
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
BluestoneUAV5 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV detailed view of granite / granodiorite contact and UST textures. Bluestone Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania. 50.00 -42.10329300000 148.33594700000 8.800 UST, unidirectional solidification textures, intrusive contact, geological contact granodiorite, granite
BluestoneUAV6 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV detailed view of granite / granodiorite contact. Bluestone Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania. 42.40 -42.10340100000 148.33612800000 9.500 granite, granodiorite, intrusive contact granite, granodiorite
BluestoneUAV7 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV detailed aerial view of granite / granodiorite contact. Bluestone Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania. 57.00 -42.10328800000 148.33594000000 10.600 intrusive contact, igneous intrusion, Coles Bay Granite, Bluestone Bay Granodiorite granite, granodiorite
BluestoneUAV8 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV detailed aerial view of granite / granodiorite contact. Bluestone Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania. 78.00 -42.10331200000 148.33529300000 29.300 intrusive contact, Coles Bay Granite, Bluestone Bay Granodiorite granite, granodiorite
BoatHarbour1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fold hinge within Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 5.00 -40.92564000000 145.61450400000 6.000 quartzite, bedding, fold hinge, structure quartzite
BoatHarbour10 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fold hinge within Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 2.00 -40.92640600000 145.60971200000 1.000 quartzite, fold hinge quartzite
BoatHarbour2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fold hinge within Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 6.00 -40.92568400000 145.61462700000 5.000 quartzite, fold hinge, bedding, structure quartzite
BoatHarbour3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fold hinge within Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 8.00 -40.92556700000 145.61453900000 5.000 quartzite, bedding, fold hinge, structure quartzite
BoatHarbour4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Low angle cross bedding in Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 9.00 -40.92526000000 145.61367700000 5.000 quartzite, bedding, cross bedding, sedimentology quartzite
BoatHarbour5 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Cross bedded Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 5.00 -40.92525300000 145.61377100000 5.000 quartzite, cross bedding, sedimentology quartzite
BoatHarbour6 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Folded Rocky Cape Group siltstones and orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 4.00 -40.92629500000 145.60992700000 1.000 quartzite, bedding, folded, structure quartzite
BoatHarbour7 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Folded Rocky Cape Group quartzite and siltstone. Boat Harbour, Tas. 1.00 -40.92636100000 145.61004200000 1.000 quartzite, bedding, folded, structure quartzite, siltstone
BoatHarbour8 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Folded Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 1.00 -40.92640900000 145.60991100000 1.000 quartzite, bedding, folded, structure quartzite, siltstone
BoatHarbour9 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fold hinge within Rocky Cape Group Orthoquartzite. Boat Harbour, Tas. 3.00 -40.92637600000 145.60981500000 1.000 quartzite, fold hinge quartzite
BoatHarbourFSP1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP panorama view of boat harbour pink and grey folded quartzite. Boat harbour, Tasmania. 500.00 -40.92637000000 145.60981000000 5.000 quartzite, fold, structure quartzite
BoatHarbourFSP2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP panorama view of boat harbour pink and grey folded quartzite and metasediments. Boat harbour, Tasmania. 500.00 -40.92637600000 145.60981500000 5.000 quartzite, metasediment, fold, structure quartzite
Bombo1 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:35 a.m. 3D Basal contact between the Bumbo Latite and the underlying pyroclastic breccia. Bombo, N.S.W. 4.00 -34.65233000000 150.86296000000 1.000 basalt, latite, volcanics, breccia, pyroclastic, igneous latite, volcanic breccia
Bombo2 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:38 a.m. 3D basal contact of the Bumbo Latite with tuff/tuffaceous sandstone. Bombo, N.S.W. 10.00 -34.65277000000 150.86362000000 1.000 latite, volcanics, basalt, tuff, igneous latite, tuff
Bombo3 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:39 a.m. 3D detail of contact shown in bombo2 model between Permian Bumbo Latite and underlying tuffaceous sandstone showing clasts of vesicular basalt up to 0.25m. Bombo, N.S.W. 1.50 -34.65277000000 150.86362000000 3.000 latite, basalt, volcanics, tuff, igneous latite, tuff
Bombo4 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:40 a.m. 3D detail of irregular basal contact of the Permian Bumbo Latite with underlying volcanic breccia. Bombo, N.S.W. 5.00 -34.65303000000 150.86308000000 2.000 latite, volcanic breccia, volcanics, breccia, igneous latite, breccia
Bombo5 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:41 a.m. 3D volcanic breccia with irregular 'tubes' of lava between clasts. Bombo, N.S.W. 4.00 -34.65195000000 150.86299000000 2.000 volcanics, volcanic breccia, lava, igneous breccia
Bombo6 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:41 a.m. 3D detail of lava 'tubes' within enclosing volcanic breccia. Bombo, N.S.W. 1.50 -34.65195000000 150.86299000000 2.000 lava, latite, basalt, volcanic breccia, volcanics, igneous latite, Breccia
Bombo7 Map
5 07/08/2015 9:42 a.m. 3D Columnar jointed flow of Bombo Latite. Bombo, N.S.W. 10.00 -34.65206000000 150.86278000000 7.000 basalt, latite, volcanics, columnar joints, igneous latite
BomboFSP1 Map
5 08/25/2015 12:20 p.m. FSP View of the contact between the Bombo Latite and the underlying tuffaceous sandstones. Bombo, N.S.W. 50.00 -34.65257000000 150.86333000000 1.000 volcanology latite, sandstone
BomboFSP2 Map
5 08/25/2015 12:20 p.m. FSP View of the contact between the Bombo Latite and the underlying tuffaceous sandstones. Bombo, N.S.W. 50.00 -34.65273000000 150.86366000000 1.000 volcanology, sedimentology latite, sandstone

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