
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
GawlerUAV2 Map
0 10/20/2015 4:08 p.m. UAV aerial view of Kolar Falls, showing columnar dacite. Mount Fairview, Gawler Ranges. 500.00 -32.56346300000 135.57600000000 -9999.000 columnar, joint, dacite dacite
GibbRiver1 Map
0 06/05/2016 noon 3D andalusite porphyroblasts in pelitic schist, Gibb River Road, near Napier Downs Airport. W.A. 0.45 -17.32181000000 124.83582000000 -9999.000 andalusite, pelitic schist, porphyroblast pelitic schist
GibbRiver10 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D Irregular felsic / granophyric segregations in gabbro. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 1.00 -17.20634000000 124.91590000000 -9999.000 granophyric segregations, gabbro gabbro
GibbRiver11 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D coarse graded, feldspar phyric granodiorite segregations in medium to fine-grained gabbro. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.80 -17.20640000000 124.91614000000 -9999.000 segregations in gabbro gabbro
GibbRiver12 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D detail of typical weathering surface of medium to fine-grained gabbro. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.20 -17.20654000000 124.91680000000 -9999.000 gabbro, weathering surface gabbro
GibbRiver13 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D xenolith / boudin of porphyritic granite in foliated gabbro. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.80 -17.20688000000 124.91716000000 -9999.000 xenolith, gabbro gabbro
GibbRiver14 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D close-up view of coarse-grained granodiorite in quarry. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.00 -17.22889000000 124.90460000000 -9999.000 granodiorite granodiorite
GibbRiver15 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D shear fabric in coarse-grained granodiorite in large block at quarry. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.00 -17.22854000000 124.90450000000 -9999.000 shear fabric, shear, granodiorite granodiorite
GibbRiver16 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D view of mylonite zone in coarse-grained granite block. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.80 -17.22855000000 124.90468000000 -9999.000 mylonite, granite granite
GibbRiver17 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D view of mylonite zone in coarse-grained granite block. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 0.80 -17.22855000000 124.90468000000 -9999.000 mylonite, granite, structure granite
GibbRiver18 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D view of mylonite zone in coarse-grained granite block. Gibb River Road, near Mount Amy. W.A. 1.00 -17.22855000000 124.90468000000 -9999.000 mylonite, granite, structure granite
GibbRiver19 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D steeply plunging lineations on foliation / fault surface in mylonitised granite. Gibb River Road, W.A. 5.00 -17.18072000000 124.92310000000 -9999.000 lineation, foliation, mylonite, granite, structure granite
GibbRiver2 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D detail of mylonitic texture. Gibb River Road, Mount Amy. W.A. 0.90 -17.22812000000 124.89615000000 -9999.000 mylonite bands, mylonite mylonite
GibbRiver20 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D detail of steeply plunging lineations on foliation / fault surface in mylonitised granite. Gibb River Road, W.A. 1.00 -17.18072000000 124.92310000000 -9999.000 mylonite, structure, lineation, foliation mylonite
GibbRiver21 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D foliated and stretched felsic? Volcanics of the White water Formation? Gibb River Road, W.A. 2.00 -17.16595000000 124.94277000000 -9999.000 volcanics, structure, foliation volcanics
GibbRiver22 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D coarse-grained to porphyry granite. Gibb River Road, W.A. 0.60 -17.11776000000 125.15099000000 -9999.000 porphyritic, granite, igneous textures granite
GibbRiver23 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D folding and faulting of sandstone beds, associated with the Broadhurst thrust Fault. Derby - Gibb River Road, W.A. 25.00 -17.12448000000 125.24685000000 -9999.000 fault, fold, structure, Broadhurst Fault, sandstone sandstone
GibbRiver24 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D pillows and relief pillows in basaltic breccia. Road to Mount House, Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 1.80 -17.04594000000 125.67287000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, basalt breccia basalt
GibbRiver25 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D in-tact basalt pillow in basaltic breccia. Road to Mount House, Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 1.20 -17.04657000000 125.67353000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, basalt breccia, volcanics basalt
GibbRiver26 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D basaltic breccia in Carson Volcanics. Road to Mount House, Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 1.90 -17.04642000000 125.67374000000 -9999.000 basaltic breccia, volcanics basalt
GibbRiver27 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D small outcrop of King Leopold Sandstone, showing cross beds and bar depositional features. Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 5.50 -16.92616000000 125.77892000000 -9999.000 bar, cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
GibbRiver28 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D outcrop of King Leopold Sandstone, showing cross bedding, including overturned cross beds. Barnett Gorge. Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 3.00 -16.52694000000 126.12454000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, overturned cross beds, sedimentology, sandstone sandstone
GibbRiver29 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D pavement of cross beds in gently dipping King Leopold Sandstone. Barnett Gorge. Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 5.50 -16.52726000000 126.12468000000 -9999.000 sandstone, cross bedding, sedimentology sandstone
GibbRiver3 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D thick mylonite zone in porphyritic granite. Gibb River Road, Mount Amy. W.A. 0.45 -17.22812000000 124.89615000000 -9999.000 mylonite, structure, porphyritic granite granite
GibbRiver30 Map
0 06/06/2016 noon 3D cross beds in the King Leopold Sandstone. Barnett Gorge. Derby - Gibb River Road, Kimberly, W.A. 4.00 -16.52708000000 126.12494000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology, King Leopold Sandstone sandstone

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