
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Purnululu3 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D series of cross-beds in dolomitic sandstone at the base of the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 8.00 -17.48252000000 128.38123000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, Purnululu National Park sandstone
Purnululu4 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D chert nodules (or lenses) in wavy, laminated carbonate. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 0.60 -17.40906000000 128.31898000000 -9999.000 chert nodules, carbonate, Bungle Bungles limestone
Purnululu5 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D fault contact between interbedded conglomerate and cross-bedded sandstone and overlying massive conglomerate. Quartz veins intruding along fault. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 0.00 -17.33442000000 128.38440000000 -9999.000 fault, quartz vein, structure, conglomerate, cross-beds, sandstone conglomerate
Purnululu6 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D clast supported conglomerate lense / paleo channel in sandstone. Conglomerate has rounded, to sub-rounded clasts. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 3.00 -17.33389000000 128.38441000000 -9999.000 sandstone, paleo channel, conglomerate sandstone
Purnululu7 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D calcite-cemented breccia in red (hematitic) and buff coloured dolostone. Steep grey quartz vein and small (cm scale) fault offsets. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 1.00 -17.40933000000 128.20367000000 -9999.000 dolostone, breccia dolostone
Purnululu8 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D detail of cm scale fault offsets in calcite-cemented breccia in red (hematitic) and buff coloured dolostone. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 0.40 -17.40933000000 128.20367000000 -9999.000 fault offset, dolostone, vein dolostone
Purnululu9 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon 3D layer of stromatolites within dolomitic rock. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 0.30 -17.40900000000 128.20374000000 -9999.000 calcite cement, stromatolite, fossil, sedimentology, dolostone dolostone
PurnululuFSP1 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP End of Cathedral Gorge track, showing view of sandstone cliffs. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.48218000000 128.37589000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, sandstone, weathering sandstone
PurnululuFSP10 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Echidna Chasm track, view from within chasm. Showing bedded cobble beds and coarse sandstones. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.32853400000 128.41690800000 -9999.000 sandstone, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, weathering conglomerate
PurnululuFSP11 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Echidna Chasm track, view from within chasm. Showing bedded cobble beds and coarse sandstones. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 50.00 -17.32853400000 128.41690800000 -9999.000 conglomerate, sandstone, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles conglomerate
PurnululuFSP12 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Echidna Chasm track, view from within chasm. Showing bedded cobble beds and coarse sandstones. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 50.00 -17.32853400000 128.41690800000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, conglomerate, weathering, The Bungle Bungles conglomerate
PurnululuFSP13 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Echidna Chasm track, view from within chasm. Showing bedded cobble beds and coarse sandstones. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.32853400000 128.41690800000 -9999.000 conglomerate, coarse-grained sandstone, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles conglomerate
PurnululuFSP14 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP aerial view of the start of the Echidna Chasm trail, showing cliff of Glass Hill Sandstone. Osmand Range Lookout, Purnululu National Park, W.A. 1000.00 -17.32185000000 128.41403000000 -9999.000 The Bungle Bungles, Sandstone, sedimentology, Purnululu National Park sandstone
PurnululuFSP15 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP calcite-cemented breccia in red (hematitic) and buff coloured dolostone. Knife-edge ridge, Purnululu National Park, W.A. 3000.00 -17.40892000000 128.20384000000 -9999.000 dolostone, breccia, structure, sedimentology dolostone
PurnululuFSP16 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP finely banded red (hematitic) and buff coloured dolostone of knife-edge ridge, Purnululu National Park, W.A. 3000.00 -17.40900000000 128.20374000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, dolostone, sedimentology dolostone
PurnululuFSP2 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP End of Cathedral Gorge track, showing view of gorge and cliffs from under overhang. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.48218000000 128.37589000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles sandstone
PurnululuFSP3 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Cathedral Gorge, showing view of gorge and cliffs from under overhang. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.48218000000 128.37589000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, sandstone sandstone
PurnululuFSP4 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Cathedral Gorge track at pot holes. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.48218000000 128.37589000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, pot holes sandstone
PurnululuFSP5 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Piccaninny Creek bed, with view of bedded sandstones in 'Beehive' weathering structures. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 100.00 -17.48113000000 128.38275000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, Beehive, weathering sandstone
PurnululuFSP6 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Piccaninny Creek bed, with view of bedded sandstones in 'Beehive' weathering structures. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 300.00 -17.48041000000 128.38127000000 -9999.000 Beehive, weathering structures, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles sandstone
PurnululuFSP7 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Piccaninny Creek bed, with view of bedded sandstones in 'Beehive' weathering structures. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 200.00 -17.48109000000 128.38074000000 -9999.000 Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles, Beehive, weathering sandstone
PurnululuFSP8 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP Piccaninny Creek, showing pot hole weathering in sandstone. Purnululu National Park. W.A. 200.00 -17.48235000000 128.38110000000 -9999.000 pot hole, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles sandstone
PurnululuFSP9 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP view of 'The Bungle Bungles' sandstone escarpment from small carbonate ridge. Faults crosscutting thinly bedded carbonate rocks in foreground. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 2000.00 -17.40924000000 128.31894000000 -9999.000 sedimentology, fault, Purnululu National Park, The Bungle Bungles limestone
PurnululuUAV1 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.48400500000 128.38151400000 -9999.000 Bee Hive, Bungle Bungles, weathering formation, sandstone sandstone
PurnululuUAV2 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.48472000000 128.37810600000 -9999.000 weathering feature, Bungle Bungles, Purnululu sandstone

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