Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
LitchfieldFSP2 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | FSP | bedded conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, sandstone and lesser dolostone that has eroded from towers. Litchfield National Park, N.T. | 100.00 | -13.21681000000 | 130.73569000000 | -9999.000 | conglomerate, sandstone, sedimentology, tower | sandstone |
LitchfieldFSP3 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | FSP | cross bedding in sandstone towers at Lost City Rock Formations. Litchfield National Park, N.T. | 100.00 | -13.21704000000 | 130.73532000000 | -9999.000 | Litchfield National Park, cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology | sandstone |
Litchfield1 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | cross-bedding in conglomerate outcrop. Lost City Rock Formations, Litchfield National Park. N.T. | 4.00 | -13.21803000000 | 130.73550000000 | -9999.000 | cross bedding, conglomerate, Litchfield National Park | conglomerate |
LitchfieldFSP4 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | FSP | cross bedded conglomerate and dolostone towers at Lost City Rock Formations. Litchfield National Park, N.T. | 100.00 | -13.21803000000 | 130.73550000000 | -9999.000 | cross bedding, conglomerate, dolostone, sedimentology, Litchfield National Park | conglomerate |
Dorat4 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | red and white banded dolostone with stromatolite layers. Dorat Road, N.T. | 7.00 | -13.25603000000 | 131.11040000000 | -9999.000 | stromatolite, dolostone, fossil, palaeontology | dolostone |
Dorat5 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | macro of red and white banded dolostone. Dorat Road, N.T. | 0.25 | -13.25619000000 | 131.11055000000 | -9999.000 | dolostone, sedimentology | dolostone |
Dorat3 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | steeply dipping beds of micaceous sandstone, crosscut by quartz veins that have been offset by reverse faults. Dorat Road, N.T. | 12.00 | -13.46897000000 | 131.17831000000 | -9999.000 | steeply dipping, fault, structure, sandstone | sandstone |
Dorat1 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | lenticular bedding in interbedded wackestone and fragmented siltstone. Cracks in siltstone have infilled with wackestone. Strong oxidation. Dorat Road, N.T. | 0.40 | -13.53578000000 | 131.36366000000 | -9999.000 | wackestone, sedimentology, infilled mud cracks | wackestone |
PCFSP1 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 11:17 a.m. | FSP | view of surrounding landscape of Pine Creek Orogen, North West corner. Grove Hill Road, Stuart Highway, N.T. | 0.00 | -13.54029100000 | 131.53586900000 | 183.874 | Pine Creek Orogeny | metasediments |
Dorat2 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | shallowly dipping, very poorly sorted, thickly bedded granule to pebble bearing sandstone. Dorat Road, N.T. | 5.50 | -13.54148000000 | 131.24234000000 | -9999.000 | poorly sorted sandstone, shallow dipping | sandstone |
PCFSP2 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 11:58 a.m. | FSP | Pine Creek Orogen. View from dolerite / amphibolite hilltop. Grove Hill Road, Stuart Highway, N.T. | 0.00 | -13.57025000000 | 131.51901000000 | 216.621 | amphibolite, Pine Creek Orogen | amphibolite |
MtBonnie2 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | green and white banded to patchy alteration and red (hematite?) alteration near quartz veins. Quartz-filled cavity. Mount Bonnie gold field. Grove Hill road, off Stuart Highway, N.T. | 1.00 | -13.57035000000 | 131.51720000000 | -9999.000 | alteration, quartz stockwork veins | quartzite |
MtBonnie1 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | Fe-oxide stockwork veins in a metasomatised quartzite. Mount Bonnie gold field. Grove Hill road, off Stuart Highway, N.T. | 0.40 | -13.57147000000 | 131.51778000000 | -9999.000 | quartz stockwork vein, quartzite, gold field | quartzite |
