
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
LakeArgyle2 Map
5 06/16/2016 noon 3D granite intruded by brecciated mafic dyke with faulted contacts. River crossing of Lake Argyle Road, W.A. 8.00 -16.03106000000 128.78183000000 -9999.000 mafic dyke, igneous intrusion, granite, fault mafic, granite
LakeArgyle3 Map
5 06/16/2016 noon 3D close-up of quartz-cemented breccia / stock work veining within mafic dyke from site LakeArgyle2. River crossing of Lake Argyle Road, W.A. 0.60 -16.03106000000 128.78183000000 -9999.000 breccia, quartz vein stockwork, mafic dyke mafic
LakeArgyle4 Map
0 06/16/2016 noon 3D close-up of cataclasite breccia and massive quartz vein zone in mafic dyke from site LakeArgyle2. River crossing of Lake Argyle Road, W.A. 1.70 -16.03106000000 128.78183000000 -9999.000 cataclasite, breccia, quartz vein, fault, structure, mafic dyke mafic
LakeArgyle5 Map
0 06/16/2016 noon 3D close up view of granite, crosscut by quartz vein with 1.5cm-thick feldspar vein halo. River crossing of Lake Argyle Road, W.A. 0.70 -16.03115000000 128.78174000000 -9999.000 vein halo alteration, feldspar alteration, granite granite
LakeArgyle6 Map
0 06/16/2016 noon 3D gently dipping, wavy, laminated red and white banded siltstone cut by small fault offset. Lake Argyle Road, W.A. 11.00 -16.05236000000 128.76532000000 -9999.000 siltstone, fault siltstone
LakeArgyleFSP1 Map
0 06/16/2016 noon FSP view from atop Lake Argyle dam, illustrating moderately to steeply dipping quartzite and phyllite of the Carr Boyd Group. Lake Argyle Dam. W.A. 1000.00 -16.12274000000 128.73785000000 -9999.000 metasediments, structure, fold, dip metasediment
LakeRowallan Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight 3D aerial view of lake Rowallan during low water level. Tasmania. 0.00 -41.73505940000 146.21744630000 -9999.000
Launceston1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D dolerite lone stones, Launceston, Tas. 18.00 -41.52943000000 147.18515000000 -9999.000 dolerite, lone stone dolerite
Launceston2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D dolerite lone stones, one very weathered. Launceston, Tas. 4.55 -41.52905000000 147.18474000000 -9999.000 weathering, lone stone, dolerite dolerite
Launceston3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D dolerite lone stones in road cutting with weathering rinds. Launceston, Tas. 3.50 -41.52900000000 147.18469000000 -9999.000 dolerite, lone stone, weathering rind dolerite
Limebay1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D ripple marks and cross bedding in Triassic sandstone. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94673000000 147.70013000000 -9999.000 sandstone, ripple marks, sedimentological sandstone
Limebay10 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of volcanic breccia. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94026000000 147.69432000000 -9999.000 Triassic sandstone, cross bedding, ripple marks, sedimentology basalt
Limebay2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D close-up of ripple marks and cross bedding in Triassic sandstone from site Limebay1. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94673000000 147.70013000000 -9999.000 ripple marks, cross bedding, Triassic sandstone, sedimentological sandstone
Limebay3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D close-up of ripple marks and cross bedding in Triassic sandstone from site Limebay1. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94668000000 147.70016000000 -9999.000 Triassic sandstone, ripple marks, cross bedding, sedimentological sandstone
Limebay4 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D overturned cross beds in Triassic Sandstone. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94368000000 147.69635000000 -9999.000 Triassic sandstone, overturned bedding, cross bedding sandstone
Limebay5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D laminated tuff and bomb beds , including sandstone lithic bombs in Tertiary Basalt units. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94318000000 147.69609000000 -9999.000 bomb, tuff, laminated, volcaniclastic, volcanic basalt
Limebay6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D laminated tuff and bomb beds , including sandstone lithic bombs in contact with Tertiary Basalt lava flows? Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94311000000 147.69608000000 -9999.000 geological contact, basalt lava, bomb, volcanics, volcaniclastic, tuff basalt
Limebay7 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D bombs, scoria and agglutinated lava flow. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94200000000 147.69533000000 -9999.000 basalt lava, agglutinated, bomb, scoria, volcanic basalt
Limebay8 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of large breccia fragments in lava flow. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94120000000 147.69443000000 -9999.000 volcanic breccia, basalt flow, basalt, flow, volcanic basalt
Limebay9 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D view of volcanic breccia. Lime Bay, Tas. 0.00 -42.94123000000 147.69441000000 -9999.000 volcanic, breccia, basalt basalt
LimebayUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV overview of Lime Bay volcanic outcrop. Lime Bay, Tas. 631.00 -42.94194700000 147.69510100000 70.000 Tertiary Basalt, volcanics, basalts basalt
LimebayUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV overview of basaltic dyke and volcanic breccia. Lime Bay, Tas. 36.00 -42.94087600000 147.69450600000 10.000 dyke, volcanic breccia, Tertiary Basalt basalt
LimebayUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV Aerial view of basaltic volcanic breccia and volcanic deposits intruded by multiple, thin basaltic dykes. Lime Bay, Tasmania. 300.00 -42.94014400000 147.69268800000 18.000 volcanics, basalt dyke, dyke basalt, basalt
LimestoneCreek1 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon 3D bed of laminated, conchoidal stromatolitic limestone with irregular, wavy contact with massive dolostone. Near Limestone Creek, Victoria Highway, N.T. 0.00 -14.81136000000 131.93707000000 -9999.000 stromatolitic limestone, dolostone, stromatolite, fossil, palaeontology limestone
Liptrap1 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:17 a.m. 3D moderately plunging syncline and anticline in turbiditic sandstone and siltstone. Cape Liptrap, Vic. 3.50 -38.90420975000 145.91757337000 0.000 anticline, syncline turbidite

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