
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
KarijiniFSP9 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon FSP View of pool, finely bedded banded iron cliffs, crocidolite seam? and terraced floor of Dales Gorge, Karijini National Park, W.A. 100.00 -22.47721000000 118.55666000000 -9999.000 banded iron formation, Karijini National Park BIF
KarijiniUAV1 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon UAV aerial view of confluence of Handcock and Weano gorges. Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -22.36102700000 118.28921700000 -9999.000 gorge, Brockman Iron Formation, banded iron formation, sedimentology BIF
KarijiniUAV2 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon UAV aerial view of confluence of Handcock and Weano gorges. Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. 1000.00 -22.36123000000 118.28945000000 -9999.000 Banded Iron Formation, sedimentology, Brockman Iron Formation BIF
KarijiniUAV3 Map
0 05/29/2016 noon UAV aerial view of Joffre Falls and Gorge, showing section through the Brockman Iron Formation. Karijini National Park. W.A. 200.00 -22.36123000000 118.28945000000 -9999.000 Joffre Gorge, Brockman Iron Formation, banded iron formation BIF
Kath1 Map
0 07/20/2016 5:18 p.m. 3D conglomerate of rounded boulders and cobbles in well-sorted sandstone matrix. Katherine Gorge, N.T. 1.00 -14.31279300000 132.42419500000 170.669 conglomerate, sorting, sedimentology conglomerate
Kath2 Map
0 07/20/2016 5:56 p.m. 3D outcrop of conglomerate / cobble bands in sandstone at the edge of the Katherine River. Katherine Gorge, N.T. 5.00 -14.31142700000 132.42550800000 135.243 conglomerate, banding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
Kath3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D macro view of quartz and granite cobbles in sandstone matrix. Katherine Gorge, N.T. 0.60 -14.31142700000 132.42550800000 135.243 conglomerate, sedimentology, Katherine Gorge conglomerate
Katherine1 Map
0 06/22/2016 noon 3D karst formations in limestone with extensive rillenkarren developed and small caves formed locally. Katherine township, N.T. 3.20 -14.49961000000 132.33371000000 -9999.000 karst formations, rillenkarren, limestone limestone
KatherineUAV1 Map
0 06/22/2016 noon UAV view of finely laminated limestone in quarry wall. Katherine township, N.T. 14.00 -14.50562000000 132.33664000000 -9999.000 limestone, laminated beds limestone
KatherineUAV2 Map
0 06/22/2016 noon UAV aerial view of karst towers in very thickly bedded limestone. N/W of Katherine township, N.T. 14.00 -14.40787000000 132.19470000000 -9999.000 karst landscape, limestone, weathering feature limestone
KathFSP1 Map
0 07/20/2016 5:41 p.m. FSP view from the side of Katherine Gorge, showing banded sandstones. Katherine Gorge, N.T. 200.00 -14.31134500000 132.42592800000 167.494 sandstone, bedded, sedimentology, Katherine Gorge sandstone
KeepRiver1 Map
5 06/17/2016 noon 3D trough cross beds overlain by planar beds of interbedded pebbly and coarse-grained sandstone. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 6.00 -15.75793000000 129.08427000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
KeepRiver2 Map
5 06/17/2016 noon 3D macro view of a nodules / stromatolitic(?) layer within fine-grained sandstone, cross-cut by quartz veining. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 0.45 -15.75027000000 129.08376000000 -9999.000 sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
KeepRiver3 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon 3D macro view of a nodules / stromatolitic(?) layer within fine-grained sandstone, cross-cut by quartz veining. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 0.60 -15.74996000000 129.08429000000 -9999.000 nodules, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
KeepRiver4 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon 3D fault breccia of Halls Creek Group sediments. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 5.00 -15.74834000000 129.08809000000 -9999.000 fault, fault breccia, structure, Halls Creek Group sediment
KeepRiver5 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon 3D close-up view of quartz-vein stock work in phyllite with local Cu staining. Keep River Access Track, N.T. 0.60 -15.90718000000 129.07118000000 -9999.000 Cu, quartz stockwork, phyllite phyllite
KeepRiver6 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon 3D phyllite with cleavage parallel to quartz veins. Zone of quartz stock work veining. Keep River Access Track, N.T. 5.00 -15.90707000000 129.07123000000 -9999.000 phyllite, metamorphic, quartz stockwork veining, stockwork phyllite
KeepRiver7 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon 3D cockscomb quartz veins and cockscomb - drusy quartz cemented breccia in a highly fractured quartzite. Keep River Access Track, proximal to the Halls Creek Fault. N.T. 0.80 -15.95273000000 129.02890000000 -9999.000 cockscomb vein texture, quartz vein, breccia quartzite
KeepRiverFSP1 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon FSP cross-bedded pebbly sandstone (foreground) and karst formations (bee hives) in the background. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 300.00 -15.75795000000 129.08453000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sedimentology, karst formations sandstone
KeepRiverFSP2 Map
0 06/17/2016 noon FSP Pebbly sandstone in foreground with karst formations in the background. Keep River National Park car park. N.T. 0.00 -15.75692000000 129.07898000000 -9999.000 sedimentology, karst, bee hive sandstone
KeepRiverFSP3 Map
0 01/01/9999 midnight FSP brecciated quartzite hills. Keep River Access Track, proximal to the Halls Creek Fault. N.T. 2000.00 -15.95302000000 129.02904000000 -9999.000 breccia, quartzite, structure quartzite
Kiewa1 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:16 a.m. 3D mylonitic fabric in the Siluro-Devonian Dederang Granite adjacent to the Kiewa Fault. Kiewa, Vic. 1.00 -36.63150000000 147.11908000000 286.000 mylonite, structure, Kiewa Fault Zone granite
Kiewa2 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:17 a.m. 3D mylonitic layering in gneissic metamorphic rocks of the Silurian Omeo Metamorphic Complex. Kiewa, Vic. 6.00 -36.70951271000 147.14309159000 387.000 mylonite, structure mylonite
Kiewa3 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:18 a.m. 3D Horizontal high temperature shear zone in gneissic rocks of the Silurian Omeo Metamorphic Complex. Kiewa, Vic. 15.00 -36.72313706000 147.13280305000 611.000 shear zone, structure gneiss
Kiewa4 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:21 a.m. 3D migmatite segregations in gneissic metamorphic rocks of the Silurian Omeo Metamorphic Complex. Kiewa, Vic. 3.00 -36.72432166000 147.12949028000 711.000 migmatite, structure, igneous migmatite

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