
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Boya1 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:26 a.m. 3D view of contact between granite and granitic? Gneiss. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 5.00 -31.91516117000 116.06258702000 -9999.000 contact, granite, gneiss, metamorphic granite, gneiss
Boya2 Map
10 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D view of quarry walls, showing weathering and jointing patterns in granite and gneiss. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 50.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000 quarry, granite, gneiss, Boya granite, gneiss
Boya3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of granite quarry walls, showing joint surfaces and blocky granite. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 10.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000 quarry, Boya, granite granite
Boya4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of dark mineral (manganese oxide?) coating joint surface on granite. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 2.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000 joint surface, granite, manganese oxide granite
Boya5 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:26 a.m. PANO Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
Boya7 Map
20 04/21/2015 3:22 p.m. 3D view of granite quarry walls, with joint surfaces and fault plane along one side. Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 20.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000 fault, structure, granite, Boya Quarry, joint surface granite, gneiss
BoyaPole1 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
BoyaPole2 Map
0 03/13/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D Boya quarry, Boya, Western Australia. 0.00 -31.91484580000 116.06239402000 -9999.000
Brachina1 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:35 p.m. 3D view of large cliff section of Brachina Gorge, showing moderately dipping, bedded sediments on the Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 250.00 -31.33686000000 138.54781000000 -9999.000 Bedding Siltstone
Brachina10 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:08 a.m. 3D surface solution features in Wilkawillina Limestone, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.40 -31.33686000000 138.54781000000 -9999.000 karst features limestone
Brachina11 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:23 a.m. 3D detail of Archaeocyatha bearing carbonates of the Wilkawillina Limestone, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.30 -31.33817000000 138.54636000000 -9999.000 Archaeocyatha, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina12 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:24 a.m. 3D detail of Archaeocyatha bearing carbonates of the Wilkawillina Limestone, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.50 -31.33817000000 138.54636000000 -9999.000 Archaeocyatha, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina13 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:25 a.m. 3D detail of Archaeocyatha in carbonate in Wilkawillina Limestone. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.20 -31.33800000000 138.54625000000 -9999.000 Archaeocyatha, limestone, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina15 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:25 a.m. 3D cliff exposure, showing large bedding / dip slope in red Bonney Formation. Brachina, S.A. 15.00 -31.33542000000 138.56320000000 -9999.000 bedding sandstone
Brachina16 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:26 a.m. 3D lumpy bedforms on bedding on surface of Bonney Sandstone, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.00 -31.33549000000 138.56331000000 -9999.000 bedforms, sedimentology sandstone
Brachina17 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:26 a.m. 3D large-scale crossbedding in Bonney Sandstone. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 5.00 -31.33482000000 138.56602000000 -9999.000 cross-bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Brachina18 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:27 a.m. 3D large exposure of the Wonoka Formations showing moderately dipping siltstone, sandstone and thin limestone beds. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 20.00 -31.33287000000 138.57057000000 -9999.000 bedding siltstone
Brachina19 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:27 a.m. 3D moderately dipping, fissile mudstone beds, with blocky (siltstone/sandstone?) boudins, cut by high angle fault. Location near Brachina Gorge road junction with Aroona Valley Road. S.A. 6.00 -31.32972000000 138.58800000000 -9999.000 bedding, fault, structure mudstone
Brachina2 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:36 p.m. 3D large outcrop of moderately to steeply dipping and folded Bonney Sandstone. Brachina Gorge road. S.A. 12.00 -31.33788000000 138.56290000000 -9999.000 folds, bedding sandstone
Brachina20 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:28 a.m. 3D view of ABC Range Quartzite, showing very gently dipping bedding and cross-beds. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 4.00 -31.33305000000 138.59460000000 -9999.000 bedding, quartzite, cross beds quartzite
Brachina21 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:23 a.m. 3D large cliff exposure, showing angular unconformity between gently dipping and openly folded Brachina Formation siltstone and overlying Quaternary lacustrine sediments. Brachina Gorge road. S.A. 20.00 -31.33818000000 138.60651000000 -9999.000 unconformity, sedimentology siltstone, silts
Brachina22 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:44 a.m. 3D detail of small sand channels in Brachina Formation, including cross-bedding in sandstone, Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 3.00 -31.33824000000 138.60661000000 -9999.000 cross-bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Brachina23 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:44 a.m. 3D Locality of the Golden Spike of the Ediacaran Period, showing the contact between diamictite of the Elatina Formation and the dolomite of the Nuccaleena Formation. Pictures also shows sampling holes. Trezona Loop walk, Brachina. S.A. 5.50 -31.33156000000 138.63342000000 -9999.000 Golden Spike, Ediacaran Period, Sedimentology diamictite, dolomite
Brachina24 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:45 a.m. 3D Locality of the Golden Spike of the Ediacaran Period, showing the contact between diamictite of the Elatina Formation and the dolomite of the Nuccaleena Formation. Pictures also shows sampling holes. Trezona Loop walk, Brachina. S.A. 0.15 -31.33156000000 138.63342000000 -9999.000 Golden Spike, Ediacaran Period, stratigraphy diamictite, dolomite
Brachina25 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:45 a.m. 3D detail of the diamictite of the Elatina Formation near Golden Spike locality, Brachina. S.A. 3.50 -31.33155000000 138.63344000000 -9999.000 diamictite, Golden Spike, Ediacaran Period diamictite

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