
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Blackjack3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D Tertiary basalt with two layers of breccia and lava. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 8.00 -42.99283000000 147.65251000000 -9999.000 lava, basalt, breccia, volcanics basalt
Blackjack4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D contact between volcanic breccia and a basalt lava flow with 'strung out' vesicles in the flow. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 1.00 -42.99283000000 147.65256000000 -9999.000 lava flow, volcanic breccia, basalt flow, basalt, contact basalt, breccia
Blackjack5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D modern paleo-beach deposits of flat cobble shingles. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 0.00 -42.99360000000 147.65126000000 -9999.000 paleo-beach, paleo-deposit conglomerate
Blackjack6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D modern paleo-beach deposits of flat cobble shingles. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 1.00 -42.99360000000 147.65126000000 -9999.000 conglomerate, paleo-beach conglomerate
Blackjack7 Map
10 01/01/9999 midnight 3D volcanic breccia with basaltic vesicular clasts on shore line. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 1.00 -42.99269000000 147.65282000000 -9999.000 basaltic breccia`, volcanic textures basalt
Blackjack8 Map
10 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava overlying volcanic breccia, including very large basaltic bombs. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 1.00 -42.99270000000 147.65276000000 -9999.000 lava, breccia, volcanic, basalt basalt
Blackjack9 Map
10 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of scoria / volcaniclastic deposit. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 1.00 -42.99269000000 147.65282000000 -9999.000 volcanics, basalt, scoria basalt
BlackjackUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of exposed layered volcanic package, including basalt lava flows and volcanic breccias. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 100.00 -42.99280500000 147.65259900000 -9999.000 breccia, lava flow, basalt, volcanics, volcanic package basalt
BlackjackUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of exposed modern paleo-beach deposits of flat cobble shingles. Black Jack Hills, Tas. 50.00 -42.99353100000 147.65130500000 70.729 paleo-beach deposit, paleo land form, shingles conglomerate
BlackmansBay1 Map
0 02/25/2016 2:46 p.m. 3D view of section of cliff exposure in Permian shallow marine sediments. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 7.00 -42.99987000000 147.32823000000 -9999.000 Permian, strata siltstone
BlackmansBay10 Map
0 04/06/2016 2:07 p.m. 3D bioturbation in silty sandstone in Permian sediments. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 0.30 -43.00786000000 147.32712000000 -9999.000 bioturbation, sedimentology, palaeontology sandstone
BlackmansBay11 Map
0 03/21/2016 1:45 p.m. 3D bioturbation in silty sandstone in Permian sediments. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 0.35 -43.00785000000 147.32709000000 -9999.000 bioturbation, palaeontology, sedimentology sandstone
BlackmansBay2 Map
0 02/25/2016 2:47 p.m. 3D detail of dropstones in sandstone layer of Permian sediments. Blackmans Bay. Tasmania. 0.40 -42.99987000000 147.32823000000 -9999.000 dropstone, sedimentology sandstone
BlackmansBay3 Map
0 02/25/2016 2:48 p.m. 3D detail of bioturbated siltstone and overlaying pebbly sandstone. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 0.80 -42.99987000000 147.32823000000 -9999.000 bioturbations, strata, palaeontology, sedimentology sandstone
BlackmansBay4 Map
0 02/25/2016 2:49 p.m. 3D bedding in sandstone and siltstone in Permian sediments, Blackmans Bay. Tasmania. 5.00 -42.99990000000 147.32851000000 -9999.000 bedding, sedimentology sandstone
BlackmansBay5 Map
0 04/06/2016 1:20 p.m. 3D detail of bioturbation in siltstone layer from image BlackmansBay5. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 0.30 -42.99991000000 147.32850000000 -9999.000 bioturbation, palaeontology, sedimentology siltstone
BlackmansBay6 Map
0 04/06/2016 1:36 p.m. 3D large dropstone in silty sandstone, Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 0.30 -42.99991000000 147.32855000000 -9999.000 dropstone, sedimentology sandstone
BlackmansBay7 Map
0 02/25/2016 2:50 p.m. 3D view of cliff section including pebble layer and sandstone and siltstone. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 5.00 -43.00797000000 147.32863000000 -9999.000 pebble band, strata, sedimentology siltstone
BlackmansBay8 Map
0 04/06/2016 1:53 p.m. 3D over view of cliff exposure of gently dipping Permian sediments. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 20.00 -43.00800000000 147.32854000000 -9999.000 Permian strata siltstone
BlackmansBay9 Map
0 04/06/2016 1:56 p.m. 3D Iron stained jointing in Permian silty sandstone / shore platform. Blackmans Bay, Tasmania. 3.50 -43.00787000000 147.32793000000 -9999.000 strata, shore platform siltstone
BlackmansBayUAV1 Map
0 04/12/2016 3:27 p.m. UAV aerial view of Permian cliff at northern end of Blackmans Bay beach, showing bedding and exposed shore platform. Tasmania. 100.00 -42.99987000000 147.32823000000 -9999.000 shore platform, strata, Permian siltstone
BlackmansBayUAV2 Map
0 04/22/2016 3:17 p.m. UAV aerial view of gently dipping Permian strata at southern end of Blackmans Bay, at Flower Pot Point. Tasmania. 50.00 -43.00787000000 147.32793000000 -9999.000 strata sandstone
BlackwaterRd1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D folds and small faults in thinly layered siltstone. Blackwater Road. Tasmania. 1.80 -41.16285000000 144.88370900000 -9999.000 siltstone siltstone
BlackwaterRd2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D moderately dipping, blocky siltstone with regularly spaced jointing. Blackwater Road. Tasmania. 5.00 -41.14029100000 144.88880700000 -9999.000 siltstone, joint, joint array siltstone
BlackwaterRd3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D road cutting, showing moderately dipping and folded?, thinly bedded siltstone. Blackwater Road. Tasmania. 50.00 -41.12686400000 144.89291900000 -9999.000 fold, dip, structure siltstone

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