
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Olary70 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:39 p.m. 3D folded calc-silicate ellipsoid and leucosomes in psammitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 4.50 -32.11448000000 140.30035000000 -9999.000 refolded folds, structure, fold, psammite, leucosome psammite
Olary71 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:39 p.m. 3D detailed view of calc-silicate ellipsoids at site Olary70. Olary, S.A. 0.00 -32.11449000000 140.30037000000 -9999.000 calc-silicate, fold, structure psammite
Olary72 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:41 p.m. 3D pelitic metasediment with thin psammite layers. Possible large andalusite porphyroblasts aligned in bedding parallel to cleavage. Later cross-cutting cleavage crenulates and disrupts early foliation. Olary, S.A. 0.80 -32.11453000000 140.30034000000 -9999.000 porphyroblast, cleavage, crenulation cleavage, cross-cutting cleavage psammite
Olary73 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:42 p.m. 3D view of isoclinal F2 folds, folding D1 migmatite layers in pelitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 4.00 -32.11532000000 140.29810000000 -9999.000 isoclinal fold, structure pelite
Olary74 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:43 p.m. 3D Tightly folded leucosomes in psammopelitic metasediments. May represent F2 folds. Olary, S.A. 1.40 -32.11573000000 140.29848000000 -9999.000 refolded folds, leucosome, structure psammopelite
Olary75 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:44 p.m. 3D tightly folded ptygmatic leucosome in psammopelitic folding, Olary, S.A. 1.40 -32.11575000000 140.29852000000 -9999.000 ptygmatic folding, structure psammopelite
Olary76 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:46 p.m. 3D detail of small-scale ptygmatic folding from site Olary75. Olary, S.A. 0.30 -32.11575000000 140.29852000000 -9999.000 ptygmatic fold, fold, structure metasediment
Olary77 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:46 p.m. 3D isoclinal, recumbent F2 fold in psammopelitic metasediments with early pegmatite and late-stage epidote alteration. Olary, S.A. 3.00 -32.11578000000 140.29861000000 -9999.000 isoclinal fold, recumbent fold, structure, epidote alteration psammopelite, pegmatite
Olary78 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:47 p.m. 3D intensely ptygmatically folded leucosome cut by later gently folded leucosomes, hosted in psammopelitic metasediments. Olary, S.A. 0.30 -32.11580000000 140.29889000000 -9999.000 leucosome, ptygmatic fold, structure metasediment
Olary79 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:48 p.m. 3D Diamictite with stretched carbonate pebbles and relatively unchanged silicate (granite) clasts. Weekaroo, Olary. S.A. 3.00 -32.17661000000 139.96988000000 -9999.000 diamictite, structure diamictite
Olary8 Map
5 07/14/2015 11:37 a.m. 3D diamictite pavement, showing angular to sub-angular matrix supported clasts. Olary, S.A. 4.20 -32.09570000000 140.27968000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
Olary80 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:48 p.m. 3D diamictite with mainly quartzite and granite clasts up to 0.2m. Weekaroo, Olary. S.A. 3.00 -32.17703000000 139.96997000000 -9999.000 diamictite, silicate clasts diamictite
Olary9 Map
5 07/14/2015 11:37 a.m. 3D diamictite pavement, showing angular to sub-angular matrix supported clasts. Olary, S.A. 6.00 -32.09547000000 140.27980000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
OlaryFSP1 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from Cathedral Rock, showing green (Amphibole?) veins and pegmatite dyke cross cutting metasediments. Olary. S.A. 2000.00 -32.09031000000 140.31964000000 -9999.000 mineral vein, pegmatite dyke, metasediments, structure metasediments, pegmatite
OlaryFSP10 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from hill top over surrounding countryside, showing steeply dipping metasediment beds in the foreground . Olary, S.A. 2000.00 -32.17412000000 140.00279000000 -9999.000 bedding, structure, dip, metasediments metasediments
OlaryFSP11 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP 3D view from hill top over surrounding landscape. Olary, S.A. 2000.00 -32.17503000000 139.99957000000 -9999.000 metasediments metasediments
OlaryFSP2 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP view of diamictite pavement and surrounding bedding, showing matrix supported sub-angular clasts. Old Booloomata road, Olary. SA. 1000.00 -32.09570000000 140.27966000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
OlaryFSP3 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:38 a.m. FSP view of diamictite pavement and surrounding bedding, showing matrix supported sub-angular clasts. Old Booloomata road, Olary. SA. 1000.00 -32.09550000000 140.27975000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
OlaryFSP4 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP view of diamictite pavement and surrounding bedding, showing matrix supported sub-angular clasts. Old Booloomata road, Olary. SA. 1000.00 -32.09558000000 140.27946000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
OlaryFSP5 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP view of diamictite pavement and surrounding bedding, showing matrix supported sub-angular clasts. Old Booloomata road, Olary. SA. 1000.00 -32.09554000000 140.27914000000 -9999.000 diamictite diamictite
OlaryFSP6 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP view along of diamictite bedding, showing matrix supported sub-angular clasts. Old Booloomata road, Olary. SA. 1000.00 -32.09576000000 140.27934000000 -9999.000 diamictite, matrix supported diamictite
OlaryFSP7 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view of steeply dipping and folded metasediments within creek bed and creek sides. Weekaroo, Orlay. S.A. 200.00 -32.17091000000 139.98482000000 -9999.000 dip, structure, fold, metasediment pelite
OlaryFSP8 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view of steeply dipping and folded metasediments, including reclined folding at the base of a waterfall. Weekaroo. Olary, S.A. 100.00 -32.17093000000 139.98509000000 -9999.000 reclined fold, structure, metamorphic pelite
OlaryFSP9 Map
0 07/14/2015 11:39 a.m. FSP 3D view inside creek bed of finely bedded, steeply dipping and folded metasediments. Weearoo. Olary, S.A. 100.00 -32.17100000000 139.98495000000 -9999.000 fold, structure, metasediment metasediment
OlaryPole1 Map
0 11/03/2015 1:24 p.m. 3D view form pole of conglomerate / diamictite and interbedded sediment package, showing bedding horizons. Near Old Boolcoomata Homestead. Olary, S.A. 10.00 -32.09571000000 140.27974000000 305.000 diamictite diamictite

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