
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
0 07/25/2016 10:11 a.m. 3D Coarse-grained feldspar-biotite schists in Mud Tank open pit. Near Plenty Highway, Zircon Field Access road, N.T. 1.80 -23.01363600000 134.27639200000 658.853 schist, metamorphic schist
0 07/25/2016 11:13 a.m. 3D Mud Tank zircon crystal, Mud Tank open pit. Near Plenty Highway, Zircon Field Access road, N.T. 0.40 -23.01338000000 134.27826600000 672.556 zircon crystal, metamorphic, mine, Mud Tank carbonate
Mulbring1 Map
1 06/17/2015 9:20 a.m. 3D Fenestellids and brachiopods in the Permian Branxton Formation, Mulbring, N.S.W. 0.20 -32.89854000000 151.46556000000 65.000 brachiopods, fenestella, fossil, palaeontology sandstone
Mulbring2 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D Fenestella bryozoans and brachiopods in the Permian Branxton Formation. Mulbring, N.S.W. 0.20 -32.89854000000 151.46562000000 65.000 brachiopod, fenestella, bryozoan, palaeontology, fossil sandstone
Mulbring3 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:35 a.m. 3D fenestellid bryozoan in the Permian Branxton Formation. Mulbring, N.S.W. 0.20 -32.89849000000 151.46556000000 65.000 Fenestella bryozoan, palaeontology, fossil sandstone
Mulbring4 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:43 a.m. 3D Fenestellid bryozoans in the Permian Branxton Formation. Mulbring, N.S.W. 0.30 -32.89844000000 151.46541000000 65.000 fenestella, bryozoans, palaeontology, fossil sandstone
Mullewa1 Map
5 05/19/2016 noon 3D matrix supported diamictite with large clasts of silicified, stretched conglomerate and sandstone. Yuna-Tenindewa Road, Mullewa, W.A. 3.00 -28.55555000000 115.25302000000 -9999.000 diamictite, sedimentology, poorly sorted diamictite
Mullewa2 Map
0 05/19/2016 noon 3D diamictite pavement, with large clasts of granite, sandstone and conglomerate. Yuna-Tenindewa Road, Mullewa, W.A. 4.00 -28.55558000000 115.25301000000 -9999.000 polymict diamictite, poorly sorted, sedimentology diamictite
MullewaUAV1 Map
0 05/19/2016 noon UAV pavement of matrix supported, polymict Permo-Triassic glacial diamictite with poorly sorted sub angular clasts. Yuna-Tenindewa Road, Mullewa, W.A. 50.00 -28.55554200000 115.25380300000 -9999.000 diamictite, sedimentology diamictite
Munjina1 Map
5 05/31/2016 noon 3D finely layered banded iron formation of the Wittenoom Formation exposed in outcrop east of Mount George, Karijini, W.A. 7.30 -22.45249000000 118.70341000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, Wittenoom Formation BIF
Munjina2 Map
5 05/31/2016 noon 3D open fold in finely layered banded iron formation of the Wittenoom Formation, East of Mount George, Karijini. W.A. 4.50 -22.41183000000 118.68569000000 -9999.000 Wittenoom Formation, banded iron formation, fold, structure, sedimentology BIF
MunjinaGiga1 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon GIGA 0.00 -22.41183000000 118.68569000000 -9999.000
MunjinaGiga2 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon GIGA 0.00 -22.41183000000 118.68569000000 -9999.000
Murchison1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Tightly folded quartz veins in mafic gneiss of the Yilgarn Craton. Carnarvon-Mullewa Road, Murchison WA. 6.00 -26.83411000000 115.94106000000 -9999.000 fold, gneiss gneiss
Murchison2 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight 3D tightly folded and finely layered, banded iron formation. Carnarvon-Mullewa Road, Murchison WA. 3.00 -26.83409000000 115.94122000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, fold, structure BIF
MyrtleBch1 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:19 a.m. 3D Basal Permian unconformity with steeply dipping silty sandstone of the Cambro-Silurian Wagonga Formation overlain by sandstone with large erratic clasts of the Permian Snapper Point Formation. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 8.00 -35.68271000000 150.29996000000 2.000 unconformity, structure sandstone, sandstone
MyrtleBch2 Map
1 06/17/2015 9:23 a.m. 3D Large (~6m) megaclast of folded Wagonga Group rocks within cliff of Permian Snapper Point Formation. Poor image due to limited vantage points. No scale. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 0.00 -35.68269000000 150.30045800000 -9999.000 megaclast, sedimentology sandstone
MyrtleBch3 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:30 a.m. 3D folds developed in fine grained metasediments of the Cambro-Silurian Wagonga Group. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 2.00 -35.68435000000 150.29822000000 0.000 folds, structure siltstone
MyrtleBch4 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:42 a.m. 3D detail of folds and faults in fine grained metasediments of the Cambro-Silurian Wagonga Group. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 1.00 -35.68481000000 150.29784000000 1.000 folds, faults, structure mudstone
MyrtleBchFSP1 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:44 a.m. FSP View of folded Cambro-Silurian metasediments of the Wagonga Group. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -35.68479000000 150.29781000000 0.000 folds, structure mudstone
MyrtleBchFSP2 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:45 a.m. FSP View of folded and faulted thinly bedded fine grained metasediments of the Cambro-Silurian Wagonga Group. Flat lying basal outcrops of the Sydney Basin are visible at the end of the beach to the north. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -35.68432000000 150.29828000000 0.000 folds, structure mudstone
MyrtleBchFSP3 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:46 a.m. FSP Basal Permian unconformity with steeply dipping metasediments of the Cambro-Silurian Wagonga Group overlain by flat-lying Permian sandstone and breccia of the Snapper Point Formation. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -35.68272000000 150.29979000000 1.000 unconformity, structure mudstone, sandstone
MyrtleBchFSP4 Map
5 06/17/2015 9:47 a.m. FSP Cliff of Basal Permian Snapper Point Formation sandstone with megabreccia blocks (to ~6m) of folded Lachlan Orogen metasediments. Myrtle Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -35.68269000000 150.30042000000 1.000 megabreccia, sedimentology sandstone
Nambucca1 Map
5 06/16/2015 4:56 p.m. 3D Multiply deformed 'phyllite' of the Permo-Carboniferous Nambucca Beds. Layering is defined by alternating mica-rich and quartz rich domains that are tectonic in origin. Nambucca, N.S.W. 5.00 -30.64660000000 153.01932000000 1.000 folds, transposition, cleavage, structure phyllite
Nambucca10 Map
5 06/16/2015 4:59 p.m. 3D 'phyllite' of the Permo-Carboniferous Nambucca Beds. Layering is defined by alternating mica-rich and quartz rich domains that are tectonic in origin. Prominent crenulation cleavage and development of microlithons. Nambucca, N.S.W. 2.00 -30.64865000000 153.01872000000 1.000 folds, crenulation cleavage, structure phyllite

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