
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
LitchfieldFSP2 Map
0 06/23/2016 noon FSP bedded conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, sandstone and lesser dolostone that has eroded from towers. Litchfield National Park, N.T. 100.00 -13.21681000000 130.73569000000 -9999.000 conglomerate, sandstone, sedimentology, tower sandstone
LitchfieldFSP3 Map
0 06/23/2016 noon FSP cross bedding in sandstone towers at Lost City Rock Formations. Litchfield National Park, N.T. 100.00 -13.21704000000 130.73532000000 -9999.000 Litchfield National Park, cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
LitchfieldFSP4 Map
0 06/23/2016 noon FSP cross bedded conglomerate and dolostone towers at Lost City Rock Formations. Litchfield National Park, N.T. 100.00 -13.21803000000 130.73550000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, conglomerate, dolostone, sedimentology, Litchfield National Park conglomerate
LitchfieldFSP5 Map
0 06/23/2016 noon FSP Wangi Falls flowing over bedded sandstone. Litchfield National Park, N.T. 100.00 -13.16383000000 130.68431000000 -9999.000 sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
LohreysRd1 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:18 a.m. 3D folded Mathinna Group sediments with pronounced cleavage and jointing. Catos Rd, Tasmania. 1.00 -41.50162000000 148.11610000000 -9999.000 cleavage, jointing, folding siltstone
LohreysRd2 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:18 a.m. 3D complex folding in Mathinna Group sediments, Catos Rd, Tasmania. 3.00 -41.50414000000 148.11336000000 -9999.000 folding, structure siltstone
LohreysRd3 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:19 a.m. 3D inclined anticline in Mathinna Group sediments, Catos Rd, Tasmania. 4.50 -41.50421000000 148.11351000000 -9999.000 inclined fold, anticline, deformation siltstone
LohreysRd4 Map
0 02/23/2016 9:19 a.m. 3D faulted synform and antiform in Mathinna Group sediments, Catos Rd, Tasmania. 10.00 -41.50368000000 148.11310000000 -9999.000 synform, antiform, folding, fault siltstone
LohreysRd5 Map
0 04/07/2016 1:55 p.m. 3D small outcrop showing bedding, cleavage and jointing in Mathinna Group sediments. Catos Rd, Tasmania. 0.60 -41.50318000000 148.11304000000 -9999.000 cleavage, jointing siltstone
LohreysRd6 Map
0 04/07/2016 1:56 p.m. 3D view of bedding and cleavage relationship in fold limb. Catos Rd, Tasmania. 0.60 -41.50292000000 148.11360000000 -9999.000 cleavage, fold limb, bedding siltstone
LohreysRd7 Map
0 04/07/2016 1:56 p.m. 3D bedding to cleavage relationships in Mathinna Group sediments, Catos Rd, Tasmania. 2.00 -41.50263000000 148.11432000000 -9999.000 cleavage, bedding, fold siltstone
LohreysRd8 Map
0 04/07/2016 1:56 p.m. 3D fault striations and steps on surface. Catos Rd, Tasmania. 0.40 -41.50199000000 148.11554000000 -9999.000 fault surface, striations, fault steps sandstone
LohreysRd9 Map
0 04/07/2016 1:55 p.m. 3D bedding, jointing and cleavage relationships in Mathinna Group sediments, Catos Rd, Tasmania. 2.50 -41.50143000000 148.11740000000 -9999.000 cleavage, bedding, joint sandstone
LordHowe1 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D basalts intruded by dyke with altered contact aureole. Lord Howe Island. 4.50 -31.51223562000 159.04326309000 0.000 dyke, basalt, contact aureole basalt
LordHowe10 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D basalts intruded by dykes. Lord Howe Island. 0.00 -31.52197862000 159.05226474000 0.000 dyke, intrusion basalt
LordHowe11 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D fine grained dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 4.00 -31.52093803000 159.05276210000 0.000 dyke, intrusion, basalt basalt
LordHowe12 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:50 p.m. 3D block of welded? Scoria. Lord Howe Island. 1.00 -31.52021693000 159.05343760000 0.000 basalt
LordHowe13 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D welded scoria. Lord Howe Island. 0.00 -31.51990632000 159.05360757000 0.000 basalt
LordHowe14 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D flow banded edges in dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 2.00 -31.52042509000 159.05329047000 0.000 dyke, intrusion basalt
LordHowe15 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D weathered calcarenite. Lord Howe Island. 1.00 -31.52049204000 159.05723998000 0.000 calcarenite, sedimentology calcarenite
LordHowe16 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D cross bedding in calcareous sands, showing high angle beds truncated by flat overlying layers. Lord Howe Island. 3.00 -31.52292326000 159.05789234000 0.000 sedimentology, cross bedding sandstone
LordHowe2 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D sub vertical dyke intruding basalts. Lord Howe Island. 4.00 -31.51208767000 159.04361289000 0.000 dyke, basalt basalt
LordHowe3 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:51 p.m. 3D dykes intruding basalt package, crosscut by faulting. Lord Howe Island. 12.00 -31.51219080000 159.04403311000 0.000 fault, structure, dyke, basalt basalt
LordHowe4 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D dyke cross cutting basalt flows and scoria beds. Lord Howe Island. 2.00 -31.51417954000 159.04388484000 0.000 basalt, dyke, scoria basalt
LordHowe5 Map
20 03/16/2015 2:52 p.m. 3D irregular dyke crosscutting basalt. Lord Howe Island. 2.50 -31.55435777000 159.09508447000 0.000 dyke, basalt, intrusive basalt

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