
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
OlaryFSP1 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from Cathedral Rock, showing green (Amphibole?) veins and pegmatite dyke cross cutting metasediments. Olary. S.A. 2000.00 -32.09031000000 140.31964000000 -9999.000 mineral vein, pegmatite dyke, metasediments, structure metasediments, pegmatite
OlaryFSP10 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from hill top over surrounding countryside, showing steeply dipping metasediment beds in the foreground . Olary, S.A. 2000.00 -32.17412000000 140.00279000000 -9999.000 bedding, structure, dip, metasediments metasediments
OlaryFSP11 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from hill top over surrounding landscape. Olary, S.A. 2000.00 -32.17503000000 139.99957000000 -9999.000 metasediments metasediments
OlaryFSP9 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view inside creek bed of finely bedded, steeply dipping and folded metasediments. Weearoo. Olary, S.A. 100.00 -32.17100000000 139.98495000000 -9999.000 fold, structure, metasediment metasediment
Karijini24 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D 3D view of disk-shaped concretions or weathering feature in banded iron formation. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.60 -22.47736000000 118.55669000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, concretion, weathering feature BIF
Karijini25 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D 3D view of disk-shaped concretions or weathering feature in banded iron formation. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.20 -22.47762000000 118.55690000000 -9999.000 concretion, weathering feature, banded iron formation, sedimentology BIF
Cobra3 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D 3D view of outcrop of sub-vertical bedding with micro folds, cleavage and lineations on cleavage surface. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 1.00 -24.20044000000 116.44952000000 -9999.000 cleavage, lineation, structure, fold siltstone
OlaryFSP8 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view of steeply dipping and folded metasediments, including reclined folding at the base of a waterfall. Weekaroo. Olary, S.A. 100.00 -32.17093000000 139.98509000000 -9999.000 reclined fold, structure, metamorphic pelite
OlaryFSP7 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view of steeply dipping and folded metasediments within creek bed and creek sides. Weekaroo, Orlay. S.A. 200.00 -32.17091000000 139.98482000000 -9999.000 dip, structure, fold, metasediment pelite
Bicheno18 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:03 a.m. 3D 3m xenolith containing bt-tourmaline clots and within coarse grained porphyritic Bicheno Granite of the Boobyalla Suite. Assimilation of the xenolith into the melt is evident around the edges. Tas. 4.00 -41.88074253000 148.30846867000 1.000 granite, igneous, xenolith, assimilation Granite
SplitpointFSP13 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:05 a.m. FSP 4m doline within flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46674000000 144.10675000000 1.000 limestone, doline, sedimentology limestone
DaisyBanksPit10 Map
20 03/23/2015 11:20 a.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into Cenozoic soil and clays overlying (inferred) Jurassic Dolerite. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73042400000 147.42464400000 -9999.000 Jurassic Dolerite, Clay, Alluvial, regolith Clay
DaisyBanksPit9 Map
20 03/17/2015 12:49 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying late Cenozoic alluvial terrace deposits. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.72983600000 147.42554400000 -9999.000 clay, alluvial, regolith Clay
DaisyBanksPit8 Map
20 03/17/2015 2:03 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying Paleogene-Neogene silicified rock. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73246200000 147.42641700000 -9999.000 clay, alluvial, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit6 Map
20 03/17/2015 1:54 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying Quaternary alluvial and marsh deposits of modern flood plains; of gravel, sand, silt and clay. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73310300000 147.43077000000 -9999.000 clay, alluvial, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit4 Map
20 03/17/2015 1:45 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying Quaternary alluvial and marsh deposits of modern flood plains; of gravel, sand, silt and clay. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73176200000 147.42817100000 -9999.000 Clay, alluvium, regolith Clay
DaisyBanksPit3 Map
20 03/17/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying Quaternary alluvial and marsh deposits of modern flood plains; of gravel, sand, silt and clay. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73071600000 147.42842100000 -9999.000 clay, alluvium, regolith Clay
DaisyBanksPit2 Map
20 03/17/2015 1:33 p.m. 3D ~80cm deep pit into soil and clays overlying quaternary alluvial deposits. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73141700000 147.43138200000 -9999.000 clay, alluvium, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit15 Map
20 03/24/2015 9:47 a.m. 3D ~80cm pit into dark grey sandy soils and white-brown sandy clay overlying Jurassic Dolerite. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73051200000 147.42269000000 -9999.000 Clay, Jurassic Dolerite, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit14 Map
20 03/24/2015 10:06 a.m. 3D ~80cm pit into dark grey sandy soils and white-brown sandy clay overlying Jurassic Dolerite. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73006300000 147.42246700000 -9999.000 Clay, Jurassic Dolerite, regolith Clay
DaisyBanksPit13 Map
20 03/23/2015 12:07 p.m. 3D ~80cm pit into dark grey sandy soils and white-brown sandy clay overlying Jurassic Dolerite. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.72961200000 147.42258600000 -9999.000 clay, Jurassic Dolerite, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit12 Map
20 03/23/2015 12:11 p.m. 3D ~80cm pit into dark grey sandy soils and white-brown sandy clay overlying Jurassic Dolerite. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.72939600000 147.42269500000 -9999.000 clay, Jurassic Dolerite, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit11 Map
20 03/23/2015 11:25 a.m. 3D ~80cm pit into dark grey sandy soils and white-brown sandy clay overlying Triassic interbedded micaceous brown, red-purple, green and grey carbonaceous siltstone, shale, mudstone and sandstone. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.72936200000 147.42457600000 -9999.000 clay, regolith clay
DaisyBanksPit5 Map
20 03/17/2015 1:50 p.m. 3D ~80cm wide pit into recent sediments overlying Quaternary alluvial and marsh deposits of modern flood plains; of gravel, sand, silt and clay. Richmond, Tas. 2.00 -42.73253700000 147.42790800000 -9999.000 palaeochannel, alluvial, regolith Gravel
BellinghamUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV a 20m above the ground aerial overview of parasitic folds in the folded turbidites of the Retreat Formation. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 200.00 -41.00787100000 147.16577100000 20.000 turbidite, fold, parasitic fold, structure turbidite

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