
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
5 07/22/2016 2:50 p.m. 3D cross cutting beds in sandstone outcrop. Near Kurangi Station. N.T. 1.50 -20.49633000000 134.68023300000 395.700 sandstone, cross bedding sandstone
0 07/22/2016 3:07 p.m. 3D bedded and foliated conglomerate sandstone contact. Conglomerate is polymict. Possibly volcaniclastic. Near Kurangi Station. N.T. 2.50 -20.45934000000 134.69343700000 388.577 bedding, foliation, structure, conglomerate, sedimentology conglomerate
0 07/22/2016 9:14 a.m. 3D cross bedded sandstone outcrop. Davenport Provence. Near Irmweng rock hole. N.T. 0.60 -20.61427300000 134.79338300000 422.351 cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
0 07/23/2016 10:07 a.m. 3D foliated volcaniclastic units, with hematite alteration. Davenport Provence. Near Irmweng rock hole. N.T. 4.00 -20.47535800000 134.79593000000 404.434 volcaniclastics, foliation, structure volcaniclastic
0 07/23/2016 10:57 a.m. 3D ripple marks in sandstone float in creek bed. North East of Kurangi Station. N.T. 0.40 -20.47732400000 134.68434500000 391.831 ripple marks, sedimentology, bedding plane, sandstone sandstone
5 07/23/2016 12:52 p.m. 3D outcrop of Epenarra Volcanics, SW of Kurangi Station. N.T. 1.00 -20.52780400000 134.65386000000 423.653 volcanics basalt
0 07/22/2016 5:20 p.m. FSP view of Irmweng rock hole, showing bedded quartzite outcrops. South of Whistle Duck Creek. N.T. 2000.00 -20.65046400000 134.77071400000 445.115 bedding, quartzite, metamorphic quartzite
0 07/23/2016 11:37 a.m. FSP sandstone hills North East of Kurangi Station. N.T. 0.00 -20.48105800000 134.69117400000 418.975 sandstone
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view of basalt outcrop in foreground and sandstone hills in distance. Near 0.00 -20.52780400000 134.65386000000 -9999.000 basalt
DeepBay1 Map
0 02/29/2016 9:28 a.m. 3D Permian fossils in Deep Bay Formation, including bryozoa and brachiopods. Ables Bay Road, Tasmania. 0.30 -43.21928000000 147.09190000000 -9999.000 fossil, brachiopod, bryozoa, palaeontology siltstone
DeepBay2 Map
0 02/29/2016 9:29 a.m. 3D brachiopod Permian fossils in Deep Bay Formation. Ables Bay Road, Tasmania. 0.15 -43.21928000000 147.09190000000 -9999.000 fossil, brachiopods, palaeontology siltstone
DeepBay3 Map
0 02/29/2016 9:31 a.m. 3D Permian fossils in Deep Bay Formation, including bryozoa and brachiopods. Ables Bay Road, Tasmania. 0.20 -43.21928000000 147.09190000000 -9999.000 fossil, bryozoa, brachiopods, palaeontology siltstone
Denham1 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon 3D detail of shells and texture within the Pleistocene to Holocene Denham limestone. Shark Bay, W.A. 0.40 -26.19567000000 113.72114000000 -9999.000 limey sand, Fragum erugatum, fossil, palaeontology limestone
DevmFSP1 Map
5 07/22/2016 12:52 p.m. FSP view of Devils Marbles granite outcrop. Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve. N.T. 0.00 -20.55961100000 134.26470100000 412.342 Devils Marbles, granite, weathering granite
DevmUAV1 Map
5 07/22/2016 12:22 p.m. UAV aerial view of Devil's Marbles granite outcrop. Karlu Karlu / Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve. N.T. 50.00 -20.55873500000 134.26646600000 410.176 Devils Marbles, granite, weathering granite
DianasBasinUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of steeply dipping Mathinna Supergroup turbidite package. St Helens, Tasmania. 77.40 -41.36620600000 148.30181600000 100.000 turbidite, steep dip, dip turbidite
DixonRange1 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon 3D schist with small mafic dykes and quartz veins with tight folds. Road to Dixon Range, W.A. 1.00 -17.17853000000 128.24756000000 -9999.000 schist, tight fold, structure, mafic dyke schist
DixonRange10 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D interlayered marble and calc-silicate, showing two generations of folding. Folds are tight to isoclinal. Hill above road to Dixon Range. North W.A. 1.00 -17.22547000000 128.25275000000 -9999.000 fold calc-silicate, marble, isoclinal fold, metamorphic, structure calc-silicate
DixonRange11 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D folded calc-silicate and marble outcrop. Hill above road to Dixon Range, north W.A. 120.00 -17.22520000000 128.25299000000 -9999.000 calc-silicate, marble, metamorphic, structure calc-silicate
DixonRange12 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D steeply dipping carbonates near road to Dixon Range, North W.A. 2.50 -17.19787000000 128.24109000000 -9999.000 carbonate, metamorphics, dip carbonate
DixonRange13 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D tightly folded carbonate float near road to Dixon Range, North W.A. 0.35 -17.19787000000 128.24109000000 -9999.000 fold, structure, carbonate carbonate
DixonRange14 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D low-lying amphibolite outcrop with apparent cleavage parallel to adjacent road. Road to Dixon Range, North W.A. 0.90 -17.19775000000 128.24126000000 -9999.000 amphibolite, apparent cleavage, metamorphics amphibolite
DixonRange15 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D biotite schist with layers of coarse-grained quartz and biotite. Dixon Range road, W.A. 3.00 -17.17705000000 128.24669000000 -9999.000 biotite schist, metamorphic, structure schist
DixonRange16 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D foliated granite. Dixon Range road, W.A. 2.50 -17.14565000000 128.26024000000 -9999.000 foliation, granite, structure granite
DixonRange2 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon 3D medium-grained red granite. Dixon Range road. Dixon Range, W.A. 2.50 -17.21555500000 128.23648000000 -9999.000 granite granite

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