
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Piccaninny10 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D granodiorite dyke with irregular intrusive contact with host turbidite package. Folding is present in the outcrop and in small dykelets. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 5.000 dyke, intrusive contact, fold, structure turbidite, granodiorite
Koonya1 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D fault cutting bedded siltstone Impression Bay, Tasman Peninsula. Tasmania. 1.00 -43.05406380000 147.77316110000 0.000 fault, structure, sedimentology siltstone
WeeJasper1 Map
50 06/17/2015 9:28 a.m. 3D Dipping limestone beds of the Devonian Cavan Bluff Limestone intersecting topography to create a circular outcrop. Wee Jasper, N.S.W. 150.00 -35.02699000000 148.82231000000 430.000 dipping beds, structure limestone
Piccaninny1 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D grey granodiorite dyke intruding bedded turbidite sequences of the Mathinna Supergroup with small contact metamorphic halo and offset by small faults. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 5.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 5.000 intrusive contact, dyke, turbidite, contact metamorphic aureole, fault turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny3 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D irregular intrusive contact between the grey granodiorite dyke and hosting Mathinna Supergroup sediments. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 5.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 5.000 intrusive contact, turbidite turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny9 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D granodiorite with xenoliths of Mathinna Supergroup turbidites. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 xenolith, granodiorite granodiorite
BellthorpeUAV1 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight UAV Aerial view of granodiorite with multiple intrusive phases and metasediment xenoliths. Bellthorpe, QLD. 100.00 -26.82770700000 152.62270000000 2.000 granodiorite, intrusive contact granodiorite
MtGippsUAV2 Map
50 06/27/2016 noon UAV metasediments, Mount Gipps, N.S.W. 470.00 -31.61700110000 141.50016650000 -9999.000 metasediments, structure, metamorphic metasediments
MtGippsUAV3 Map
50 06/27/2016 noon UAV metasediments, Mount Gipps, N.S.W. 420.00 -31.61280890000 141.49239520000 -9999.000 metasediments, metamorphic metasediments
Surville5 Map
50 03/16/2015 2:22 p.m. 3D view form off-shore of cliff exposure, showing basement unconformable contact between Devonian Granite and the overlying sedimentary Parmeener Supergroup. Cape Surville, Tasman Peninsula. Tasmania. 250.00 -42.97067641000 147.99550099000 0.500 unconformity, contact, basement unconformity granite, siltstone
Surville2 Map
50 03/16/2015 2:21 p.m. 3D view form off-shore of cliff exposure, showing basement unconformable contact between Devonian Granite and the overlying sedimentary Parmeener Supergroup with intrusive Jurassic dolerite contact (darker rock). Cape Surville, Tasman Peninsula. Tasmania. 500.00 -42.95779432000 147.99290997000 0.500 basement unconformity, unconformity, intrusive contact, igneous intrusion granite, siltstone, dolerite
GoatIslandUAV1 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial over view of folded metamorphic sediments of the Burnie Formation (Oonah Formation) and Ulverstone Metamorphics, which includes the Goat Island Conglomerate. Goat Island, Ulverstone. North Tasmania. 680.00 -41.13575600000 146.13587000000 55.000 metasediments, Burnie Formation, Ulverstone Metamorphics, geological contact metasediments, metasediments
Eildon6 Map
50 11/03/2015 2:39 p.m. 3D folded and faulted sandstone of the Siluro-Devonian Jordon River Group. Eildon, Vic. 200.00 -37.22475000000 145.93300000000 296.000 faults, folds, structure sandstone
Eildon5 Map
50 07/18/2015 3:28 p.m. 3D Large anticline in sandstone units of the Devonian Eildon Sandstone. Poor visualisation due to limited vantage points. Eildon, Vic. 150.00 -37.21855000000 145.91957000000 335.000 anticline, fold, structure sandstone
Surville4 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of cliff exposure, showing basement unconformable contact between Devonian Granite, metasediments and the overlying sedimentary Parmeener Supergroup with intrusive Jurassic dolerite contact (darker rock). Cape Surville, Tasman Peninsula. Tasmania. 500.00 -37.66467900000 144.77204400000 1.000 unconformity, intrusion granite, metasediments, siltstone, dolerite
Splitpoint13 Map
58 06/17/2015 10:45 a.m. 3D Basalt of the Oligocene Angahook Formation disconformably overlain by bedded sandy limestone of the Torquay Group. Irregularities/fissures in the upper surface of the basalt have been infilled by the overlying limestone. Split Point, Vic. 13.00 -38.46855000000 144.10698000000 1.000 volcanology, fissures basalt, limestone
Piccaninny32 Map
80 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D Contact between Mathinna Supergroup and Long Point Granodiorite, very good example of ductile deformation within Mathinna at contact, and late melt veining. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69427300000 148.29452500000 4.000 Mathinna Supergroup, Long Point Granodiorite, ductile deformation Turbidite, Granodiorite
NorthPole1 Map
10000 08/02/2016 noon 3D Epithermal crystalline barite-silica vein with radiating crystals. Iron-oxides in vein centre result from oxidation of pyrite. Marble Bar Rd, near Coppin Gap, W.A. 1.00 -20.72168000000 119.35366400000 -9999.000 epithermal, barite, vein sediments
NorthPole2 Map
10000 08/02/2016 noon 3D 3.49Ga stromatolite beds in the Dresser Formation. Marble Bar Rd, near Coppin Gap, W.A. 2.50 -20.72168000000 119.35366400000 -9999.000 stromatolite, fossil, palaeontology limestone
NorthPole3 Map
10000 08/02/2016 noon 3D 3.49Ga conical stromatolites in the Dresser Formation. Marble Bar Rd, near Coppin Gap, W.A. 0.80 -20.72168000000 119.35366400000 -9999.000 stromatolite, chert, palaeontology, fossil limestone
NorthPole4 Map
10000 08/02/2016 noon 3D Section through 3.49Ga Ga stromatolites (top layer) in the Dresser Formation. Marble Bar Rd, near Coppin Gap, W.A. 1.50 -20.72168000000 119.35366400000 -9999.000 stromatolite, fossil, sedimentology, palaeontology limestone

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