
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Prices6 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Thrust? Fault cross cutting Triassic carbonaceous siltstone and sandstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03390900000 147.74637700000 0.500 thrust fault, siltstone, sandstone, fluvial, structure siltstone, sandstone
Prices6 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Thrust? Fault cross cutting Triassic carbonaceous siltstone and sandstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03390900000 147.74637700000 0.500 thrust fault, siltstone, sandstone, fluvial, structure siltstone, sandstone
Prices6 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Thrust? Fault cross cutting Triassic carbonaceous siltstone and sandstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03390900000 147.74637700000 0.500 thrust fault, siltstone, sandstone, fluvial, structure siltstone, sandstone
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Prices8 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Triassic fluvial/floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03366100000 147.74592300000 0.500 fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone
Prices8 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Triassic fluvial/floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03366100000 147.74592300000 0.500 fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone
Prices9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded channel sandstone body in fine grained carbonaceous floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.03359100000 147.74572400000 0.500 channel, cross bed, fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded channel sandstone body in fine grained carbonaceous floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.03359100000 147.74572400000 0.500 channel, cross bed, fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded channel sandstone body in fine grained carbonaceous floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.03359100000 147.74572400000 0.500 channel, cross bed, fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded channel sandstone body in fine grained carbonaceous floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.03359100000 147.74572400000 0.500 channel, cross bed, fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices10 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:12 a.m. 3D Fault contact in the shore platform between steeply dipping carbonaceous siltstone and horizontal siltstone - thrust fault? Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03404100000 147.74658500000 0.500 fault, structure siltstone
SBay1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:17 a.m. 3D Pole photography of the Charles Darwin Cliff at Sandy Bay. Tertiary basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic material deposited from a small volcanic vent approximately 200m to the west 25.00 -42.91649600000 147.36026000000 -9999.000 basalt, tuff, agglomerate, volcanology, igneous basalt, tuff
SBay1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:17 a.m. 3D Pole photography of the Charles Darwin Cliff at Sandy Bay. Tertiary basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic material deposited from a small volcanic vent approximately 200m to the west 25.00 -42.91649600000 147.36026000000 -9999.000 basalt, tuff, agglomerate, volcanology, igneous basalt, tuff
SBay1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:17 a.m. 3D Pole photography of the Charles Darwin Cliff at Sandy Bay. Tertiary basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic material deposited from a small volcanic vent approximately 200m to the west 25.00 -42.91649600000 147.36026000000 -9999.000 basalt, tuff, agglomerate, volcanology, igneous basalt, tuff
Schanck1 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:35 p.m. 3D Black, vesicular columnar basalt flow underlain by a layer of brown matrix supported volcanic breccia. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 columnar basalt, vesicular basalt, volcanic breccia, volcanology, igneous basalt, breccia
Schanck1 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:35 p.m. 3D Black, vesicular columnar basalt flow underlain by a layer of brown matrix supported volcanic breccia. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 columnar basalt, vesicular basalt, volcanic breccia, volcanology, igneous basalt, breccia
Schanck1 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:35 p.m. 3D Black, vesicular columnar basalt flow underlain by a layer of brown matrix supported volcanic breccia. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 columnar basalt, vesicular basalt, volcanic breccia, volcanology, igneous basalt, breccia
Schanck2 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:36 p.m. 3D Brown volcanic breccia layer. This is a detailed view of a portion of the Schanck1 visualisation. Cape Schanck, Vic. 0.50 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 volcanic breccia, volcanology breccia
Schanck3 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:36 p.m. 3D Flow boundary between a lower sparsely vesicular basalt and an upper densely vesicular basalt. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49907000000 144.88911000000 2.000 vesicular basalt, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck4 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Detail of zeolite veins in vesicular basalt. Detail of veins shown in Schanck3. Cape Schanck, Vic. 0.30 -38.49907000000 144.88911000000 2.000 vesicular basalt, zeolite, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck4 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Detail of zeolite veins in vesicular basalt. Detail of veins shown in Schanck3. Cape Schanck, Vic. 0.30 -38.49907000000 144.88911000000 2.000 vesicular basalt, zeolite, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck5 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Large outcrop showing multiple layers of basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic layers. Cape Schanck, Vic. 30.00 -38.49773000000 144.88753000000 0.000 basalt flows, pyroclastic, volcanology, igneous basalt

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