
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Olary48 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:26 p.m. 3D folded pegmatite dyke and quartz veins in the Ethiudna Subgroup at Cathedral Rock. Olary, S.A. 5.00 -32.09031000000 140.32009000000 -9999.000 pegmatite dyke, quartz vein, fold, structure metasediments, pegmatite
Olary49 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:26 p.m. 3D detailed view of folded pegmatite dyke and quartz veins cross cutting banded metasediments. Cathedral Rock, Olary. S.A. 3.00 -32.09031000000 140.32008000000 -9999.000 pegmatite dyke, metasediments, quartz vein, fold metasediments, pegmatite
Olary5 Map
5 07/14/2015 11:35 a.m. 3D chaotic bedding in metasediments near Cathedral Rock, Olary. S.A. 0.50 -32.09166000000 140.31934000000 -9999.000 metasediments, chaotic bedding metasediments
Olary50 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:27 p.m. 3D folded migmatite layer cut by later E-W orientated brittle faults. Olary, S.A. 2.50 -32.05560000000 140.41620000000 -9999.000 migmatite, fold, metamorphic, fault, structure migmatite
Olary51 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:27 p.m. 3D recumbent F2 fold in migmatised psammitic metasediments. Olary. S.A. 0.70 -32.05543000000 140.41632000000 -9999.000 fold, migmatite, recumbent fold, metamorphism psammite
Olary52 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:27 p.m. 3D boudinaged psammitic layer in migmatised pelitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 0.60 -32.05765000000 140.41507000000 -9999.000 migmatite, metasediments, metamorphism, boudinage pelite
Olary53 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:28 p.m. 3D sheared, migmatised pelitic metasediments showing S-C fabrics. Olary, S.A. 0.90 -32.05767000000 140.41499000000 -9999.000 S - C fabric, structure, pelite pelite
Olary54 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:29 p.m. 3D recumbent F2? fold, folding migmatised pelitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 0.80 -32.05655000000 140.41499000000 -9999.000 recumbent fold, migmatite, structure metasediments
Olary55 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:29 p.m. 3D view of large aggregates of muscovite in pegmatite / quartz lode. N/E of Cathedral Rock. Olary, S.A. 1.00 -32.08189000000 140.32864000000 -9999.000 muscovite, pegmatite pegmatite
Olary56 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:29 p.m. 3D large radiating aggregates of muscovite in pegmatite or quartz lode. N/E of Cathedral Rock. Olary, S.A. 1.00 -32.08189000000 140.32874000000 -9999.000 muscovite, pegmatite pegmatite
Olary57 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:30 p.m. 3D view of metagranite of the Basso suite, intruded by mafic dykes of the Lady Louise Suite. Olary, S.A. 12.00 -32.11528000000 140.31561000000 -9999.000 metagranite, mafic dyke metagranite, mafic
Olary58 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:30 p.m. 3D detail of foliated Basso Granite at Site Olary57, showing foliation defined by biotite and muscovite. Olary, S.A. 0.60 -32.11535000000 140.31554000000 -9999.000 mineral foliation, metagranite metagranite
Olary59 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:31 p.m. 3D migmatised raft of folded pelite metasediments in Basso Granite. Olary, S.A. 3.20 -32.11266000000 140.30937000000 -9999.000 metagranite
Olary6 Map
5 07/14/2015 11:36 a.m. 3D pegmatite quartz lode with large radiating aggregates of muscovite. Olary. S.A. 0.50 -32.12007000000 140.29979000000 -9999.000 muscovite, pegmatite pegmatite
Olary60 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:31 p.m. 3D view of intensely folded migmatised pelitic metasediment with overlying quartzite unit. Olary, S.A. 3.00 -32.11378000000 140.30865000000 -9999.000 fold, metasediment, structure metasediments
Olary61 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:32 p.m. 3D psammitic and pelitic layers cut by pegmatite with pegmatitic (migmatite?) segregations. Olary, S.A. 5.00 -32.11344000000 140.30649000000 -9999.000 metamorphic, pegmatitic segregations psammite, pegmatite
Olary62 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:33 p.m. 3D magnetite-bearing quartzite of the Cathedral Rock Formation. Olary, S.A. 3.00 -32.11269000000 140.30518000000 -9999.000 quartzite, banded quartzite
Olary63 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:33 p.m. 3D tightly folded psammopelitic metasediments of the Bimba Formation, Olary. S.A. 2.20 -32.11303000000 140.30257000000 -9999.000 fold, psammopelite psammopelite
Olary64 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:33 p.m. 3D view of a loose block of pelitic metasediments displaying tight folding and foliation. Foliation is defined by large white retrogressed porphyroblasts. Olary, S.A. 0.50 -32.11338000000 140.30014000000 -9999.000 fold, structure, foliation, porphyroblast metasediment
Olary65 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:34 p.m. 3D view of folded and disrupted pegmatitic segregations in psammopelitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 3.00 -32.11353000000 140.30011000000 -9999.000 fold, pegmatitic segregations metasediments
Olary66 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:34 p.m. 3D fold interference pattern in psammopelitic metasediments, displaying at least two generations of fold. Olary, S.A. 1.00 -32.11371000000 140.30026000000 -9999.000 fold interference pattern, folding, deformation, structure psammopelitic
Olary67 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:35 p.m. 3D refolded isoclinal fold in psammite layer with pelitic metasediments. Early leucosome have also been refolded. Olary, S.A. 0.70 -32.11371000000 140.30025000000 -9999.000 refolded fold, isoclinal fold, leucosome, structure, deformation psammite
Olary68 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:37 p.m. 3D calc-silicate ellipsoid in folded psammitic layer, showing refolded folds. Olary, S.A. 1.20 -32.11380000000 140.30032000000 -9999.000 refolded fold, deformation, calc-silicate psammite
Olary69 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:38 p.m. 3D view of calc-silicate 'layer' in psammite (originally an ellipsoid), surrounded by pelite layers are refolded. Original bedding is parallel to foliation, which is defined by Bi and sillimanite and is crenulated by later folding. Olary, S.A. 1.10 -32.11386000000 140.30035000000 -9999.000 refolded fold, structure, foliation psammite
Olary7 Map
5 07/14/2015 11:36 a.m. 3D tourmaline crystals in pegmatite, Olary. S.A. 0.40 -32.12005000000 140.29974000000 -9999.000 tourmaline crystal, pegmatite pegmatite

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