PCFSP3 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 12:19 p.m. | FSP | Pine Creek Orogen. View from crest of open pit / old Au mine site. Grove Hill Road, Stuart Highway, N.T. | 0.00 | -13.57244700000 | 131.51831100000 | 209.668 | mine site, Pine Creek Orogen | metasediments, dolerite |
PC1 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 1 p.m. | 3D | Pine Creek Orogen. Granite outcrop with magnetite, K-feldspar. Creek off Grove Hill Road, Stuart Highway, N.T. | 1.00 | -13.59079900000 | 131.53095700000 | 169.097 | Pine Creek Orogen, granite | granite |
PCFSP4 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 12:48 p.m. | FSP | Pine Creek Orogen. Low-lying granite boulder field. Basalt hills to the north and flat-lying sandstone hills to the south. Creek off Grove Hill Road, Stuart Highway, N.T. | 0.00 | -13.59143200000 | 131.53143600000 | 168.098 | Pine Creek Orogen, granite, basalt, sandstone | granite |
PC2 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 1:42 p.m. | 3D | Pine Creek Orogen. Outcrop of coarse-grained (hornfelsed?) sandstone in road cutting. Stuart Highway, N.T. | 8.00 | -13.62569900000 | 131.54238800000 | 223.345 | sandstone, sedimentology | sandstone |
PineCreek1 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | 3D | road cutting, showing tight to open folds in thinly layered, white, brown and grey mudstone of the Mount Bonnie Formation. Kakadu Highway, N.T. | 10.00 | -13.65349000000 | 132.15392000000 | -9999.000 | tight fold, fold hinge, fold, structure, sheared limb | mudstone |
PineCreekUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | UAV | overview of road cutting, showing tight to open folds with sheared limbs in thinly banded mudstone. Kakadu Highway, N.T. | 25.00 | -13.65349000000 | 132.15392000000 | -9999.000 | sheared fold limb, fold, structure, mudstone | mudstone |
DouglasRiver1 Map |
0 | 06/23/2016 noon | 3D | graded beds of fossiliferous limestone with styolitic bands, crosscut by calcite veins. Moderately recrystallised. Fossils are possibly shell fragments and crinoid ossicles. Limestone mixed with iron-rich muds. Oolloo Road, near Douglas-Daly Tourist Park. | 1.50 | -13.80977000000 | 131.34131000000 | -9999.000 | fossiliferous, limestone, stylolite bands, sedimentology, fossil, palaeontology | limestone |
KathFSP1 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 5:41 p.m. | FSP | view from the side of Katherine Gorge, showing banded sandstones. Katherine Gorge, N.T. | 200.00 | -14.31134500000 | 132.42592800000 | 167.494 | sandstone, bedded, sedimentology, Katherine Gorge | sandstone |
Kath2 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 5:56 p.m. | 3D | outcrop of conglomerate / cobble bands in sandstone at the edge of the Katherine River. Katherine Gorge, N.T. | 5.00 | -14.31142700000 | 132.42550800000 | 135.243 | conglomerate, banding, sandstone, sedimentology | sandstone |
Kath3 Map |
5 | 01/01/9999 midnight | 3D | macro view of quartz and granite cobbles in sandstone matrix. Katherine Gorge, N.T. | 0.60 | -14.31142700000 | 132.42550800000 | 135.243 | conglomerate, sedimentology, Katherine Gorge | conglomerate |
Kath1 Map |
0 | 07/20/2016 5:18 p.m. | 3D | conglomerate of rounded boulders and cobbles in well-sorted sandstone matrix. Katherine Gorge, N.T. | 1.00 | -14.31279300000 | 132.42419500000 | 170.669 | conglomerate, sorting, sedimentology | conglomerate |
KatherineUAV2 Map |
0 | 06/22/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of karst towers in very thickly bedded limestone. N/W of Katherine township, N.T. | 14.00 | -14.40787000000 | 132.19470000000 | -9999.000 | karst landscape, limestone, weathering feature | limestone |
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