
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Scamander6 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D turbidite sandstone grading upwards to siltstone with undulating bedding. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45844778000 148.23026011000 -9999.000 undulating bedding, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander7 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D load casts on lower sandstone contact with finer silty mudstone layer below. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.80 -41.45837554000 148.23018277000 -9999.000 load casts, sedimentology, turbidite turbidite
Scamander8 Map
5 03/13/2015 9 a.m. 3D view of underside of bouma sequence, showing load cast? Structures. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 0.90 -41.45835793000 148.23014347000 -9999.000 bouma sequence, turbidite, load cast, sedimentology turbidite
Scamander9 Map
5 03/13/2015 9:01 a.m. 3D view of bouma sequences in turbidite package, showing massive sandstone at the base and fining upwards to silty mudstones. Upper Scamander Rd, near Scamander River. Eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.45837554000 148.23018277000 -9999.000 bouma sequence, turbidite, sedimentology turbidite
Schanck1 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:35 p.m. 3D Black, vesicular columnar basalt flow underlain by a layer of brown matrix supported volcanic breccia. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 columnar basalt, vesicular basalt, volcanic breccia, volcanology, igneous basalt, breccia
Schanck2 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:36 p.m. 3D Brown volcanic breccia layer. This is a detailed view of a portion of the Schanck1 visualisation. Cape Schanck, Vic. 0.50 -38.49791000000 144.88953000000 3.000 volcanic breccia, volcanology breccia
Schanck3 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:36 p.m. 3D Flow boundary between a lower sparsely vesicular basalt and an upper densely vesicular basalt. Cape Schanck, Vic. 5.00 -38.49907000000 144.88911000000 2.000 vesicular basalt, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck4 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Detail of zeolite veins in vesicular basalt. Detail of veins shown in Schanck3. Cape Schanck, Vic. 0.30 -38.49907000000 144.88911000000 2.000 vesicular basalt, zeolite, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck5 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:37 p.m. 3D Large outcrop showing multiple layers of basaltic lava flows and pyroclastic layers. Cape Schanck, Vic. 30.00 -38.49773000000 144.88753000000 0.000 basalt flows, pyroclastic, volcanology, igneous basalt
Schanck6 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49649000000 144.88792000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, regolith, volcanology basalt
Schanck7 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:38 p.m. 3D Spheroidal weathering of basalt with carbonate veins from overlying calcarenite. Cape Schanck, Vic. 2.00 -38.49611000000 144.88782000000 15.000 basalt, spheroidal weathering, carbonate veins, volcanology basalt
Schanck8 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:39 p.m. 3D Weathered basalt with prominent sub-horizontal and vertical 'zeolite' veins. Cape Schanck, Vic. 1.50 -38.48315000000 145.02116000000 0.000 basalt, zeolite veins, weathering, igneous basalt
ScottsPk1 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:28 a.m. 3D ripple marks in steeply dipping quartzite. Scott's Peak Dam road, Tasmania. 1.50 -42.92569000000 146.34703000000 -9999.000 ripple mark, quartzite quartzite
ScottsPk2 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:28 a.m. 3D steeply dipping red mudstone and thin sandstone beds with small off-setting, sub horizontal faults. Scots Peak Dam road. Tasmania. 8.00 -43.03230000000 146.33516000000 -9999.000 fault, structure mudstone
ScottsPk3 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:29 a.m. 3D interbedded, steeply dipping / sub-vertical red mudstone, fine sandstone and thin sandstone units. Package has been faulted. Scots Peak Dam road, Tasmania. 10.00 -43.03024000000 146.34120000000 -9999.000 mudstone, fault, structure mudstone
Seaham1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D varved shales of the Seaham Formation with paleomag holes. Seaham, N.S.W. 0.00 -32.66433000000 151.72768000000 -9999.000 varved, annual sediments, sedimentology, paleomagnetic dating shale
Seaham2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D convoluted bedding in varved shales of the Seaham Formation. Seaham, N.S.W. 0.00 -32.66301000000 151.72682000000 -9999.000 convoluted bedding, varved sediments, varved, annual, sedimentology shale
Seaham3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D convoluted bedding in varved shales of the Seaham Formation. Seaham, N.S.W. 0.00 -32.66299000000 151.72681000000 -9999.000 convoluted bedding, varved sediments, annual sediments, sedimentology shale
SecretBeach1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D refolded folds in Mallacoota beds. Mallacoota, Vic. 25.00 -37.60815400000 149.72156800000 -9999.000 refolded folds, fold, structure turbidite
SecretBeach2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D refolded folds in Mallacoota beds - S2 crenulation cleavage and F2 folds. Mallacoota, Vic. 10.00 -37.60801000000 149.72158500000 -9999.000 cleavage, fold, structure, refolded fold turbidite
SecretBeach3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D boudinaged sandstone of Mallacoota Beds. Mallacoota, Vic. 2.00 -37.60810200000 149.72147600000 -9999.000 boudinage, structure turbidite
Serpentine1 Map
5 07/09/2016 noon 3D Brittle shear zone in gneiss. Serpentine River, W.A. 3.50 -32.35991500000 116.04854500000 -9999.000 gneiss, shear zone, structure, brittle gneiss
Serpentine2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Brittle and ductile shear zone in gneiss. Serpentine River, W.A. 0.80 -32.35991500000 116.04854500000 -9999.000 gneiss, shear zone, brittle shear, ductile shear, structure gneiss
Simpg1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D quartz-feldspar gneiss, part of Simpson Gap Metasediments. Simpsons Gap. N.T. 1.30 -23.67477000000 133.71884000000 -9999.000 metasediments, gneiss, metamorphic, structure gneiss
Simpg2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D contact between Simpson Gap Metasediments and Heavitree Sandstone. Simpsons Gap. N.T. 1.60 -23.67458000000 133.71924000000 -9999.000 unconformity, metasediments, sandstone metasediments, sandstone

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