
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Dudley7 Map
5 07/08/2015 11:29 a.m. 3D Bae of the Victoria Tunnel Coal seam with an underlying petrified/coalified tree stump in fine grained silty sandstone. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 6.00 -32.96753000000 151.73747000000 1.000 coal, petrified tree, coalified tree, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil coal, sandstone
Dudley8 Map
5 07/08/2015 11:30 a.m. 3D Detail of petrified / coalified tree in growth position immediately below the base of the Victoria Tunnel Coal seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 1.00 -32.96753000000 151.73747000000 1.000 petrified tree, coalified tree, sandstone, sedimentology, palaeontology, fossil sandstone
Dudley9 Map
5 07/08/2015 11:31 a.m. 3D detail of bright coal at base of the Victoria Tunnel Coal Seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 0.70 -32.96753000000 151.73747000000 1.000 coal, sedimentology coal
DudleyFSP1 Map
5 08/27/2015 3:05 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam and associated floodplain sediments. Image taken from a platform composed of Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96928000000 151.73616000000 0.000 sedimentology, fluvial, coal coal, tuff
DudleyFSP2 Map
5 08/27/2015 2:40 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam and associated floodplain sediments. Image taken from a platform composed of Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96932000000 151.73645000000 0.000 sedimentology, volcanology, coal coal, tuff
DudleyFSP3 Map
5 08/27/2015 2:56 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam and associated floodplain sediments. Image taken from a platform composed of Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96919000000 151.73634000000 0.000 sedimentology, volcanology, coal coal, tuff
DudleyFSP4 Map
5 08/27/2015 3:06 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam and associated underlying floodplain sediments. Image taken from near the top of the Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96912000000 151.73620000000 1.000 sedimentology, volcanology, coal coal, tuff
DudleyFSP5 Map
5 08/27/2015 3:06 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam and associated underlying floodplain sediments. Image taken from the top of the Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96910000000 151.73636000000 2.000 sedimentology, volcanology, floodplain, coal coal, mudstone, tuff
DudleyFSP6 Map
5 08/27/2015 3:05 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam, associated underlying floodplain sediments and the top of the underlying Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96907000000 151.73647000000 0.000 sedimentology, volcanology, coal coal, tuff
DudleyFSP7 Map
5 08/27/2015 3:07 p.m. FSP Outcrop of the Permian Victoria Tunnel Coal seam, associated underlying floodplain sediments and the top of the underlying Nobbys Tuff. Poor image - extreme contrast. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 50.00 -32.96900000000 151.73648000000 0.000 coal, tuff
DudleyPole1 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:15 a.m. 3D View of the Dudley cliff face showing the top of the Nobbys Tuff at the base, overlain by floodplain sediments and then the base of the Victoria Tunnel coal seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 10.00 -32.96896000000 151.73640000000 0.000 coal, fluvial, sedimentology, tuff coal, tuff, mudstone
DudleyUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial overview of the Dudley outcrop, including Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam. Dudley Beach, N.S.W. 200.00 -32.96915300000 151.73652300000 9.600 Victoria's Tunnel Coal Seam, floodplain sediments, sedimentology sediments
Dungog1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D flat-lying Carboniferous sandstone and shale, Chichester Dam Rd, near Mulconda. N.S.W. 0.00 -32.28273000000 151.71133000000 -9999.000 Carboniferous, sediments, sedimentology sandstone
Dungog2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D moderately dipping, planar, Carboniferous sediments on Sailsbury Rd. Near Mulconda. N.S.W. 0.00 -32.23988000000 151.58795000000 -9999.000 Carboniferous, sedimentology, planar sediments, dip sediments
Dunnawah1 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D folded and sheared gneissic layering and pegmatite veins of the Halfway Gneiss. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road, Gascoyne, W.A. 2.70 -25.10137000000 116.02140000000 -9999.000 structure, folding, shearing gneiss
Dunnawah2 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D open folding of gneissic fabric in Halfway Gneiss. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road, Gascoyne, W.A. 3.00 -25.10141000000 116.02138000000 -9999.000 fold, gneiss, structure gneiss
Dunnawah3 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D felsic and intermediate gneiss and pegmatite cut by ductile shear and late brittle faults. Cobra-Dairy Creek Road, Gascoyne, W.A. 4.00 -25.10135000000 116.02151000000 -9999.000 ductile shear, fault, gneiss, structure gneiss
Eaglehawk1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of Permian sandstone and mudstone, showing top of sandstone with rounded to semi-rounded pebbles. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 2.50 -43.03422000000 147.94936000000 -9999.000 Permian sediments, Parmeener Supergroup sandstone
Eaglehawk10 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of bioturbation from site Eaglehawk9 in Permian sedimentary rocks. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 0.30 -43.03357000000 147.94931000000 -9999.000 bioturbation, Permian sediments, fossil, palaeontology siltstone
Eaglehawk11 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D layer of broken shell material in Permian siltstone. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 0.60 -43.03355000000 147.94917000000 -9999.000 shells, fossil, fossiliferous, palaeontology, Permian siltstone
Eaglehawk12 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of stenoporid bryozoans in Permian siltstone and fine-grained sandstone. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 0.70 -43.03321000000 147.94772000000 -9999.000 stenoporid, Bryozoans, fossil, palaeontology, Permian siltstone
Eaglehawk13 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of stenoporid bryozoans in Permian sediments. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 1.00 -43.03321000000 147.94772000000 -9999.000 stenoporid, Bryozoans, Permian sediments, fossil, palaeontology siltstone
Eaglehawk14 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D cross-section detail of stenoporid bryozoans in Permian siltstone. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 0.20 -43.03321000000 147.94772000000 -9999.000 stenoporid, Bryozoans, Permian sediments, fossil, palaeontology siltstone
Eaglehawk15 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D rillenkarren weathering in calcareous Permian sandstone. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 4.00 -43.03517000000 147.94751000000 -9999.000 rillenkarren, weathering, calcareous sandstone
Eaglehawk2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D detail of large brachiopod in Permian sediment boulder. Eaglehawk Neck, Tasmania. 0.40 -43.03433000000 147.94939000000 -9999.000 bivalve mollusc, fossil, palaeontology sandstone

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