
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
GordonRd10 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:41 p.m. 3D detail of small-scale kinks and associated crenulation cleavage in phyllites. Gordon Dam road. Tasmania. 0.50 -42.81057000000 146.09669000000 -9999.000 crenulation cleavage, chevron folds, phyllite, structure phyllite
GordonRd12 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:42 p.m. 3D detail of psuedomorphs on bedding plane from image GordonRd11. Tasmania. 0.60 -42.79335000000 146.39572000000 -9999.000 psuedomorphs, bedding plane sandstone
GordonRd13 Map
0 02/29/2016 11:20 a.m. 3D detail of psuedomorphs on bedding plane from image GordonRd11. Gordon Dam, Tasmania. 0.30 -42.79327000000 146.39574000000 -9999.000 psuedomorphs, bedding plane sandstone
GordonRd2 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:37 p.m. 3D small recumbent folds in phyllite beds with folded quartz veins. Gordon Dam Road, near Gordon Dam. Tasmania. 1.00 -42.73601000000 145.97472000000 -9999.000 recumbent fold, fold, structure, phyllite phyllite
GordonRd3 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:38 p.m. 3D multiply deformed sediments, showing folds in phyllite and quartzite, with quartzite boudins. Gordon Dam Road, near Gordon Dam. Tasmania. 4.50 -42.73540000000 145.97485000000 -9999.000 folds, deformation, boudinage, structure, phyllite phyllite
GordonRd4 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:38 p.m. 3D disharmonic folds and fault in quartzite and phyllite beds, Gordons Dam Road, Tasmania. 6.00 -42.73633000000 145.97754000000 -9999.000 disharmonic folding, quartzite, phyllite, deformation quartzite
GordonRd5 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:39 p.m. 3D road cutting showing disharmonic folding in quartzite and phyllite beds. Gordon Dam road, Tasmania. 5.00 -42.73633000000 145.97752000000 -9999.000 disharmonic folding, quartzite, phyllite, structure quartzite
GordonRd6 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:39 p.m. 3D detail of disharmonic folds on boundary of quartzite unit. Gordon Dam, Tasmania. 1.50 -42.73633000000 145.97752000000 -9999.000 phyllite, disharmonic folding, structure phyllite
GordonRd7 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:40 p.m. 3D detail of disharmonic folding on the boundary of quartzite unite. Gordons Dam Road. Tasmania. 0.50 -42.73633000000 145.97752000000 -9999.000 disharmonic folding, structure, phyllite phyllite
GordonRd8 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:40 p.m. 3D road cutting showing folds in quartzite and phyllite, Gordon Dam road, Tasmania. 4.00 -42.73270000000 145.98196000000 -9999.000 folding, structure, quartzite phyllite
GordonRd9 Map
0 02/29/2016 1:41 p.m. 3D folded and faulted phyllite with crenulation of cleavage. Gordon Dam. Tasmania. 4.00 -42.81057000000 146.09669000000 -9999.000 crenulation cleavage, folding, phyllite, fault, structure phyllite
GordonRdUAV1 Map
20 02/23/2016 9:18 a.m. UAV view of polyharmonic folding quartzite and phyllite beds, Gordon Dam Road, Tasmania. 6.00 -42.81057000000 146.09669000000 -9999.000 polyharmonic folding, quartzite, deformation phyllite
Gosse1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP siltstone and thinly bedded sandstone showing possible load and clast sorting features. Gosse Bluff Conservation Reserve. N.T. 2.20 -23.81855800000 132.31356200000 734.142 sedimentology, fold, impact shock, impact load features siltstone
Gosse2 Map
0 08/01/2016 10:55 a.m. 3D thinly bedded, disrupted, sub-vertical sandstone on hill on the east side of Gosse Bluff. Gosse Bluff Conservation Reserve. N.T. 3.00 -23.81670600000 132.31661400000 746.476 sub-vertical bedding, impact crater, disrupted bedding sandstone
Gosse3 Map
0 08/01/2016 11:28 a.m. 3D small-scale sinistral shear in sandstone of Gosse Bluff. Gosse Bluff Conservation Reserve. N.T. 1.00 -23.81574900000 132.31744700000 724.967 shear, sinistral, structure, fault sandstone
GosseFSP1 Map
0 08/01/2016 10:02 a.m. FSP panorama view inside crater at Gosse Bluff, showing sub-vertical strata , heaved up by circa - 140Ma comet impact. Gosse Bluff Conservation Reserve. N.T. 1000.00 -23.81855800000 132.31356200000 734.142 impact crater, strata, crater, Gosse Bluff sandstone
Granville1 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D open folds in phyllite of the Oonah Formation. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 1.60 -41.80844000000 145.03284000000 -9999.000 open fold, fold, structure, Oonah Formation, phyllite phyllite
Granville10 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D tourmaline ball in quartz vein in granite. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 0.60 -41.81134000000 145.02841000000 -9999.000 tourmaline ball, quartz vein granite
Granville2 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D folds in interbedded phyllite and quartzite with axial planar cleavage and cross-cutting crenulation cleavage. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 1.00 -41.80755000000 145.03352000000 -9999.000 axial planar cleavage, crenulation cleavage, fold, structure quartzite
Granville3 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D macro view of folds, cleavage and crenulation cleavage in outcrop from site Granville2. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 0.40 -41.80755000000 145.03352000000 -9999.000 fold, crenulation cleavage, structure quartzite
Granville4 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D view of tourmaline crystals in cavity in granite. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 0.20 -41.81020000000 145.02740000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, crystal, granite granite
Granville5 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D tourmaline blebs in Heemskirk granite. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 3.00 -41.81033000000 145.02757000000 -9999.000 tourmaline blebs, mineralogy granite
Granville6 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D tourmaline blebs in 'white' Heemskirk Granite. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 1.50 -41.81115000000 145.02753000000 -9999.000 tourmaline bleb, mineralogy granite
Granville7 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D irregular tourmaline aggregates in porphyritic granite. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 4.00 -41.81117000000 145.02811000000 -9999.000 porphyritic granite, tourmaline aggregates granite
Granville8 Map
0 08/09/2016 noon 3D tourmaline 'pipe' / zone in porphyritic granite with quartz selvage. Granville Harbour, West Coast Tasmania. 2.80 -41.81120000000 145.02811000000 -9999.000 tourmaline, mineralogy granite

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