
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
PointAnn4 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:46 a.m. 3D early isoclinal folds and later F2 folds with fold interference patterns. Point Ann, W.A. 1.30 -34.17004000000 119.58205000000 -9999.000 isoclinal folds, F2 folds, fold interference pattern pelite
PointAnn5 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:46 a.m. 3D fold interference pattern, with 'hook' shape in meta sediments, Point Ann. 0.60 -34.17026000000 119.58154000000 -9999.000 fold interference pattern. psammite
Portcampbell1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view along south coast of Victoria, showing bedded sediments. Near Port Campbell, Vic. 1000.00 -38.64002770000 143.04897780000 -9999.000
PortcampbellFSP1 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view along south coast of Victoria, showing bedded sediments. Near Port Campbell, Vic. 1000.00 -38.64003000000 143.04898000000 -9999.000
PotatoPt1 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:29 p.m. 3D small antiform and open synform in Ordovician turbidites. Potato Point, N.S.W 5.00 -36.09296000000 150.13853000000 0.000 folds, synform, antiform, structure turbidite
PotatoPt2 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:29 p.m. 3D gently plunging antiform/synform in Ordovician turbidites. Potato Point, N.S.W 6.00 -36.09311000000 150.13795000000 0.000 folds, anticline, syncline, structure turbidite
PotatoPt3 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:31 p.m. 3D detail of cross laminations in the top of a fine sandy turbidite layer. Potato Point, N.S.W 0.40 -36.09311000000 150.13788000000 0.000 cross bedding, sedimentology turbidite
PotatoPt4 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:31 p.m. 3D gently plunging inclined folds exposed in cross section and plan view. Potato Point, N.S.W 10.00 -36.08313000000 150.13397000000 0.000 folds, structure turbidite
Powers1 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:38 a.m. 3D conglomerate of the Devonian-Carboniferous Snowy Plains Formation. Powers Lookout, VIC. 5.00 -36.84499000000 146.37143000000 750.000 sedimentology conglomerate
PowersFSP1 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:39 a.m. FSP View of conglomerate of the Devonian-Carboniferous Snowy Plains Formation at Powers lookout, Vic. 50.00 -36.84502000000 146.37177000000 750.000 sedimentology conglomerate
Prices1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:12 a.m. 3D low angle thrust fault? Contact between Triassic fluvial sediments and overlying Jurassic dolerite. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03506500000 147.74806700000 0.500 thrust fault, fluvial sediments, structure dolerite, sandstone
Prices10 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:12 a.m. 3D Fault contact in the shore platform between steeply dipping carbonaceous siltstone and horizontal siltstone - thrust fault? Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03404100000 147.74658500000 0.500 fault, structure siltstone
Prices2 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:12 a.m. 3D normal fault offsetting a contact between Triassic sandstone and siltstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03500200000 147.74783500000 0.500 normal fault, sandstone, siltstone, structure, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices3 Map
20 06/20/2016 3:22 p.m. 3D Normal faults disrupting Triassic sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone layers. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 13.00 -43.03491300000 147.74760800000 0.500 fluvial sediments, normal fault, sandstone, siltstone, structure, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices4 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Normal faults disrupting Triassic sandstone and siltstone layers - detail view of Prices3. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 7.00 -43.03492200000 147.74760300000 0.500 normal fault, sandstone, siltstone, fluvial sediments, structure, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
Prices5 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded 'prograding' Triassic sandstone unit with clear erosional truncation. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 8.00 -43.03478900000 147.74734900000 0.500 cross bedding, sandstone, fluvial, sedimentology sandstone
Prices6 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Thrust? Fault cross cutting Triassic carbonaceous siltstone and sandstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03390900000 147.74637700000 0.500 thrust fault, siltstone, sandstone, fluvial, structure siltstone, sandstone
Prices7 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross beds and channels in Triassic fluvial sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03379200000 147.74610800000 0.500 sandstone, cross beds, fluvial, channel, sedimentology sandstone
Prices8 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Triassic fluvial/floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03366100000 147.74592300000 0.500 fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone
Prices9 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:13 a.m. 3D Cross bedded channel sandstone body in fine grained carbonaceous floodplain sediments. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.03359100000 147.74572400000 0.500 channel, cross bed, fluvial, floodplain, sedimentology sandstone, siltstone
PricesFSP1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view along beach, showing Triassic rocks in cliff and dolerite outcrop in water. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 500.00 -43.03506500000 147.74806700000 0.500 Triassic rocks in cliff, Jurassic dolerite siltstone, dolerite
PricesFSP2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view along beach, showing normal fault offsetting a contact between Triassic sandstone and siltstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 1000.00 -43.03500200000 147.74783500000 0.500 normal fault, geological contact, structure sandstone, siltstone
PricesFSP3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP Normal faults disrupting Triassic sandstone and carbonaceous siltstone layers. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 500.00 -43.03491300000 147.74760800000 0.500 normal fault, fault, Triassic, sedimentology siltstone
PricesFSP4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view along beach of cliff with cross bedded 'prograding' Triassic sandstone unit with clear erosional truncation. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 500.00 -43.03478900000 147.74734900000 0.500 cross bedding, prograding, erosional truncation sandstone
PricesFSP5 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view of contact in base of cliff between underlying carbonaceous siltstone and horizontal siltstone. Prices Point, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania. 250.00 -43.03404100000 147.74658500000 0.500 geological contact, sedimentology siltstone

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