Site | Location Accuracy | Capture Date | Visualisation Type | Description | Maximum Visible Extent | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Keywords | Lithology |
MtGipps4 Map |
0 | 06/25/2016 noon | 3D | Adelaidean diamictite. Mount Gipps, N.S.W. | 0.00 | -31.60959000000 | 141.52582000000 | -9999.000 | diamictite, Adelaidean, structure | diamictite |
ParkersUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial overall view of Triassic outcrop, showing fluvial and floodplain sediments. Parkers Beach, Nubeena Tasmania. | 65.00 | -43.04808900000 | 147.79449400000 | 27.000 | fluvial, flood plain, sedimentology, Triassic | sandstone |
BellinghamUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial overview of folded and faulted, thick turbidite package at Bellingham, NE Tasmania. View taken from 60m above the ground. | 500.00 | -41.00721400000 | 147.16257300000 | 186.700 | structure, turbidite package, fold, fault | turbidite |
GoatIslandUAV1 Map |
50 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial over view of folded metamorphic sediments of the Burnie Formation (Oonah Formation) and Ulverstone Metamorphics, which includes the Goat Island Conglomerate. Goat Island, Ulverstone. North Tasmania. | 680.00 | -41.13575600000 | 146.13587000000 | 55.000 | metasediments, Burnie Formation, Ulverstone Metamorphics, geological contact | metasediments, metasediments |
DudleyUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial overview of the Dudley outcrop, including Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. | 200.00 | -32.96915300000 | 151.73652300000 | 9.600 | Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam, floodplain sediments, sedimentology | sediments |
BellinghamUAV3 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial overview of tightly folded parasitic folds in turbidites of the Retreat Formation. View is larger than the earlier UAV images. Bellingham, NE Tasmania. | 173.00 | -41.00787600000 | 147.16153900000 | 20.000 | parasitic folds, fold, structure, turbidite, sedimentology, tight fold | turbidite |
IronstonePtUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view around Ironstone Point and basaltic flows and associated volcanics. Ironstone Point. Tasmania. | 200.00 | -42.97061200000 | 147.73363000000 | 35.300 | basalt flow, basalt, volcanics | basalt |
EaglehawkUAV2 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view from the water of cliff, showing finely layered fine-grained mudstones / siltstones overlying blocky silt / sandstone beds. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. | 120.00 | -43.03425300000 | 147.94985100000 | 41.000 | sedimentology, sediments, Parmeener Supergroup | sediments |
Carnot10 Map |
20 | 10/29/2015 9:46 a.m. | 3D | Aerial view, looking back toward Cape Carnot, showing banded gneiss / shear zone. Cape Carnot. S.A. | 50.00 | -34.94329600000 | 135.61994200000 | -9999.000 | gneiss, shear zone | gneiss |
GibbRiverUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/06/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view near Mount Bell, showing open, upright folded King Leopold sandstone. Derby-Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. | 100.00 | -17.17522100000 | 125.29286500000 | -9999.000 | open fold, sandstone, structure | sandstone |
MtGippsUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/27/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Adeladiean Contact. Near Corona Road, Mount Gipps Station. Broken Hill. N.S.W. | 200.00 | -31.61151600000 | 141.52838700000 | -9999.000 | geological unconformity | metasediments |
TableHillUAV1 Map |
0 | 05/28/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of a Mesa, capped by calcrete - Tertiary land surface. Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. | 100.00 | -23.64748200000 | 117.45549200000 | -9999.000 | mesa, tertiary land surface | sediments, calcrete |
LimebayUAV3 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | Aerial view of basaltic volcanic breccia and volcanic deposits intruded by multiple, thin basaltic dykes. Lime Bay, Tasmania. | 300.00 | -42.94014400000 | 147.69268800000 | 18.000 | volcanics, basalt dyke, dyke | basalt, basalt |
StokesUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of bedded sandstone, showing very open folding / kinks in steeply dipping beds. King George Bay, Kangaroo Island. | 200.00 | -35.65456700000 | 137.11588900000 | -9999.000 | bedding, fold, kink fold, structure | sandstone |
PurnululuUAV1 Map |
0 | 06/12/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. | 50.00 | -17.48400500000 | 128.38151400000 | -9999.000 | Bee Hive, Bungle Bungles, weathering formation, sandstone | sandstone |
PurnululuUAV2 Map |
0 | 06/12/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles. Purnululu National Park, W.A. | 50.00 | -17.48472000000 | 128.37810600000 | -9999.000 | weathering feature, Bungle Bungles, Purnululu | sandstone |
GibbRiverUAV2 Map |
0 | 06/06/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of Bell Creek Gorge, showing cascades over gently dipping sandstone beds. Bell Creek Gorge, Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. | 100.00 | -16.99212500000 | 125.20405400000 | -9999.000 | Bell Creek Gorge, dip, sandstone | sandstone |
BluestoneUAV1 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of Bluestone Bay granodiorite shore exposure, Freycinet. Tasmania. | 200.00 | -42.10529100000 | 148.33442900000 | 24.700 | granite | granodiorite |
NTasUAV6 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, combine NTasUAVs 4 & 5 | 0.00 | -40.92560000000 | 145.61093300000 | -9999.000 | ||
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. | 0.00 | -40.92531200000 | 145.61275600000 | -9999.000 | fold, structure, bedding | quartzite |
NTasUAV4 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. | 100.00 | -40.92489400000 | 145.61249400000 | -9999.000 | fold, dip, structure | quartzite |
NTasUAV5 Map |
20 | 01/01/9999 midnight | UAV | aerial view of Boat Harbour foreshore, showing macro-scale folding in moderately dipping rocks. Boat Harbour, north Tasmania. | 200.00 | -40.92560000000 | 145.61093300000 | -9999.000 | fold, metamorphic rock | quartzite |
PenningtonUAV1 Map |
0 | 10/20/2015 3:34 p.m. | UAV | aerial view of calcarenite cliff at Pennington, Kangaroo Island. | 100.00 | -35.85815100000 | 137.73509800000 | -9999.000 | calcarenite, cliff | calcarenite |
PurnululuUAV3 Map |
0 | 06/12/2016 noon | UAV | aerial view of 'C' group of 'bee Hive' formations at the Bungle Bungles, near Piccaninny Creek. Purnululu National Park, W.A. | 50.00 | -17.49130800000 | 128.38355900000 | -9999.000 | Bee Hive, weathering features, sandstone, Bungle Bungles | sandstone |
5 | 07/27/2016 11:20 a.m. | UAV | aerial view of chaotic folded sediments from the Bitter Springs Group. Bitter Springs Gorge, N.T. | 500.00 | -23.54199600000 | 134.46085000000 | 534.638 | chaotic folding, sediments, fold, structure, Bitter Springs | sediments |
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