
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
CarnotFSP7 Map
0 10/28/2015 12:23 p.m. FSP view of Cape Carnot, showing gneiss outcrop and geological unconformity with overlying Tertiary sand. Cape Carnot. S.A. 1000.00 -34.94281800000 135.62137400000 -9999.000 unconformity, gneiss, sand gneiss, sand
CattleCreek1 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon 3D harmonic and disharmonic folds in psammitic and pelitic beds. Cattle Creek, Purnululu National Park road. W.A. 0.80 -17.42998000000 128.08949000000 -9999.000 harmonic folds, disharmonic folds, structure, pelite, psammite psammite
CattleCreek2 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon 3D parasitic folds and fold hinge in psammitic and pelitic beds. Cattle Creek, Purnululu National Park road. W.A. 2.50 -17.42995000000 128.08943000000 -9999.000 parasitic fold, fold, structure, psammite, pelite pelite
CattleCreek3 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon 3D contact between folded pelite and granite. Folded pelite xenoliths occur within the granite. Cattle Creek, Purnululu National Park road. W.A. 3.00 -17.42932000000 128.08986000000 -9999.000 intrusive contact, folded pelite, granite pelite, granite
CattleCreek4 Map
0 06/13/2016 noon 3D parasitic folds in pelitic and psammite beds. Cattle Creek, Purnululu National Park road. W.A. 1.20 -17.43000000000 128.08939000000 -9999.000 pelite, psammite, open fold, fold hinge pelite
CavesBch1 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:21 a.m. 3D Fluvial sandstone and conglomerate of the Permian Boolaroo Formation. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 8.00 -33.11150000000 151.64642000000 2.000 sandstone, conglomerate, fluvial, sedimentology sandstone, conglomerate
CavesBch2 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:22 a.m. 3D Detail of polymictic conglomerate and sandstone shown in CavesBch1 - Boolaroo Formation. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 0.50 -33.11150000000 151.64642000000 2.000 sandstone, conglomerate, fluvial, sedimentology, polymictic sandstone, conglomerate
CavesBch3 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:23 a.m. 3D Fe-rich Carbonate? Concretions in medium sandstone layers in a fluvial sequence of sandstone and conglomerate. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 4.00 -33.11278000000 151.64615000000 2.000 sandstone, conglomerate, fluvial, sedimentology, concretions sandstone, conglomerate
CavesBch4 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:24 a.m. 3D Details of concretions and mudstone rip-up clasts in sandstone and conglomerate of the Permian Boolaroo Formation. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 1.20 -33.11150000000 151.64642000000 2.000 sandstone, conglomerate, concretion, fluvial, sedimentology, rip-up clasts sandstone, conglomerate
CavesBch5 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:25 a.m. 3D overall view of fluvial sedimentology in the Permian Boolaroo Formation with overlapping sandstone and pebble conglomerate lenses. Sea caves developed in the sandstone. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 25.00 -33.11150000000 151.64642000000 1.000 sandstone, conglomerate, fluvial, sedimentology, sea caves, geomorphology sandstone, conglomerate
CavesBch6 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:26 a.m. 3D petrified/coalified log in sandstone layer within the Permian Boolaroo Formation. Log is not in growth position. Caves Beach, N.S.W. 1.50 -33.11258000000 151.64641000000 1.000 petrified log, coalified log, sandstone, conglomerate, fluvial, sedimentology, palaeontology sandstone, conglomerate
Cervantes1 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of a single pillar of limestone at the 'Pinnacles Desert', Nambung National Park, Cervantes, W.A. 3.20 -30.60425000000 115.16113000000 -9999.000 limestone pinnacles, weathering features limestone
Cervantes2 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of single large pillar at 'Pinnacles Desert', Nambung National Park, Cervantes, W.A. 10.00 -30.60414000000 115.16162000000 -9999.000 limestone pillar, weathering feature limestone
Cervantes3 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of single small pillar at 'Pinnacles Desert', Nambung National Park, Cervantes, W.A. 3.80 -30.60425000000 115.16090000000 -9999.000 weathering feature, limestone weathering limestone
Cervantes4 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of large stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 2.20 -30.50755000000 115.08070000000 -9999.000 stromatolites limestone
Cervantes5 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D view of large domed stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 2.60 -30.50760000000 115.08094000000 -9999.000 stromatolite limestone
Cervantes6 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of nodular texture on flat surface of stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 0.60 -30.50757000000 115.08096000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, nodular texture limestone
Cervantes7 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon 3D detail of nodular texture on flat surface of stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 0.45 -30.50757000000 115.08096000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, nodular texture limestone
CervantesFSP1 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon FSP stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 200.00 -30.50755000000 115.08086000000 -9999.000 stromatolite limestone
CervantesFSP2 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon FSP stromatolite at Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 200.00 -30.50752000000 115.08070000000 -9999.000 stromatolite limestone
CervantesUAV2 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon UAV aerial view of pinnacles, 'Pinnacles Desert', Nambung National Park, Cervantes, W.A. 50.00 -30.60426800000 115.16101400000 -9999.000 weathering features, limestone weathering feature limestone
CervantesUAV4 Map
0 05/18/2016 noon UAV detail of stromatolites in Lake Thetis, Cervantes, W.A. 50.00 -30.50759200000 115.08074200000 -9999.000 stromatolites limestone
Chichester1 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon 3D plan view of large domed stromatolites in carbonate pavement near the Great Northern Highway, Cooletha Hill, W.A. 5.80 -22.00139000000 118.82688000000 -9999.000 stromatolites, carbonate, sedimentology carbonate
Chichester2 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon 3D detail of eastern domed stromatolite from image Chichester1, showing concentric zones. Carbonate pavement near the Great Northern Highway, Cooletha Hill, W.A. 1.30 -22.00139000000 118.82688000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, carbonate carbonate
Chichester3 Map
0 05/31/2016 noon 3D detail of western domed stromatolite from image Chichester1, showing concentric zones. Carbonate pavement near the Great Northern Highway, Cooletha Hill, W.A. 1.20 -22.00139000000 118.82688000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, carbonate, sedimentology carbonate

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