
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Schanck6 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49649000000 144.88792000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, regolith, volcanology basalt
Schanck6 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49649000000 144.88792000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, regolith, volcanology basalt
Schanck7 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt with carbonate veins from overlying calcarenite. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49611000000 144.88782000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, carbonate veins, volcanology basalt
Schanck7 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt with carbonate veins from overlying calcarenite. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49611000000 144.88782000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, carbonate veins, volcanology basalt
Schanck7 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt with carbonate veins from overlying calcarenite. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49611000000 144.88782000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, carbonate veins, volcanology basalt
Schanck8 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:39 p.m. 3D Weathered basalt with prominent sub-horizontal and vertical 'zeolite' veins. Cape Schanck, Vic. 1.50 -38.48315000000 145.02116000000 0.000 basalt, zeolite veins, weathering, igneous basalt
Schanck8 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:39 p.m. 3D Weathered basalt with prominent sub-horizontal and vertical 'zeolite' veins. Cape Schanck, Vic. 1.50 -38.48315000000 145.02116000000 0.000 basalt, zeolite veins, weathering, igneous basalt
Walkerville1 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:23 p.m. 3D Contact between the Liptrap Formation sandstone and limestone. Contact is a fault melange. Walkerville South, Vic. 15.00 -38.85546000000 145.99707000000 -9999.000 fault, structure, melange melange
Walkerville2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:23 p.m. 3D Detail of fault melange shown in Walkerville1. Exposure is 5-10 m up the cliff - maximum clast size is ~0.5m. Walkerville South, Vic. 6.00 -38.85546000000 145.99707000000 -9999.000 fault, melange, structure melange
Walkerville4 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:24 p.m. 3D Fault at a low angle to bedding in thinly bedded sandstone and siltstone of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 4.00 -38.85529500000 145.99678000000 1.000 fault, structure, turbidite sandstone, siltstone
Walkerville5 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:24 p.m. 3D bedding - cleavage relationship and small fault in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85517000000 145.99669000000 1.000 turbidite, bedding - cleavage relationship, fault, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Walkerville5 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:24 p.m. 3D bedding - cleavage relationship and small fault in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85517000000 145.99669000000 1.000 turbidite, bedding - cleavage relationship, fault, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Walkerville5 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:24 p.m. 3D bedding - cleavage relationship and small fault in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85517000000 145.99669000000 1.000 turbidite, bedding - cleavage relationship, fault, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Walkerville6 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Complex folds and faults in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 3.00 -38.85467000000 145.99640000000 1.000 turbidite, folds, faults, structure turbidite
Walkerville6 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Complex folds and faults in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 3.00 -38.85467000000 145.99640000000 1.000 turbidite, folds, faults, structure turbidite
Walkerville6 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Complex folds and faults in distal turbidites of the Liptrap Formation. Walkerville South, Vic. 3.00 -38.85467000000 145.99640000000 1.000 turbidite, folds, faults, structure turbidite
Walkerville7 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Detailed view of disrupted folds in turbidites of the Liptrap Formation - detail of Walkerville 6 visualisation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85467000000 145.99669000000 -9999.000 fold, fault, turbidite, structure turbidite
Walkerville7 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Detailed view of disrupted folds in turbidites of the Liptrap Formation - detail of Walkerville 6 visualisation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85467000000 145.99669000000 -9999.000 fold, fault, turbidite, structure turbidite
Walkerville7 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D Detailed view of disrupted folds in turbidites of the Liptrap Formation - detail of Walkerville 6 visualisation. Walkerville South, Vic. 1.00 -38.85467000000 145.99669000000 -9999.000 fold, fault, turbidite, structure turbidite
Thomson1 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D normal? fault in dipping turbidites near the Thomson Dam - fault zone approx. 30 cm wide. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 8.00 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 fault, turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Thomson1 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D normal? fault in dipping turbidites near the Thomson Dam - fault zone approx. 30 cm wide. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 8.00 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 fault, turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Thomson2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D Detail of mudstone rip up clasts in sandstone matrix - same exposure as Thomson1. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 0.50 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 sandstone, siltstone, turbidite, rip-up clasts, sedimentology sandstone
Thomson2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D Detail of mudstone rip up clasts in sandstone matrix - same exposure as Thomson1. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 0.50 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 sandstone, siltstone, turbidite, rip-up clasts, sedimentology sandstone
Thomson2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D Detail of mudstone rip up clasts in sandstone matrix - same exposure as Thomson1. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 0.50 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 sandstone, siltstone, turbidite, rip-up clasts, sedimentology sandstone
Thomson2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:17 p.m. 3D Detail of mudstone rip up clasts in sandstone matrix - same exposure as Thomson1. Thomson Dam, Walhalla, Vic. 0.50 -37.84397000000 146.39761000000 -9999.000 sandstone, siltstone, turbidite, rip-up clasts, sedimentology sandstone

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