
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
SplitpointFSP19 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:08 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group nonconformably overlying basalt of the Oligocene Angahook Formation, exposed at the base of the sea stack in foreground. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46818000000 144.10638000000 1.000 basalt, nonconformity, volcanology, sedimentology, limestone, spheroidal weathering limestone, basalt
SplitpointFSP2 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:08 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46316000000 144.10841000000 1.000 disconformity, pyroclastic, sedimentology, volcanology limestone, tuff
SplitpointFSP3 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:08 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46334000000 144.10806000000 1.000 Disconformity, pyroclastic, sedimentology, volcanology limestone, tuff
SplitpointFSP4 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:08 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46353000000 144.10789000000 1.000 Pyroclastic, disconformity, sedimentology, volcanology limestone, tuff
SplitpointFSP5 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:09 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46378000000 144.10782000000 1.000 Pyroclastic, volcanology, sedimentology, disconformity tuff, limestone
SplitpointFSP6 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:09 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46407000000 144.10777000000 1.000 volcanology, sedimentology, pyroclastic, disconformity tuff, limestone
SplitpointFSP7 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:09 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46435000000 144.10811000000 1.000 pyroclastic, volcanology, sedimentology, disconformity limestone, tuff
SplitpointFSP8 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:09 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group disconformably overlying poorly sorted pyroclastic rocks of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46457000000 144.10812000000 1.000 pyroclastic, volcanology, sedimentology, disconformity limestone, tuff
SplitpointFSP9 Map
5 06/17/2015 11:10 a.m. FSP Flat lying, thinly bedded, sandy limestone of the Oligocene-Miocene Torquay Group nonconformably overlying basalt and basaltic breccias of the Oligocene Angahook Formation. Split Point, Vic. 50.00 -38.46466000000 144.10805000000 1.000 basalt, nonconformity, volcanology, sedimentology limestone, basalt
StarvationBay1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:48 a.m. 3D contact between amphibolite and gneiss in fold hinge, Starvation Bay, W.A. 5.00 -33.92187000000 120.55930000000 -9999.000 contact, amphibolite, structure amphibolite
StarvationBay2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:44 a.m. 3D detail of fold hinge from site StarvationBay1, showing amphibolite contact and re-orientated foliation. Starvation Bay, W.A. 0.70 -33.92187000000 120.55933000000 -9999.000 amphibolite, fold hinge, structure amphibolite gneiss
StarvationBay3 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:44 a.m. 3D detail of open fold hinge from site StarvationBay1, showing amphibolite contact and re-orientated foliation. Starvation Bay, W.A. 0.70 -33.92184000000 120.55934000000 -9999.000 amphibolite, open fold, structure, foliation amphibolite gneiss
StarvationBay4 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:49 a.m. 3D possible mylonite contact on the margin of amphibolite fold limb. Starvation Bay, W.A. 2.60 -33.92177000000 120.55942000000 -9999.000 mylonite, amphibolite, fold, structure amphibolite
StarvationBay6 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:44 a.m. 3D boudinaged mafic dyke on margin of mylonite. Starvation Bay, W.A. 3.00 -33.92175000000 120.55943000000 -9999.000 boudinage, mylonite, structure mylonite
StarvationBay7 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:45 a.m. 3D overall view of outcrop pavement, showing amphibolite fold and contact. Starvation Bay, W.A. 10.00 -33.92179000000 120.55938000000 -9999.000 amphibolite, contact, fold amphibolite, gneiss
StarvationBay8 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:49 a.m. 3D folded gneissic layering and early dyke, Starvation Bay. W.A. 4.00 -33.92267000000 120.55891000000 -9999.000 fold, gneiss, amphibolite dyke gneiss
StarvationBay9 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:48 a.m. 3D folded gneissic layering. Possible folding of early isoclinal folds. Starvation Bay. W.A. 2.00 -33.92233000000 120.55901000000 -9999.000 folding, structure, gneissic layering gneiss
StarvationBayFSP1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of folded gneiss and amphibole gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92150000000 120.55987000000 -9999.000 geological contact, amphibolite gneiss
StarvationBayFSP2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of contact between folded gneiss and amphibole gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92161000000 120.55975000000 -9999.000 geological contact, gneiss gneiss
StarvationBayFSP3 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of contact between folded gneiss and amphibole gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92170000000 120.55947000000 -9999.000 geological contact, gneiss amphibole gneiss
StarvationBayFSP4 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of folded contact between gneiss and amphibole gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92181000000 120.55936000000 -9999.000 geological contact, amphibole gneiss amphibole gneiss
StarvationBayFSP5 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of folded contact between gneiss and amphibole gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92199000000 120.55923000000 -9999.000 geological contact, amphibolite gneiss amphibolite gneiss
StarvationBayFSP6 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of folded, banded gneiss, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92221000000 120.55912000000 -9999.000 banded gneiss gneiss
StarvationBayFSP7 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:48 a.m. FSP overview of folded, banded gneiss with leucosomes, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92237000000 120.55901000000 -9999.000 gneiss, leucosomes gneiss
StarvationBayFSP8 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:47 a.m. FSP overview of folded, banded gneiss with leucosomes, Starvation Bay. W.A. 200.00 -33.92255000000 120.55894000000 -9999.000 fold, gneiss, leucosome gneiss

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