
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
LordHowe6 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D basalt cut by multi-directional dyke swarm. Lord Howe Island. 12.00 -31.55469752000 159.09578331000 0.000 basalt, dyke, intrusive basalt
LordHowe7 Map
0 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing high-angle beds truncated by flat overlying layers. Lord Howe Island. 5.00 -31.54798706000 159.07471865000 -9999.000 sedimentology, cross bedding sand
LordHowe8 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing multiple cross bedding layers. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.54793721000 159.07464631000 0.000 cross bedding, sedimentology sand
LordHowe9 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:53 p.m. 3D irregular dyke cross cutting basalt and scoria. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.52041332000 159.05301019000 0.000 basalt, dyke basalt
MacquariePlains1 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:22 a.m. 3D vesicular basalt with overlying palaeosoil? and pyroclastics. Pyroclastics have cross-bedding. Cylindrical cavity is a tree cast. Macquarie Plains, Tas. 5.00 -42.70333000000 146.91592000000 -9999.000 vesicular basalt, pyroclastics basalt
MacquariePlains2 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:23 a.m. 3D detail from location MacquariePlanes1. detail of pyroclastic deposits and tree mould. Macquarie Plains, Tas. 3.00 -42.70333000000 146.91592000000 -9999.000 pyroclastic, basalt basalt
Mallacoota10 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:51 p.m. 3D weathered basaltic dyke cross cutting chert bed turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Turbidites have prominent cleavage. Mallacoota, Vic. 5.00 -37.57347000000 149.76541000000 1.000 turbidite, sedimentology, igneous, structure turbidite, basalt
Mallacoota11 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:52 p.m. 3D contact between weathered basalt (spheroidal weathering) and chert beds within turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 5.00 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 1.000 spheroidal weathering, igneous chert, basalt
Mallacoota12 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:52 p.m. 3D detail of spheroidal weathering in basalt. Mallacoota, Vic. 1.50 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 1.000 igneous, spheroidal weathering basalt
Mallacoota13 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:52 p.m. 3D detail of very fine scale tight folds in turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Spaced axial planar cleavage. Mallacoota, Vic. 0.30 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 1.000 turbidite, fold, cleavage, structure turbidite
Mallacoota14 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:53 p.m. 3D thrust ? Fault in metasediments of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Cherty fault zone up to 1m thick. Mallacoota, Vic. 8.00 -37.59990000000 149.72919000000 1.000 structure, fault, chert turbidite
Mallacoota15 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:54 p.m. 3D recumbent fold and faulting within well bedded fine grained turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 7.00 -37.59946000000 149.72980000000 1.000 turbidite, fault, recumbent fold, structure turbidite
Mallacoota16 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:55 p.m. 3D faulted tight folds within well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 5.00 -37.59955000000 149.72987000000 1.000 turbidites, fold, fault, structure turbidite
Mallacoota17 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:55 p.m. 3D Isoclinal fold within well bedded distal turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 15.00 -37.59374000000 149.73267000000 1.000 isoclinal fold, turbidite, structure turbidite
Mallacoota18 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:51 p.m. 3D faulted tight to isoclinal folds within well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 8.00 -37.59333000000 149.73306000000 1.000 turbidite, isoclinal fold, structure turbidite
Mallacoota3 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:56 p.m. 3D Cross bedded sandstone of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 0.40 -37.57332000000 149.76556000000 1.000 sandstone, cross bed, sedimentology sandstone
Mallacoota4 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:56 p.m. 3D Exotic blocks of basalt and chert within 'accretionary complex' melange in Ordovician Adaminaby Group metasediments Mallacoota, Vic. 2.00 -37.57347000000 149.76556000000 1.000 basalt, chert, melange, structure basalt, chert, sandstone
Mallacoota5 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:56 p.m. 3D Folded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group showing two generations of folds, faults and exotic blocks. Mallacoota, Vic. 6.00 -37.57306000000 149.76546000000 1.000 turbidite, fold, fault, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Mallacoota6 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:58 p.m. 3D detail of bedding plane fault/deformation zone in turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 3.00 -37.57311000000 149.76544000000 1.000 turbidite, fault, structure turbidite
Mallacoota7 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:59 p.m. 3D complex deformation in turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 3.00 -37.57311000000 149.76555000000 1.000 turbidite, fold, structure turbidite
Mallacoota8 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:59 p.m. 3D bedding - cleavage relationships in turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 0.70 -37.57327000000 149.76555000000 1.000 bedding, cleavage, turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
Mallacoota9 Map
5 05/18/2015 1:59 p.m. 3D Fault zone within turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Exotic blocks of weathered basalt? Mallacoota, Vic. 5.00 -37.57354000000 149.76547000000 1.000 turbidite, fault, exotic blocks, structure turbidite
MallacootaFSP1 Map
5 05/18/2015 2 p.m. FSP Well bedded deformed turbidites and tectonic melange rocks (basalt and chert) of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 1.000 turbidite, structure turbidite
MallacootaFSP2 Map
5 05/18/2015 2 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57255000000 149.76489000000 1.000 turbidite, structure turbidite
MallacootaFSP3 Map
5 05/18/2015 2 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57290000000 149.76523000000 1.000 turbidite, structure turbidite

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