
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
PtMacquarie12 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Ultramafic blocks in a matrix of totally serpentinised ultramafic material within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 5.00 -31.43662000000 152.92607000000 1.000 melange, ultramafic, igneous, structure melange
PtMacquarie13 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Ultramafic blocks in a matrix of totally serpentinised ultramafic material within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 6.00 -31.43652000000 152.92586000000 0.000 melange, ultramafic, igneous, structure melange
PtMacquarie14 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Exotic blocks of gneiss in serpentinite melange within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 1.50 -31.43690000000 152.92567000000 1.000 melange, exotic block melange
PtMacquarie15 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detailed view of exotic block of gneiss within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 1.00 -31.43690000000 152.92567000000 1.000 melange, exotic blocks melange
PtMacquarie16 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of highly deformed metasedimentary block within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 0.50 -31.43711000000 152.92551000000 1.000 veins, structure quartzite
PtMacquarie17 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Large exotic block of folded eclogite within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 2.00 -31.43724000000 152.92532000000 1.000 eclogite, exotic block eclogite
PtMacquarie18 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of deformation within an eclogite exotic block within the Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 1.00 -31.43724000000 152.92532000000 1.000 eclogite, fold, structure eclogite
PtMacquarie19 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of garnets in an exotic eclogite block from within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 0.30 -31.43724000000 152.92532000000 1.000 eclogite, exotic block, garnet, structure eclogite
PtMacquarie2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Fault cutting bedded chert within the Port Macquarie Melange 8.00 -31.43015000000 152.92377000000 1.000 fault, structure chert
PtMacquarie20 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D fault breccia in a chert block within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 1.00 -31.46360000000 152.93472000000 1.000 fault breccia, structure chert
PtMacquarie21 Map
1 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Contact between a basaltic dyke and folded chert within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 2.00 -31.46372000000 152.93477000000 -9999.000 dyke, structure, folds, igneous dolerite, chert
PtMacquarie22 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Irregular contacts between chert and basalt within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 3.00 -31.46402000000 152.93472000000 1.000 fault, structure, igneous basalt, chert
PtMacquarie23 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D pyritic gossan within chert and altered basalt in the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 5.00 -31.46482000000 152.93486000000 1.000 gossan gossan
PtMacquarie24 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Block of folded and faulted chert in the Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 3.00 -31.46487000000 152.93478000000 1.000 folds, faults, melange, structure chert
PtMacquarie25 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detailed view of deformation in a chert block within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 0.80 -31.46487000000 152.93478000000 1.000 folds, faults, structure chert
PtMacquarie26 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Basalt? fragments in chert within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 1.50 -31.46492000000 152.93463000000 1.000 melange chert, basalt
PtMacquarie27 Map
1 01/01/9999 midnight 3D boulder of folded and faulted chert within the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 2.00 -31.46494000000 152.93452000000 -9999.000 folds, fault, structure chert
PtMacquarie3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Highly sheared and blocky serpentinite in the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 7.00 -31.43026000000 152.92297000000 1.000 shearing, melange, structure serpentinite
PtMacquarie4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of textures within serpentinite melange of the Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 2.00 -31.43026000000 152.92297000000 1.000 melange, structure, serpentinite serpentinite
PtMacquarie5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of serpentinite melange with blocks of serpentinised ultramafic rock in a sheared matrix of serpentine. Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 2.00 -31.43026000000 152.92297000000 1.000 melange, igneous, structure, ultramafic melange
PtMacquarie6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Melange consisting of variably serpentinised ultramafic rocks in a serpentine matrix. Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 2.00 -31.43003000000 152.92261000000 0.000 melange, structure, igneous, ultramafic melange
PtMacquarie7 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Contact between 'plagio-granite' and basalt. Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 3.00 -31.42991000000 152.92242000000 0.000 melange, structure, igneous melange, basalt
PtMacquarie8 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Detail of relatively unaltered 'plagio granite' material within the Port Macquarie Serpentinite 0.50 -31.42991000000 152.92242000000 0.000 plagiogranite, melange plagiogranite
PtMacquarie9 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Melange consisting of mafic and ultramafic blocks in a matrix of serpentine minerals. Cambrian Port Macquarie Serpentinite 3.00 -31.42997000000 152.92223000000 0.000 melange, structure, igneous melange
PtMacquarieFSP1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP View of outcrops of the Port Macquarie Serpentinite melange 50.00 -31.42976000000 152.92155000000 0.000 melange melange

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