
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Trial12 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D detail of UST at contact between granite phases showing downward projecting quartz laminations. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.50 -41.92319000000 145.15849000000 -9999.000 UST textures, granite, granite phases, intrusive contact granite, granite
Trial13 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D view containing site Trial12,, showing multiple thin UST layers in Aplite and underlying 'white' granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.10 -41.92319000000 145.15849000000 -9999.000 aplite, UST texture, granite, granite phases, intrusive contact granite, granite
Trial14 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D tourmaline pod with quartz selvage in the 'White' Heemskirk Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.60 -41.92317000000 145.15840000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, White Heemskirk Granite granite
Trial15 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D Tourmaline orbicules in 'White Granite' Heemskirk Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.40 -41.92277000000 145.15704000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, orbicules, Heemskirk Granite, white granite granite
Trial16 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D Overview of large outcrop with tourmaline orbicules in 'White Granite'. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 12.00 -41.92281000000 145.15704000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, orbicules, Heemskirk Granite, White Granite granite
Trial17 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D detail of tourmaline orbicules in 'white' Heemskirk Granite from site Trail16. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 7.00 -41.92281000000 145.15704000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, orbicules, Heemskirk Granite, White Granite granite
Trial18 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D late stage quartz-tourmaline veins cross-cutting tourmaline orbicules. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.40 -41.92270000000 145.15706000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, orbicules, vein granite
Trial19 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D large miarolitic cavity with quartz-tourmaline and overlying tourmaline orbicules. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.50 -41.92274000000 145.15712000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, orbicules, Heemskirk White Granite granite
Trial2 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D magnetite skarn in Cambrian mafic / ultramafic rocks. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 4.00 -41.92661000000 145.16815000000 -9999.000 magnetite skarn ultramafic
Trial20 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D contact between the orbicule-rich layer and overlying aplite with thin UST layers. White Heemskirk Granite, Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 2.20 -41.92289000000 145.15678000000 -9999.000 tourmaline orbicules, aplite, UST texture, White Heemskirk Granite granite
Trial21 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D detail of quartz-feldspar UST textures at the top of orbicule layer in the Heemskirk White Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.35 -41.92299000000 145.15694000000 -9999.000 tourmaline orbicule, Heemskirk White Granite, UST texture granite
Trial21a Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of quartz-feldspar UST textures at the top of orbicule layer in the Heemskirk White Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.30 -41.92299000000 145.15694000000 -9999.000 UST texture, tourmaline orbicule, Heemskirk White Granite granite
Trial22 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D UST texture with quartz crystal terminations in Heamskirk White Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.90 -41.92299000000 145.15704000000 -9999.000 UST texture, crystal terminations granite
Trial23 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D UST with large pyramidal quartz projecting inward and downward. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.00 -41.92304000000 145.15709000000 -9999.000 UST texture, Heemskirk White Granite, crystal terminations granite
Trial24 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D recessive pegmatite pod at contact between orbicule-rich granite and fine-grained, biotite-rich granite. Heemskirk White Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.00 -41.92280000000 145.15691000000 -9999.000 tourmaline orbicule, Heemskirk White Granite, pegmatite granite
Trial3 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D metasomatised mafic / ultramafic Cambrian rocks cut by diopside / magnetite and magnetite / carbonate veins. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.40 -41.92595000000 145.16595000000 -9999.000 diopside, metasomatised ultramafic
Trial4 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D detail of diopside / magnetite and magnetite / carbonate veins from site Trial3. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.40 -41.92595000000 145.16595000000 -9999.000 diopside vein, vein, ultramafic ultramafic
Trial5 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D fault with carbonate / magnetite vein in Cambrian metasomatised ultramafic rocks. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 4.00 -41.92599000000 145.16605000000 -9999.000 Trial Harbour Ultramafic Complex, fault, metasomatism ultramafic
Trial6 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D black skarn crossing serpentinised ultramafic rocks of the Trial Harbour Ultramafic Complex. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 4.80 -41.92590000000 145.16600000000 -9999.000 skarn, Trial Harbour Ultramafic Complex ultramafic
Trial7 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D contact between ultramafic rocks and the 'red' Heemskirk Granite, with irregular partially resorbed xenoliths of ultramafic rock. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 6.00 -41.92491000000 145.16226000000 -9999.000 geological contact, resorbed xenoliths, Heemskirk Granite ultramafic, granite
Trial8 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D detail of partially assimilated xenoliths in Red Heemskirk Granite. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 1.40 -41.92491000000 145.16226000000 -9999.000 xenolith, Heemskirk Granite granite
Trial9 Map
0 08/11/2016 noon 3D view of main Devonian granite contact with Cambrian ultramafic complex. Trial Harbour, West Coast Tas. 0.00 -41.92490000000 145.16165000000 -9999.000 geological contact, Heemskirk Red Granite granite, serpentinite
Trigelow1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. 3D gently plunging, open folds in psammite / quartzite, Point Ann, W.A. 1.50 -34.19865000000 119.55386000000 -9999.000 gently plunging fold, open fold, metasediments, structure quartzite
Trigelow2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. 3D gently plunging, open to tight folds in psammite / quartzite. Point Ann, W.A. 0.60 -34.19875000000 119.55394000000 -9999.000 fold plunge, fold, quartzite quartzite
Tumby1 Map
0 10/20/2015 3:21 p.m. 3D graphric metagranite in pegmatite. Trinity Haven Road, Tumby. 0.40 -34.45424000000 136.11513000000 -9999.000 pegmatite, metagranite gneiss

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