
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
MtGipps4 Map
0 06/25/2016 noon 3D Adelaidean diamictite. Mount Gipps, N.S.W. 0.00 -31.60959000000 141.52582000000 -9999.000 diamictite, Adelaidean, structure diamictite
ParkersUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overall view of Triassic outcrop, showing fluvial and floodplain sediments. Parkers Beach, Nubeena Tasmania. 65.00 -43.04808900000 147.79449400000 27.000 fluvial, flood plain, sedimentology, Triassic sandstone
BellinghamUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of folded and faulted, thick turbidite package at Bellingham, NE Tasmania. View taken from 60m above the ground. 500.00 -41.00721400000 147.16257300000 186.700 structure, turbidite package, fold, fault turbidite
GoatIslandUAV1 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial over view of folded metamorphic sediments of the Burnie Formation (Oonah Formation) and Ulverstone Metamorphics, which includes the Goat Island Conglomerate. Goat Island, Ulverstone. North Tasmania. 680.00 -41.13575600000 146.13587000000 55.000 metasediments, Burnie Formation, Ulverstone Metamorphics, geological contact metasediments, metasediments
DudleyUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of the Dudley outcrop, including Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 200.00 -32.96915300000 151.73652300000 9.600 Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam, floodplain sediments, sedimentology sediments
BellinghamUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of tightly folded parasitic folds in turbidites of the Retreat Formation. View is larger than the earlier UAV images. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. 173.00 -41.00787600000 147.16153900000 20.000 parasitic folds, fold, structure, turbidite, sedimentology, tight fold turbidite
IronstonePtUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view around Ironstone Point and basaltic flows and associated volcanics. Ironstone Point. Tasmania. 200.00 -42.97061200000 147.73363000000 35.300 basalt flow, basalt, volcanics basalt
EaglehawkUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view from the water of cliff, showing finely layered fine-grained mudstones / siltstones overlying blocky silt / sandstone beds. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 120.00 -43.03425300000 147.94985100000 41.000 sedimentology, sediments, Parmeener Supergroup sediments
Carnot10 Map
20 10/29/2015 9:46 a.m. 3D Aerial view, looking back toward Cape Carnot, showing banded gneiss / shear zone. Cape Carnot. S.A. 50.00 -34.94329600000 135.61994200000 -9999.000 gneiss, shear zone gneiss
GibbRiverUAV1 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon UAV aerial view near Mount Bell, showing open, upright folded King Leopold sandstone. Derby-Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 100.00 -17.17522100000 125.29286500000 -9999.000 open fold, sandstone, structure sandstone
MtGippsUAV1 Map
0 06/27/2016 noon UAV aerial view of Adeladiean Contact. Near Corona Road, Mount Gipps Station. Broken Hill. N.S.W. 200.00 -31.61151600000 141.52838700000 -9999.000 geological unconformity metasediments
TableHillUAV1 Map
0 05/28/2016 noon UAV aerial view of a Mesa, capped by calcrete - Tertiary land surface. Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. 100.00 -23.64748200000 117.45549200000 -9999.000 mesa, tertiary land surface sediments, calcrete
LimebayUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV Aerial view of basaltic volcanic breccia and volcanic deposits intruded by multiple, thin basaltic dykes. Lime Bay, Tasmania. 300.00 -42.94014400000 147.69268800000 18.000 volcanics, basalt dyke, dyke basalt, basalt
StokesUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of bedded sandstone, showing very open folding / kinks in steeply dipping beds. King George Bay, Kangaroo Island. 200.00 -35.65456700000 137.11588900000 -9999.000 bedding, fold, kink fold, structure sandstone
PurnululuUAV1 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.48400500000 128.38151400000 -9999.000 Bee Hive, Bungle Bungles, weathering formation, sandstone sandstone
PurnululuUAV2 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.48472000000 128.37810600000 -9999.000 weathering feature, Bungle Bungles, Purnululu sandstone
GibbRiverUAV2 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon UAV aerial view of Bell Creek Gorge, showing cascades over gently dipping sandstone beds. Bell Creek Gorge, Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 100.00 -16.99212500000 125.20405400000 -9999.000 Bell Creek Gorge, dip, sandstone sandstone
BluestoneUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Bluestone Bay granodiorite shore exposure, Freycinet. Tasmania. 200.00 -42.10529100000 148.33442900000 24.700 granite granodiorite
NTasUAV6 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, combine NTasUAVs 4 & 5 0.00 -40.92560000000 145.61093300000 -9999.000
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 0.00 -40.92531200000 145.61275600000 -9999.000 fold, structure, bedding quartzite
NTasUAV4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 100.00 -40.92489400000 145.61249400000 -9999.000 fold, dip, structure quartzite
NTasUAV5 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. 200.00 -40.92560000000 145.61093300000 -9999.000 fold, metamorphic rock quartzite
PenningtonUAV1 Map
0 10/20/2015 3:34 p.m. UAV aerial view of calcarenite cliff at Pennington, Kangaroo Island. 100.00 -35.85815100000 137.73509800000 -9999.000 calcarenite, cliff calcarenite
PurnululuUAV3 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of 'C' group of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles, near Piccaninny Creek. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.49130800000 128.38355900000 -9999.000 Bee Hive, weathering features, sandstone, Bungle Bungles sandstone
5 07/27/2016 11:20 a.m. UAV aerial view of chaotic folded sediments from the Bitter Springs Group. Bitter Springs Gorge, N.T. 500.00 -23.54199600000 134.46085000000 534.638 chaotic folding, sediments, fold, structure, Bitter Springs sediments

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