
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
WTasFSP9 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP 360 degree view of coastal platform and exposure, showing the Heemskirk White Granite with very large tourmaline orbicules. Trial Harbour, West Tasmania. 50.00 -41.92305000000 145.15689000000 -9999.000 granite, tourmaline orbicule, igneous contact granite
WTasUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of the Iron Blow open pit at My Lyell with view of the Lyell Schist and Owen Group. Gormanston, West Tasmania. 0.00 -42.06835300000 145.59241300000 -9999.000 fault, contact, structure, Mount Lyell, Lyell Schist, Owen Group, conglomerate, Iron Blow Copper Mine schist, conglomerate
WTasUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Heemskirk Granite in contact with ultramafic suite at north end of Trial Harbour. Trial Harbour, West Tas. 50.00 -41.92522000000 145.16256400000 -9999.000 igneous contact, contact, Heemskirk Granite granite, ultramafic
WTasUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of jointed granite, with magmatic - hydrothermal alteration and veining. Trial Harbour, West Tasmania. 100.00 -41.92280300000 145.15734300000 -9999.000 granite, tourmaline orbicules, intrusive contact granite
WTasUAV4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of folds in sandstone and siltstone Silurian aged rocks. Duck Creek, west coast, Tasmania. 100.00 -41.76811000000 145.00443100000 -9999.000 fold, structure sandstone
WTasUAV5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of folds in sandstone and siltstone Silurian aged rocks with detail of small basin. Duck Creek, west coast, Tasmania. 20.00 -41.76892000000 145.00370700000 -9999.000 fold, basin, structure, multiple folds sandstone
WTasUAV6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight UAV faulted contact between the Eldon Group and Oonah Formation, with strong cleavage associated with fault zone cutting bedding. North of Duck Creek, west coast, Tasmania. 50.00 -41.76542300000 145.00094900000 -9999.000 fault, faulted contact, structure, Oonah Formation, Eldon Group, foliation, cleavage sandstone, sandstone
Yamba1 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:49 p.m. 3D cliff face of cross bedded sandstone of the Jurassic Gatton Sandstone. Yamba, N.S.W. 25.00 -29.43177000000 153.36409000000 5.000 cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Yamba2 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:49 p.m. 3D cross bedded sandstone units of the Jurassic Gatton Sandstone. Yamba, N.S.W. 3.00 -29.43242000000 153.36531000000 7.000 cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Yarrowyck1 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:50 p.m. 3D Yarrowick rock art site in granite of the Permo-Triassic Gwydir River Monzogranite. Mount Yarrowick, N.S.W. 3.00 -30.45472000000 151.37651000000 900.000 rock art granite
Yarrowyck2 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:51 p.m. 3D Detail of Yarrowick rock art site in granite of the Permo-Triassic Gwydir River Monzogranite. Mount Yarrowick, N.S.W. 0.50 -30.45472000000 151.37651000000 900.000 rock art granite
Yinnetharra1 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D L (LS) tectonised granodiorite with plagioclase augens and mineral banding. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne crossing, W.A. 1.00 -25.65487000000 116.16776000000 -9999.000 L fabric, gneiss, fold, sheared, structure granodiorite
Yinnetharra2 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D 3D exposure of L tectonic fabric in granodiorite gneiss. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne crossing, W.A. 0.60 -25.65475000000 116.16776000000 -9999.000 L tectonic fabric, granodiorite, gneiss, metamorphism gneiss
Yinnetharra3 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D en-echelon veins in L tectonite granite/granodiorite gneiss. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne crossing, W.A. 1.00 -24.65477000000 116.16772000000 -9999.000 en-echelon veins, L tectonite, granodiorite gneiss gneiss
Yinnetharra4 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D oblique view of L tectonite, showing highly stretched feldspar and quartz. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne crossing, W.A. 0.65 -24.65478000000 116.16774000000 -9999.000 mineral stretching, L tectonite, gneiss, metamorphic gneiss
Yinnetharra5 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D pavement of granodiorite with deformed 'L' tectonic fabric and highly stretched xenoliths. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne River crossing, W.A. 1.40 -24.65460000000 116.16716000000 -9999.000 L tectonic fabric, structure, granodiorite granodiorite
Yinnetharra6 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D L tectonic fabric exposed in 3 dimensions, showing stretching lineation. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne River crossing, W.A. 6.30 -24.65446000000 116.16731000000 -9999.000 L tectonic fabric, structure, stretching lineation granodiorite
Yinnetharra7 Map
5 05/27/2016 noon 3D L tectonite in 3D exposure with highly stretched fabric zone or xenolith. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road - Gascoyne River crossing, W.A. 1.50 -24.65472000000 116.16769000000 -9999.000 L tectonite, structure, xenolith, granodiorite granodiorite
YinnetharraUAV1 Map
20 05/27/2016 noon UAV aerial view of typical outcrop of rounded granitic tors. North of Thirty Three River, Cobra-Dairy Creek Road, W.A. 50.00 -24.51352090000 116.24685660000 -9999.000 granite, outcrop, granite tor granite
Yuraygir1 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:51 p.m. 3D Fault in low grade metasedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous Coramba Beds showing well developed fault drag on layers. Yuraygir, N.S.W. 2.00 -29.94744000000 153.25958000000 0.000 fault, fault drag, structure Mudstone
YuraygirFSP1 Map
5 06/16/2015 5:51 p.m. FSP View of steeply dipping metasedimentary units (sandstone and siltstone of the Carboniferous Coramba Beds. Yuraygir, N.S.W. 50.00 -29.94940000000 153.25934000000 0.000 bedding sandstone, siltstone

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