
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Chichester4 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon 3D stromatolite and algal mat layering in Carbonate. Outcrop near the Great Northern Highway, Cooletha Hill, W.A. 0.40 -22.00111000000 118.82693000000 -9999.000 carbonate, algal mat, stromatolite, sedimentology carbonate
Chichester5 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon 3D block with small stromatolites and crinkly algal mat layers in Carbonate. Outcrop near the Great Northern Highway, Cooletha Hill, W.A. 0.60 -22.00115000000 118.82701000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, algal mat, carbonate, sedimentology carbonate
CityofMelbourneBay1 Map
5 04/28/2016 10:32 a.m. 3D 3 dimensional view of view of pillow basalt package. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 1.00 -40.01287733000 144.11669452000 -9999.000 basalt
CityofMelbourneBay2 Map
5 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D outcrop of pillow basalt, showing radiating columnar cooling joints in pillows. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 4.00 -40.01288513000 144.11669537000 2.000 pillow basalt, cooling joints, volcanics basalt
CityofMelbourneBay3 Map
5 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D outcrop of pillow basalt, showing radiating columnar cooling joints in pillows. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 2.00 -40.01288968000 144.11668562000 2.000 pillow basalt, columnar cooling joints basalt
CityofMelbourneBay4 Map
5 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D package of basaltic pillow lavas and thin flows with inter-flow sediments. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 2.00 -40.01289812000 144.11667629000 1.000 pillow lava, flow, basalt, inter-pillow sediments, volcanology basalt
CityofMelbourneBay5 Map
5 03/16/2015 2:25 p.m. 3D package of basaltic pillow lava with some inter-pillow sediments. City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 2.00 -40.01291699000 144.11668860000 2.000 basalt, pillow lava, inter-pillow sediments, volcanology basalt
CityofMelbourneBay6 Map
5 04/25/2015 11:38 a.m. 3D basaltic volcanic package, showing flows and pillows, inter pillow / flow sediments and possible breccia flow? City of Melbourne Bay, King Island. Tasmania. 3.00 -40.01292543000 144.11667927000 1.000 lava flow, sediments, volcanology basalt
Cobra1 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D boudinaged 'bedding' in silicified siltstone of the Discovery Formation in the Edmund Group. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 2.00 -24.20047000000 116.44970000000 -9999.000 boudinage, sediments siltstone
Cobra2 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D outcrop of steeply 'dipping', finely banded, silicified siltstone. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 3.00 -24.20045000000 116.44955000000 -9999.000 siltstone, steeply dipping, fold, structure siltstone
Cobra3 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D 3D view of outcrop of sub-vertical bedding with micro folds, cleavage and lineations on cleavage surface. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 1.00 -24.20044000000 116.44952000000 -9999.000 cleavage, lineation, structure, fold siltstone
Cobra4 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D detailed view of micro folds, cleavage and lineations on cleavage surface. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 0.40 -24.20044000000 116.44952000000 -9999.000 lineation, fold, cleavage, structure siltstone
Cobra5 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D Isoclinal fold in loose block of silicified siltstone. Cobra-Dairy Creek, Wanna Road Junction, W.A. 0.45 -24.20044000000 116.44952000000 -9999.000 isoclinal fold, fold, structure siltstone
Coffin1 Map
20 10/29/2015 8:55 a.m. 3D beach exposure showing cross-bedded calcareous sand and calcarenite? Point Avoid. S.A. 10.00 -34.68882700000 135.32904100000 -9999.000 cross-bedding, calcareous sand, calcarenite calcarenite
Coffin2 Map
0 10/29/2015 8:56 a.m. 3D beach exposure showing cross-bedded calcareous sand and calcarenite? Point Avoid. S.A. 20.00 -34.68882700000 135.32904100000 -9999.000 cross-bedded, calcareous sand, calcarenite calcarenite
Coffs1 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:27 a.m. 3D Folded and faulted metasediments - Mutton bird Island - Carboniferous Coffs Harbour Association. Coffs Harbour, N.S.W. 4.00 -30.30574000000 153.14870000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
Coffs2 Map
1 07/08/2015 10:28 a.m. 3D Quartz veins in steeply dipping metasediments of the Carboniferous Brooklana Beds. Coffs Harbour, N.S.W. 9.00 -30.31222000000 153.14862000000 8.000 metasediments, quartz vein, structure metasediments
Coles1 Map
0 11/06/2015 9:21 a.m. 3D muscovite-andalusite schist with crenulations, Coles Point. S.A. 1.50 -34.38033000000 135.36440000000 -9999.000 crenulations, schist schist
Coles2 Map
0 11/06/2015 8:29 a.m. 3D andalusite porphyroblast. Coles Point. S.A. 0.25 -34.38047000000 135.36452000000 -9999.000 andalusite, porphyroblast, metamorphic gneiss
Coles3 Map
0 11/06/2015 8:30 a.m. 3D crenulated schist, Coles Point. S.A. 2.00 -34.38032000000 135.36450000000 -9999.000 schist, crenulations schist
Coles4 Map
0 11/06/2015 8:30 a.m. 3D S-C texture in sheared granite gneiss. Coles Point. S.A. 0.30 -34.37899000000 135.36273000000 -9999.000 S-C fabric, metamorphic, granite gneiss gneiss
Coles5 Map
0 11/06/2015 9:27 a.m. 3D boudinaged aplite dyke with quartz boudin necks. Coles Point. S.A. 9.00 -34.37894000000 135.36267000000 -9999.000 boudinage, gneiss, metamorphic gneiss
Coles6 Map
0 11/06/2015 9:28 a.m. 3D porphyroblast in sheared gneiss. Coles Point. S.A. 0.20 -34.37892000000 135.36269000000 -9999.000 porphyroblast, gneiss, metamorphic gneiss
ColesUAV1 Map
0 10/20/2015 4:34 p.m. UAV contact between schist, quartzite and the overlying limestone. Coles Point. S.A. 300.00 -34.38084800000 135.36448700000 -9999.000 geological contact, unconformity, quartzite quartzite, schist, sand
Conran1 Map
5 07/21/2015 2:07 p.m. 3D Tight / isoclinal folds and quartz veins in Ordovician Pinnak Sandstone. Cape Conran, Vic. 3.00 -37.79979000000 148.74274000000 1.000 isoclinal fold, turbidite, structure turbidite

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