
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
OlaryUAV1 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:49 p.m. UAV aerial view of Old Boolcoomata Conglomerate Member, showing interbedded conglomerate with pebbly sandstone and siltstone. Old Boolcoomata Station. Olary. S.A. 100.00 -32.09570000000 140.27974000000 -9999.000 conglomerate, sedimentology conglomerate
OlaryUAV2 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:50 p.m. UAV aerial view of Old Boolcoomata Conglomerate Member, showing interbedded conglomerate with pebbly sandstone and siltstone. Old Boolcoomata Station. Olary. S.A. 0.00 -32.09433000000 140.27747000000 -9999.000 conglomerate, sedimentology conglomerate
OlaryUAV3 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:50 p.m. UAV aerial view of 'Wiggly quartzite'. A folded quartzite unit at Weekaroo, Olary. S.A. 100.00 -32.18229700000 139.95783400000 -9999.000 quartzite, fold, structure quartzite
0 07/30/2016 10:18 a.m. 3D view of conglomerate at Kata Tjuta (The Olgas), showing poor sorting and rounding of cobbles. Kata Tjuta National Park. N.T. 8.00 -25.30090900000 130.73502000000 645.453 conglomerate, Kata Tjuta, sedimentology conglomerate
0 07/30/2016 10:38 a.m. 3D detailed view of polymict clasts in Mt Currie conglomerate at Kata Tjuta (The Olgas). Clasts are sub rounded, poorly sorted and matrix supported. Kata Tjuta National Park. N.T. 1.00 -25.30027200000 130.72979700000 620.020 conglomerate, Kata Tjuta, Mt Currie conglomerate, sedimentology conglomerate
5 07/30/2016 10:04 a.m. FSP view of Kata Tjuta (The Olgas), showing conglomerate layers. Kata Tjuta National Park. N.T. 100.00 -25.29999200000 130.73189500000 632.614 Kata Tjuta, conglomerate, sedimentology conglomerate
OrganPipes1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava flows with well developed columnar jointing. Organ Pipes National Park, Keilor North. Vic. 200.00 -37.66467900000 144.77204400000 -9999.000 Tullamarine Basalt, Newer Volcanics, basalt, columnar joints, lava basalt
OrganPipes2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava flows with well developed columnar jointing. Organ Pipes National Park, Keilor North. Vic. 200.00 -37.66467900000 144.77204400000 -9999.000 Tullamarine Basalt, Newer Volcanics, columnar joints, basalt, lava basalt
OrganPipes3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava flows with well developed columnar jointing. Organ Pipes National Park, Keilor North. Vic. 200.00 -37.66467900000 144.77204400000 1.000 Tullamarine Basalt, Newer Volcanics, basalt, columnar joints, lava baslat
OrganPipes4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava flows with well developed columnar jointing. Organ Pipes National Park, Keilor North. Vic. 20.00 -37.66434400000 144.76721400000 -9999.000 Tullamarine Basalt, Newer Volcanics, basalt, columnar joints, lava basalt
OrganPipes5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D lava flows with well developed columnar jointing. Organ Pipes National Park, Keilor North. Vic. 30.00 -37.66560200000 144.76513500000 -9999.000 Tullamarine Basalt, Newer Volcanics, basalt, columnar joints, lava basalt
5 08/01/2016 2:28 p.m. 3D weathering pattern on joints in quartzite with late quartz veins. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 1.00 -23.63449900000 132.73310600000 646.864 joint, weathering, quartzite quartzite
5 08/01/2016 4:04 p.m. 3D Ormiston Pound Granite cut by pegmatite vein. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 3.00 -23.63306800000 132.75418100000 693.385 granite, Ormiston Pound Granite granite
0 08/01/2016 4:20 p.m. 3D foliated granite in Ormiston Creek, but by magnetite-bearing pegmatite vein. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 3.00 -23.63082800000 132.75272100000 675.807 metamorphic, pegmatite dyke, structure, foliation granite
0 08/01/2016 4:55 p.m. 3D sheeted quartz vein set in quartzite. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 6.00 -23.62534500000 132.73788800000 662.889 quartzite, quartz vein, vein array, structure quartzite
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D quartz veins and stacked thrusts in quartzite layers at Ormiston Gorge water hole. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 50.00 -23.62811000000 132.72731000000 651.970 thrust stack, fault, vein, quartz vein, quartzite, structure quartzite
5 08/02/2016 10:13 a.m. 3D en-echelon quartz veins (dilatational?) in quartzite layers. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 2.00 -23.62691900000 132.72820800000 658.543 en-echelon vein, quartzite, Ormiston Gorge quartzite
0 08/02/2016 11:03 a.m. 3D parasitic fold of larger recumbent anticline, also showing cleavage parallel to fold axis. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. No scale. 0.00 -23.62788400000 132.72621500000 709.636 anticline, recumbent fold, parasitic fold, cleavage, structure, fold axis quartzite
5 08/02/2016 11:14 a.m. 3D small-scale thrusts in phyllite. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 4.00 -23.62883900000 132.72607200000 724.081 thrust fault, phyllite, cleavage, fault, structure phyllite
0 08/02/2016 11:37 a.m. 3D small-scale parasitic folds in intermixed psammite - phyllite layers. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 0.40 -23.62943900000 132.72633500000 720.730 metasediment, structure, parasitic fold, fold, metamorphic, cleavage psammite
5 08/01/2016 2:52 p.m. FSP panorama of north-dipping limbs of anticline on the south side of Ormiston Gorge. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 1000.00 -23.63424300000 132.73689000000 710.433 anticline, fold, structure, fold limb quartzite
0 08/01/2016 3:29 p.m. FSP panorama view of Ormiston Gorge (NW) and southerly inclined fold axis to the SW. Pound walk, Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 1000.00 -23.63673100000 132.74850400000 798.151 fold, fold axis, inclined fold axis, structure, quartzite quartzite
5 08/02/2016 9:37 a.m. FSP S-recumbent anticline in quartzite, in wall of Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 500.00 -23.62885500000 132.72759000000 649.876 anticline, fold, S fold, recumbent, structure, Ormiston Gorge quartzite
5 08/02/2016 9:47 a.m. FSP Stacked thrusts in quartzite on SW face of gorge. Faulting has offset quartz veins. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 500.00 -23.62811000000 132.72731000000 651.970 thrust, fault, structure, quartzite quartzite
5 08/02/2016 10:41 a.m. FSP panorama view of stacked thrust faults in quartzite beds. Ormiston Gorge, N.T. 500.00 -23.62586200000 132.72835300000 687.528 thrust fault, stacked thrusts, fault, quartzite, structure quartzite

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