Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
0 | 07/29/2016 11:43 a.m. | UAV | aerial view of Henbury impact craters. Henbury Meteorites Conservation Reserve. N.T. | 200.00 | -24.57164500000 | 133.14883500000 | 460.694 | meteorite impact craters, Henbury, Meteorites | sediments |
IrwinRiverUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/19/2016 noon | UAV | overview of the gently dipping 'High Cliff' exposure. Permian unconformably overlain by Mesozoic, unconformably overlain by Quaternary sediments. Coal seam Conservation Park, Irwin River, W.A. | 50.00 | -28.94557300000 | 115.54818400000 | -9999.000 | Permian unconformity, High Cliff exposure | sandstone, ferricrete, siltstone |
KalbarriUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of small creek and waterfall in the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Hawks Head Lookout, Kalbarri National Park. W.A. | 200.00 | -27.79011200000 | 114.46939300000 | -9999.000 | Tumblagooda Sandstone, waterfall | sandstone |
KalbarriUAV2 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Murchison River gorge and sandstone cliffs at the 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. | 200.00 | -27.65389500000 | 114.45711900000 | -9999.000 | river gorge, cliff, Tumblagooda Sandstone | sandstone |
KalbarriUAV3 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Murchison River gorge and large outcrop, approximately 800m upstream from the 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. | 200.00 | -27.65967000000 | 114.45595500000 | -9999.000 | river gorge, sandstone | sandstone |
KalbarriUAV4 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | UAV | Cross bedded red sandstone in horizontal exposure. location at Red Bluff carpark, Kalbarri, W.A. | 20.00 | -27.74398000000 | 114.14342000000 | -9999.000 | cross bedding, Tumblagooda Sandstone | sandstone |
KalbarriUAV5 Map |
0 | 05/20/2016 noon | UAV | large overturned block with cross bedding and vertical burrows. Red Bluff, Kalbarri, W.A. | 20.00 | -27.74547600000 | 114.13947200000 | -9999.000 | sandstone, bioturbation | sandstone |
KalbarriUAV6 Map |
0 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | main cliff at Red Bluff, showing flat lying, thinly bedded or cross bedded sandstone of the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Kalbarri, W.A. | 28.00 | -27.74557200000 | 114.13969200000 | -9999.000 | Tumblagooda Sandstone, cross beds, sedimentology | sandstone |
KarijiniUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/29/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of confluence of Handcock and Weano gorges. Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. | 1000.00 | -22.36102700000 | 118.28921700000 | -9999.000 | gorge, Brockman Iron Formation, banded iron formation, sedimentology | BIF |
KarijiniUAV2 Map |
0 | 05/29/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of confluence of Handcock and Weano gorges. Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. | 1000.00 | -22.36123000000 | 118.28945000000 | -9999.000 | Banded Iron Formation, sedimentology, Brockman Iron Formation | BIF |
KarijiniUAV3 Map |
0 | 05/29/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Joffre Falls and Gorge, showing section through the Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. | 200.00 | -22.36123000000 | 118.28945000000 | -9999.000 | Joffre Gorge, Brockman Iron Formation, banded iron formation | BIF |
KatherineUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/22/2016 noon | UAV | view of finely laminated limestone in quarry wall. Katherine township, N.T. | 14.00 | -14.50562000000 | 132.33664000000 | -9999.000 | limestone, laminated beds | limestone |
KatherineUAV2 Map |
0 | 06/22/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of karst towers in very thickly bedded limestone. N/W of Katherine township, N.T. | 14.00 | -14.40787000000 | 132.19470000000 | -9999.000 | karst landscape, limestone, weathering feature | limestone |
KingstonUAV1 Map |
20 | 07/15/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Permian sandstone contact with Jurassic dolerite. Shore exposure south of Kingston Beach, Tas. | 100.00 | -42.98581000000 | 147.32770000000 | -9999.000 | Permian sandstone, Jurassic dolerite, intrusive contact | sandstone, dolerite |
MarbleBarUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/01/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of chert layers east of Coongan River. Marble Bar, W.A. | 50.00 | -21.18658320000 | 119.71182720000 | -9999.000 | layered chert, Marble Bar Chert Member | chert |
MarbleBarUAV2 Map |
0 | 06/01/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of grey homogenous chert, 'intruding / brecciating' moderately dipping layered chert. The Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. | 100.00 | -21.18658320000 | 119.71182720000 | -9999.000 | layered chert, Marble Bar Chert Member, brecciated | chert |
MarbleBarUAV3 Map |
0 | 06/01/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of contact between Marble Bar Chert Member and pillow basalt. The Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. | 25.00 | -21.18658320000 | 119.71182720000 | -9999.000 | geological contact, chert, pillow basalt | chert, basalt |
MarbleBarUAV4 Map |
0 | 06/01/2016 noon | UAV | high aerial view of The Marble Bar and surrounding geology, including the Apex basalt and Duffer Formation. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. | 100.00 | -21.18658320000 | 119.71182720000 | -9999.000 | geological contact, basalt, chert, conformable contact | chert, basalt, volcanics |
MtBlairUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/28/2016 noon | UAV | angular Ashburton-Capricorn unconformity, with open folds in the Ashburton rocks. Near Mount Blair on the Ashburton - Meekatharra Road, W.A. | 0.00 | -23.44284800000 | 117.13132500000 | -9999.000 | angular unconformity, Ashburton-Capricorn unconformity | siltstone, siltstone |
MullewaUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/19/2016 noon | UAV | pavement of matrix supported, polymict Permo-Triassic glacial diamictite with poorly sorted sub angular clasts. Yuna-Tenindewa Road, Mullewa, W.A. | 50.00 | -28.55554200000 | 115.25380300000 | -9999.000 | diamictite, sedimentology | diamictite |
0 | 07/27/2016 2:27 p.m. | UAV | large cliff with steeply dipping strata. N'Dala Gorge. Near Ross River, N.T. | 100.00 | -23.60624600000 | 134.49336300000 | 491.971 | sediments, dip, structure, fold | sediments |
PeronUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/23/2016 noon | UAV | flat lying, bedded sandstone cliff with overlaying aeolian sand containing rhizomes. Cape Peron, Shark Bay, W.A. | 10.00 | -25.51383800000 | 113.51588500000 | -9999.000 | red sandstone, root structures, soil concretions, unconformity | sandstone, sand |
PineCreekUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | UAV | overview of road cutting, showing tight to open folds with sheared limbs in thinly banded mudstone. Kakadu Highway, N.T. | 25.00 | -13.65349000000 | 132.15392000000 | -9999.000 | sheared fold limb, fold, structure, mudstone | mudstone |
PingandyUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/28/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of outcrop unconformity between the Edmund Basin and the Ashburton Formation. 'Tchintaby Ridge'. Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. | 100.00 | -23.98458850000 | 117.92190660000 | -9999.000 | unconformity | sandstone, sandstone |
PingandyUAV2 Map |
0 | 05/28/2016 noon | UAV | detailed aerial view of outcrop unconformity between the Edmund Basin and the Ashburton Formation. 'Tchintaby Ridge'. Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. | 50.00 | -23.98536700000 | 117.92202800000 | -9999.000 | Tchintaby Ridge unconformity, Ashburton Formation, Edmund Basin | sandstone, sandstone |
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