
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Bellingham19 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D synsedimentary deformation contrasting with regular bedding. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 2.30 -41.00965000000 147.17287000000 -9999.000 syn-sedimentary deformation, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Bellingham2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of refracted cleavage in mudstones and sandstone layers from site Bellingham1, showing cleavage in mudstone approximates the fold axial plane. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 1.00 -41.00683000000 147.16264000000 -9999.000 refracted cleavage, cleavage, structure mudstone, sandstone
Bellingham20 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D close-up view of Permian synsedimentary deformation in turbidites. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.45 -41.00965000000 147.17287000000 -9999.000 turbidite, syn-sedimentary deformation, structure turbidite
Bellingham21 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D plunging asymmetrical fold with radiating cleavage in sandstone layer. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 15.30 -41.00800000000 147.16550000000 -9999.000 radiating cleavage, structure, turbidite, fold, asymmetrical fold, fold plunge turbidite
Bellingham22 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of bedding and cleavage in gently dipping sandstone layer. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 1.05 -41.00823000000 147.16554000000 -9999.000 bedding, cleavage, turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Bellingham23 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D gently plunging open folds in a pavement, with prominent axial planar cleavage. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 8.00 -41.00757000000 147.16209000000 -9999.000 open fold, fold plunge, axial planar cleavage, fold, structure, cleavage, turbidite turbidite
Bellingham24 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D steeply dipping to slightly overturned bedding, with cross bedding in thin sandstone layer. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.80 -41.00782000000 147.16153000000 -9999.000 overturned bedding, dip, structure, cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Bellingham25 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D anticlinal fold hinge in turbiditic rocks. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 4.00 -41.00809000000 147.16142000000 -9999.000 turbidite, anticline, fold hinge turbidite
Bellingham26 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detailed view of 2 cleavages and tiny (sub 1cm) folds in thin sandy layer. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.20 -41.00809000000 147.16142000000 -9999.000 cleavage, fold, structure, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Bellingham27 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D syndepositional folding in thin disrupted sandstone layers. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.90 -41.00814000000 147.16121000000 -9999.000 turbidite, syn-depositional folding, folding, structure turbidite
Bellingham28 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D 'Z' fold in sandstone and mudstone layers of turbidites. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 4.00 -41.00823000000 147.16118000000 -9999.000 'Z' fold, fold, structure, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Bellingham29 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D multiple, gently plunging, tight antiforms and synforms in turbidite sequence. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 7.00 -41.00835000000 147.00835000000 -9999.000 synform, antiform, turbidite, structure, tight fold, fold turbidite
Bellingham3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D gently plunging antiform and synform in turbiditic sediments, with pronounced cleavage in the fine-grained layers. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 7.00 -41.00751000000 147.16188000000 -9999.000 turbidite, antiform, synform, cleavage, fold, structure turbidite
Bellingham30 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D plunging anticline within sandstone beds in mudstone. Prominent axial planer cleavage. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 3.60 -41.00774000000 147.16170000000 -9999.000 anticline, gold plunge, fold, turbidite turbidite
Bellingham4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D open synform in turbiditic sequences of the Retreat Formation Mathinna Supergroup sediments. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 4.00 -41.00761000000 147.16130000000 -9999.000 open fold, synform, turbidite, fold, structure turbidite
Bellingham5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D cross beds in fine-grained sandstone with facing direction indicating right-way up. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.70 -41.00771000000 147.16132000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, facing direction, right-way up, younging, sandstone sandstone
Bellingham6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D fold hinge with axial planar S1 and transecting S2 crenulation cleavage. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.70 -41.00806000000 147.16135000000 -9999.000 fold hinge, sediments, axial planar cleavage, S1, S2, crenulation cleavage, structure turbidite
Bellingham7 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of 2 structural fabrics in bedded turbidite sequence, showing S0, S1 and S2 crenulation. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.50 -41.00810000000 147.16145000000 -9999.000 crenulation cleavage, S0, S1, S2, cleavage, structure, turbidite turbidite
Bellingham8 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of 2 structural fabrics in bedded turbidite sequence, showing S0, S1 and S2 crenulation from site Bellingham7. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 0.40 -41.00810000000 147.16145000000 -9999.000 crenulation cleavage, cleavage, structure, S0, S1, S2, turbidite turbidite
Bellingham9 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D plunging antiform in mudstone and fine-grained sandstone turbiditic units of the Retreat Formation. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 6.00 -41.00822000000 147.16116000000 -9999.000 antiform, turbidite, structure, fold turbidite
BellinghamUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of folded and faulted, thick turbidite package at Bellingham, NE Tasmania. View taken from 60m above the ground. 500.00 -41.00721400000 147.16257300000 186.700 structure, turbidite package, fold, fault turbidite
BellinghamUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV a 20m above the ground aerial overview of parasitic folds in the folded turbidites of the Retreat Formation. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 200.00 -41.00787100000 147.16577100000 20.000 turbidite, fold, parasitic fold, structure turbidite
BellinghamUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of tightly folded parasitic folds in turbidites of the Retreat Formation. View is larger than the earlier UAV images. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 173.00 -41.00787600000 147.16153900000 20.000 parasitic folds, fold, structure, turbidite, sedimentology, tight fold turbidite
Bellthorpe1 Map
5 04/12/2016 10:46 a.m. 3D granodiorite with multiple intrusive phases and metasediment xenoliths. Bellthorpe, QLD. 3.00 -26.82774000000 152.62268000000 -9999.000 granodiorite, xenolith, intrusion granodiorite
Bellthorpe2 Map
5 04/12/2016 2:02 p.m. 3D This image is related to image Bellthope1. Detailed view of intrusive contact of aplite into xenolith. Bellthorpe, QLD. 0.30 -26.82774000000 152.62268000000 -9999.000 intrusive contact, xenolith granodiorite

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