37 a.m. | FSP | view of road cutting exposure, showing small wavelength folds in Rasp Ridge Granite Gneiss, Broken Hill. N.S.W. | 200.00 | -32.00615000000 | 141.29033000000 | -9999.000 | fold, structure | gneiss |
Gairdiner1 Map |
0 | 11/17/2015 10:20 a.m. | 3D | view of salt-crust on Lake Gairdiner, showing 'mud-crack' texture, Lake Gairdiner. | 5.00 | -32.12906000000 | 135.90393000000 | -9999.000 | evaporite, mud-crack texture | evaporite |
KalbarriFSP3 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | FSP | View of sandstone cliff exposure at upper end of the Murchison Gorge, Hawks Head Lookout. Kalbarri National Part, W.A. | 1000.00 | -27.79029000000 | 114.47001000000 | -9999.000 | sandstone, sedimentology, river gorge | sandstone |
GibbRiverFSP5 Map |
0 | 06/06/2016 noon | FSP | view of sandstone cliffs and ripple marks? In the Lennard Gorge. Lennard Gorge Road, W.A. | 500.00 | -17.17666000000 | 125.19965000000 | -9999.000 | sandstone, ripple mark, sedimentology, gorge | sandstone |
KakaduFPS6 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | FSP | view of sandstone escarpment and cross bedding in sandstone at Bardedjilidji Walk. Kakadu National Park, N.T. | 500.00 | -12.43680000000 | 132.97054000000 | -9999.000 | sandstone, cross bedding, Kakadu National Park | sandstone |
KakaduFSP8 Map |
0 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | view of sandstone escarpment in background and conglomerate (as in site Kakadu5) in foreground. . Nourlangie Rock Art Site. Kakadu National Park, N.T. | 500.00 | -12.86476000000 | 132.81590000000 | -9999.000 | sandstone, Kakadu National Park, escarpment, sedimentology | sandstone |
KakaduFSP7 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | FSP | view of sandstone escarpment in background and conglomerate (as in site Kakadu5) in foreground. . Nourlangie Rock Art Site. Kakadu National Park, N.T. | 500.00 | -12.86476000000 | 132.81610000000 | -9999.000 | conglomerate, sedimentology, sandstone | sandstone |
CrowdyFSP1 Map |
5 | 08/27/2015 11:54 a.m. | FSP | View of sandstone rock platforms of the Devonian Cowangara Formation. Crowdy Head Cliffs, N.S.W. | 50.00 | -31.84595000000 | 152.75125000000 | 1.000 | joints | sandstone |
BH2014n2 Map |
20 | 03/16/2015 3:03 p.m. | 3D | view of S-C fabric developed around flattened cobbles in conglomerate layer in sediments. Broken Hill, N.S.W. | 0.20 | -31.61237439000 | 141.52996952000 | -9999.000 | S-C fabric`, structure, conglomerate, flattening | conglomerate |
BlackmansBay1 Map |
0 | 02/25/2016 2:46 p.m. | 3D | view of section of cliff exposure in Permian shallow marine sediments. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. | 7.00 | -42.99987000000 | 147.32823000000 | -9999.000 | Permian, strata | siltstone |
WTasFSP31 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | FSP | view of shallow basin in shallowly dipping, fine-grained, quartz sandstone and siltstone. Duck Creek, West Tasmania. | 1000.00 | -41.76824000000 | 145.00360000000 | -9999.000 | folding, basin, structure | sandstone |
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