
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
HastingsPt3 Map
1 07/09/2015 4:28 p.m. 3D Overturned beds (writing on lens cap is upright) with grading and scours. Devonian-Carboniferous Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Hastings Point, QLD. 1.30 -28.33673000000 153.57729000000 -9999.000 overturned bedding, structure, sedimentology sandstone
HastingsPt5 Map
5 07/09/2015 4:31 p.m. 3D Fault cross cutting dipping metasedimentary layers of the Devonian-Carboniferous Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Hastings Point, QLD. 5.00 -28.36320000000 153.57991000000 1.000 fault, bedding, structure sandstone
Byron3 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:20 a.m. 3D folded and faulted low-grade, fine grained metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 6.00 -28.63475000000 153.63560000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
Byron2 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:19 a.m. 3D folded and faulted low-grade, fine grained metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 8.00 -28.63455000000 153.63579000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
Byron1 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:18 a.m. 3D folded and faulted fine grained, low grade metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 8.00 -28.63433000000 153.63599000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
LordHowe1 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D basalts intruded by dyke with altered contact aureole. Lord Howe Island. 4.50 -31.51223562000 159.04326309000 0.000 dyke, basalt, contact aureole basalt
LordHowe2 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D sub vertical dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 4.00 -31.51208767000 159.04361289000 0.000 dyke, basalt basalt
LordHowe4 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D dyke cross cutting basalt flows and scoria beds. Lord Howe Island. 2.00 -31.51417954000 159.04388484000 0.000 basalt, dyke, scoria basalt
LordHowe3 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D dykes intruding basalt package, crosscut by faulting. Lord Howe Island. 12.00 -31.51219080000 159.04403311000 0.000 fault, structure, dyke, basalt basalt
LordHowe10 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D basalts intruded by dykes. Lord Howe Island. 0.00 -31.52197862000 159.05226474000 0.000 dyke, intrusion basalt
LordHowe11 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D fine grained dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 4.00 -31.52093803000 159.05276210000 0.000 dyke, intrusion, basalt basalt
LordHowe9 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. 3D irregular dyke cross cutting basalt and scoria. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.52041332000 159.05301019000 0.000 basalt, dyke basalt
LordHowe14 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D flow banded edges in dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 2.00 -31.52042509000 159.05329047000 0.000 dyke, intrusion basalt
LordHowe12 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D block of welded? Scoria. Lord Howe Island. 1.00 -31.52021693000 159.05343760000 0.000 basalt
LordHowe13 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D welded scoria. Lord Howe Island. 0.00 -31.51990632000 159.05360757000 0.000 basalt
LordHowe15 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D weathered calcarenite. Lord Howe Island. 1.00 -31.52049204000 159.05723998000 0.000 calcarenite, sedimentology calcarenite
LordHowe16 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing high angle beds truncated by flat overlying layers. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.52292326000 159.05789234000 0.000 sedimentology, cross bedding sandstone
LordHowe8 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing multiple cross bedding layers. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.54793721000 159.07464631000 0.000 cross bedding, sedimentology sand
LordHowe7 Map
0 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing high-angle beds truncated by flat overlying layers. Lord Howe Island. 5.00 -31.54798706000 159.07471865000 -9999.000 sedimentology, cross bedding sand
LordHowe5 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D irregular dyke crosscutting basalt. Lord Howe Island. 2.50 -31.55435777000 159.09508447000 0.000 dyke, basalt, intrusive basalt
LordHowe6 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D basalt cut by multi-directional dyke swarm. Lord Howe Island. 12.00 -31.55469752000 159.09578331000 0.000 basalt, dyke, intrusive basalt

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