
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
MunjinaGiga1 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon GIGA 0.00 -22.41183000000 118.68569000000 -9999.000
MunjinaGiga2 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon GIGA 0.00 -22.41183000000 118.68569000000 -9999.000
TibrogargunUAV1 Map
0 04/18/2016 10:22 a.m. UAV location inferred from Google Earth 0.00 -26.92724900000 152.94669600000 -9999.000
BrachinaFSP11 Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP view of Bunyeroo Valley, Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 2000.00 -31.33223000000 138.58980000000 -9999.000
NambuccaGiga3 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight GIGA Nambucca, N.S.W. 0.00 -30.64876000000 153.01909000000 -9999.000
Weymouth2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail od silicified quartz lag at unconformity between Mathinna Supergroup sediments and Tertiary basalts. Weymouth, north-east Tasmania 0.00 -41.01236000000 147.14732000000 -9999.000 quartz lag, unconformity
Portcampbell1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view along south coast of Victoria, showing bedded sediments. Near Port Campbell, Vic. 1000.00 -38.64002770000 143.04897780000 -9999.000
Weymouth1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D unconformity between Ordovician Mathinna Supergroup and Tertiary Basalts with silicified quartz lag deposit at unconformity surface. Weymouth, north-east Tasmania 0.00 -41.01239000000 147.14732000000 -9999.000 un conformity, basalt
IndustryRd2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D close up of F2 parasitic folds and crenulated S1 fabric (folded bedding and S1). S1 oblique to bedding. 0.00 -41.13119000000 147.03804000000 -9999.000 parasitic fold, structure, crenulated cleavage, S1, F2 fold
CapeWickham7 Map
5 04/22/2016 12:08 p.m. 3D folded and deformed metasediments with crosscutting felsic dykelets. Cape Wickham, King Island. Tasmania. 2.00 -39.59224014000 143.92801576000 2.000 fold, deformation, structure, felsic dyke
CanberraGiga3 Map
1 06/17/2015 10:30 a.m. GIGA 0.00 -35.30408000000 149.12651000000 -9999.000
CanberraGiga1 Map
1 06/17/2015 10:27 a.m. GIGA 0.00 -35.30408000000 149.12651000000 -9999.000
NambuccaGiga2 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight GIGA Nambucca, N.S.W. 0.00 -30.64857000000 153.01886000000 -9999.000
MallacootaGiga1 Map
0 05/18/2015 2:01 p.m. GIGA location inferred from nearby images. Mallacoota, Vic. 0.00 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 -9999.000
WBunglesUAV1 Map
0 02/23/2016 12:25 p.m. UAV location inferred from google earth 0.00 -31.33049800000 148.99571900000 -9999.000
Weymouth3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D bedding and flat-lying S1 cleavage in Ordovician metasediments of the Mathinna Supergroup. Weymouth, north-east Tasmania 0.00 -41.01250000000 147.14734000000 -9999.000 Mathinna Supergroup, S1 cleavage, bedding
BoyaPole2 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
CapeWickham8 Map
5 04/22/2016 12:22 p.m. 3D view of bedded, quartzite dominant metasediments. Cape Wickham, King Island. Tasmania. 0.00 -39.59224515000 143.92791342000 0.500 metasediments
Boya5 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:26 a.m. PANO Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
PortcampbellFSP1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view along south coast of Victoria, showing bedded sediments. Near Port Campbell, Vic. 1000.00 -38.64003000000 143.04898000000 -9999.000
NambuccaGiga1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight GIGA Nambucca, N.S.W. 0.00 -30.64660000000 153.01932000000 -9999.000
CapeWickham6 Map
5 04/28/2016 9:10 a.m. 3D intrusive contact between sub vertically dipping metasediments of the Surprise Bay Formation and a dolerite dyke. Cape Wickham, King Island. Tasmania. 5.00 -39.59209477000 143.92795761000 5.000 dip, intrusive contact, contact, structure
MitchellGIGa1 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon GIGA Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.00 -14.56782000000 125.84389000000 -9999.000
IndustryRd1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D F2 parasitic folds and crenulated S1 fabric (folded bedding and S1). S1 oblique to bedding. 0.00 -41.13119000000 147.03804000000 -9999.000 parasitic fold, crenulated cleavage, S1 fabric, F2 fold, fold, structure
DixonRangeGIGa1 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon GIGA steep fault in metasediments. Dixon Range, north W.A. 0.00 -17.17853000000 128.24756000000 -9999.000

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