
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Kalbarri9 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon 3D large boulder (upside down) of red sandstone with trough cross beds. 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. See also image Kalbarri10 for more detail. 3.20 -27.65781000000 114.45559000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, red sandstone sandstone
KalbarriFSP1 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP View of upper end of the Murchison Gorge at Hawks Head Lookout in the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Kalbarri National Part, W.A. 1000.00 -27.78965000000 114.46932000000 -9999.000 sandstone, river gorge, sedimentology sandstone
KalbarriFSP2 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP View of upper end of the Murchison Gorge at Hawks Head Lookout in the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Kalbarri National Part, W.A. 1000.00 -27.78963000000 114.46930000000 -9999.000 sandstone, sedimentology, river gorge sandstone
KalbarriFSP3 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP View of sandstone cliff exposure at upper end of the Murchison Gorge, Hawks Head Lookout. Kalbarri National Part, W.A. 1000.00 -27.79029000000 114.47001000000 -9999.000 sandstone, sedimentology, river gorge sandstone
KalbarriFSP4 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP view of Murchison River gorge from near lookout at the 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -27.65339000000 114.45678000000 -9999.000 sandstone, river gorge sandstone
KalbarriFSP5 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP view along Murchison River Gorge, showing cliffs of Tumblagooda Sandstone. Near 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -27.65943000000 114.45569000000 -9999.000 sandstone, river gorge sandstone
KalbarriFSP6 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP view along Murchison River Gorge, showing banded cliffs of Tumblagooda Sandstone. Near 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -27.65978000000 114.45676000000 -9999.000 river gorge, Tumblagooda Sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
KalbarriFSP7 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon FSP view along Murchison River Gorge, showing banded cliffs of Tumblagooda Sandstone. Near 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -27.65800000000 114.45562000000 -9999.000 river gorge, sandstone sandstone
KalbarriUAV1 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV aerial view of small creek and waterfall in the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Hawks Head Lookout, Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 200.00 -27.79011200000 114.46939300000 -9999.000 Tumblagooda Sandstone, waterfall sandstone
KalbarriUAV2 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV aerial view of Murchison River gorge and sandstone cliffs at the 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 200.00 -27.65389500000 114.45711900000 -9999.000 river gorge, cliff, Tumblagooda Sandstone sandstone
KalbarriUAV3 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV aerial view of Murchison River gorge and large outcrop, approximately 800m upstream from the 'Z bend', Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 200.00 -27.65967000000 114.45595500000 -9999.000 river gorge, sandstone sandstone
KalbarriUAV4 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV Cross bedded red sandstone in horizontal exposure. location at Red Bluff carpark, Kalbarri, W.A. 20.00 -27.74398000000 114.14342000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, Tumblagooda Sandstone sandstone
KalbarriUAV5 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV large overturned block with cross bedding and vertical burrows. Red Bluff, Kalbarri, W.A. 20.00 -27.74547600000 114.13947200000 -9999.000 sandstone, bioturbation sandstone
KalbarriUAV6 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight UAV main cliff at Red Bluff, showing flat lying, thinly bedded or cross bedded sandstone of the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Kalbarri, W.A. 28.00 -27.74557200000 114.13969200000 -9999.000 Tumblagooda Sandstone, cross beds, sedimentology sandstone
Kalkarindji1 Map
5 06/20/2016 noon 3D cross bedding in fine-grained sandstone, Kalkarindji. N.T. 0.50 -17.39921000000 130.79724000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone sandstone
Karijini1 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D sandstone lenses in the Brockman Iron Formation, Handcock Gorge. Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.70 -22.35906000000 118.28644000000 -9999.000 Brockman Iron Formation, banded iron formation, sandstone lenses, sedimentology BIF
Karijini10 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D pods of crocidolite in banded iron formation. Circular Pool, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.30 -22.36123000000 118.28945000000 -9999.000 crocidolite, banded iron formation, mineral BIF
Karijini11 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D thin layers in the Brockman Iron Formation. Circular Pool, Karijini National Park. W.A. 1.40 -22.36123000000 118.28945000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, bedding, sedimentology BIF
Karijini12 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D domed stromatolites? Or concentric concretions on bedding surface in the Brockman Iron Formation. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.80 -22.47582000000 118.56270000000 -9999.000 stromatolite, banded iron formation, fossil, palaeontology BIF
Karijini13 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D massive haematite in large boulder. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.30 -22.47628000000 118.56247000000 -9999.000 hematite, banded iron formation, mineral BIF
Karijini14 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D conglomerate or breccia on flanks of Dales Gorge. Karijini National Park. W.A. 2.30 -22.47628000000 118.56258000000 -9999.000 breccia, banded iron formation breccia
Karijini15 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D macro view of 1cm wide seam of radiating crocidolite in Brockman Iron Formation. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.10 -22.47611000000 118.56268000000 -9999.000 crocidolite, banded iron formation, mineral BIF
Karijini16 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D pavement of rounded features. Possible concretions / chert nodules or stromatolites. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.75 -22.47663000000 118.56258000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, sedimentology BIF
Karijini17 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D section through part of the Brockman Iron Formation, showing (from the bottom up); BIF, silicified carbonate; pyritic shale and BIF. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 4.30 -22.47609000000 118.56262000000 -9999.000 cross-section, Banded iron formation, silicified carbonate, pyritic shale, sedimentology BIF
Karijini18 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon 3D undulating 'rippled?' surface of bedding plane. Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park. W.A. 0.50 -22.47732000000 118.56297000000 -9999.000 ripple marks, bedding plane, banded iron formation BIF

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