
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Brachina26 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:46 a.m. 3D small pavement outcrop of Elatina Formation diamictite ~25m from the Golden Spike, Brachina. S.A. 1.00 -31.33142000000 138.63353000000 -9999.000 diamictite, Golden Spike, Ediacaran Period diamictite
Brachina27 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:47 a.m. 3D Stromatolites in Terzona Formation, Brachina. S.A. 4.50 -31.32737000000 138.64305000000 -9999.000 stromatolites, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina28 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:48 a.m. 3D moderately dipping, interbedded carbonate and clastic units of the Trezona Formation with stromatolite layers. Brachina. S.A. 10.00 -31.32911000000 138.64586000000 -9999.000 Stromatolite, stratigraphy, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina29 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:49 a.m. 3D Sloping pavement of large stromatolites shown in 3D from the outcrop. Brachina, S.A. 6.00 -31.32907000000 138.64580000000 -9999.000 stromatolites, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil carbonate
Brachina3 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:37 p.m. 3D planer cross beds in Bonney sandstone with a clear quartzite layer. Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 3.00 -31.33807000000 138.56323000000 -9999.000 cross beds, sedimentary structure sandstone
Brachina30 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:51 a.m. 3D detail of stromatolites in outcrop, showing stromatolites in 3D. Brachina. S.A. 1.00 -31.32907000000 138.64580000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil carbonate
Brachina31 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:52 a.m. 3D detail of stromatolites in outcrop, showing stromatolites in 3D. Brachina. S.A. 0.20 -31.32907000000 138.64580000000 -9999.000 stromatolites, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina32 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:55 a.m. 3D stromatolite layer in Trezona Formation, Brachina. S.A. 1.00 -31.33268000000 138.64149000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina33 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:56 a.m. 3D soft sediment deformation in carbonate muds of the Trezona Formation. Brachina. S.A. 0.50 -31.33279000000 138.64195000000 -9999.000 soft sediment deformation, sedimentology mudstone
Brachina34 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:57 a.m. 3D ripple marked pavements in fine sandstone in the Trezone Formation. Brachina. S.A. 4.00 -31.33290000000 138.64241000000 -9999.000 ripple marks, sedimentology sandstone
Brachina35 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:57 a.m. 3D stromatolites in cross-section with mudstone drape. Trezona Formation, Brachina. S.A. 1.00 -31.33127000000 138.63866000000 -9999.000 stromatolites, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil limestone
Brachina36 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:58 a.m. 3D Enorama Shale overlain by recent gravels and talus. Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 10.00 -31.32947000000 138.67363000000 -9999.000 shale, sedimentology shale, gravel
Brachina37 Map
5 11/17/2015 9:59 a.m. 3D breccia hosting vein in Enorama Shale, Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 0.50 -31.32947000000 138.67351000000 -9999.000 breccia, shale shale
Brachina4 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:39 p.m. 3D ripple marks in red sandstone, Brachina Gorge road. S.A. 0.20 -31.33838000000 138.56355000000 -9999.000 ripple marks, sedimentary structure sandstone
Brachina5 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:39 p.m. 3D normal fault offsetting prominent beds in Bonney sandstone. Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 10.00 -31.33797000000 138.56313000000 -9999.000 normal fault, structure sandstone
Brachina6 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:40 p.m. 3D Ripple marks in Rawnsley Quartzite, Brachina Waterhole. S.A. 0.30 -31.34421000000 138.55521000000 -9999.000 ripple marks, sedimentology quartzite
Brachina7 Map
5 11/13/2015 2:47 p.m. 3D low angle shear cutting moderately dipping, finely bedded Rawnsley Quartzite. Brachina, S.A. 3.50 -31.34423000000 138.55230000000 -9999.000 shear, structure quartzite
Brachina8 Map
5 11/16/2015 3:08 p.m. 3D outcrop showing beds of the Parachilna Formation: sandstone and siltstone beds cut by a small fault. Brachina, S.A. 6.00 -31.34011000000 138.55225000000 -9999.000 fault, structure, sedimentology siltstone
Brachina9 Map
5 11/17/2015 8:08 a.m. 3D Detailed view of worm burrows (Diplocraterion?) in Parachilna Formation, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.20 -31.34011000000 138.55225000000 -9999.000 worm burrows, sedimentology, bioturbation, palaeontology siltstone
BrachinaFSP1 Map
5 11/27/2015 10:24 a.m. FSP view from creek bed of Bonney Sandstone outcrop. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 100.00 -31.33751000000 138.56267000000 -9999.000 bedding sandstone
BrachinaFSP10 Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP detail of cliff exposure from creek bed, Brachina Gorge. S.A. 100.00 -31.33800000000 138.54625000000 -9999.000 lime stone, sedimentology lime stone
BrachinaFSP11 Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP view of Bunyeroo Valley, Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 2000.00 -31.33223000000 138.58980000000 -9999.000
BrachinaFSP11A Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP View of surrounding Rawnsley Quartzite from hill above Brachina Gorge Road. S.A. 2000.00 -31.34548600000 138.56320200000 -9999.000 sediments quartzite
BrachinaFSP12 Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP exposure of angular unconformity between the moderately dipping and openly folded Brachina Formation and overlying Quaternary sediments. Brachina Gorge. S.A. 0.00 -31.33824000000 138.60666000000 -9999.000 angular unconformity siltstone, siltstone
BrachinaFSP13 Map
5 11/27/2015 11:52 a.m. FSP Golden Spike. Contact between the diamictite of the Elatina Formation and the dolomite of the Nuccaleena Formation. Brachina, S.A. 100.00 -31.33155000000 138.63344000000 -9999.000 golden spike, geological contact diamictite, dolomite

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