
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
MallacootaFSP4 Map
5 05/18/2015 2 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57314000000 149.76550000000 1.000 turbidite turbidite
MallacootaFSP5 Map
5 05/18/2015 2 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57331000000 149.76561000000 1.000 turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
MallacootaFSP6 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:01 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57352000000 149.76544000000 1.000 turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
MallacootaFSP7 Map
5 05/18/2015 2:01 p.m. FSP Well bedded turbidites of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 50.00 -37.57370000000 149.76555000000 1.000 turbidite, structure, sedimentology turbidite
MallacootaGiga1 Map
0 05/18/2015 2:01 p.m. GIGA location inferred from nearby images. Mallacoota, Vic. 0.00 -37.57225000000 149.76472000000 -9999.000
MallacootaUAV1 Map
5 06/20/2016 5:14 p.m. UAV anticline in folded and faulted turbiditic metasediments of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 40.00 -37.57137000000 149.76407000000 8.000 sandstone, siltstone, chert, anticline, structure turbidite
MallacootaUAV2 Map
5 05/26/2015 8:31 a.m. UAV fault zone cross-cutting folded turbiditic metasediments of the Ordovician Adaminaby Group. Mallacoota, Vic. 60.00 -37.57313000000 149.76552000000 1.000 sandstone, siltstone, chert, fault, structure turbidite
MansfieldRd1 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:24 a.m. 3D low angle fault in bedded sandstone and mudstone of the Devonian to Carboniferous Snowy Plains Formation. Mansfield Road, Vic. 15.00 -36.88522000000 146.30833000000 900.000 fault, structure, sedimentology sandstone, mudstone
MansfieldRd2 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:25 a.m. 3D Large scale cross stratification in interbedded sandstone and mudstone of the Devonian-Carboniferous Snowy Plains Formation. Mansfield Road, Vic. 20.00 -36.93927000000 146.20639000000 900.000 cross stratification, sedimentology mudstone, sandstone
MansfieldRd3 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:26 a.m. 3D folded and faulted sandstone units of the Devonian Norton Gully Sandstone. Mansfield Road, Vic. 20.00 -37.02679000000 145.95461000000 337.000 folds, faults, structure sandstone
MansfieldRd4 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:28 a.m. 3D detail of bedding/cleavage relationship in Devonian Norton Gully Sandstone. Mansfield Road, Vic. 1.50 -37.02679000000 145.95461000000 337.000 cleavage, bedding, structure sandstone
MansfieldRd5 Map
5 06/17/2015 10:29 a.m. 3D open fold in bedded sandstone of the Devonian Norton Gully Sandstone. Mansfield Road, Vic. 20.00 -37.02049000000 145.89662000000 332.000 fold, structure sandstone
MarbleBar1 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D moderately dipping, layered white, red and grey chert. Coongan River. Marble Bar, W.A. 1.80 -21.18649000000 119.71179000000 -9999.000 banded chert, Marble Bar Chert chert
MarbleBar10 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D detail of fault and hydrothermal breccia in red and white chert. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 0.00 -21.18712000000 119.71192000000 -9999.000 Marble Bar Chert Member, chert, breccia chert
MarbleBar11 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D detail of fault and hydrothermal breccia in red and white chert. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 0.30 -21.18712000000 119.71192000000 -9999.000 Marble Bar Chert Member, chert, breccia, fault chert
MarbleBar12 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D large folded rafts of red chert in grey chert, overlain by layered red and white chert. Possible syndepositional folding? Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 3.30 -21.18705000000 119.71185000000 -9999.000 folds, banded chert, Marble Bar Chert Member chert
MarbleBar13 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D view of pillow basalt underlying the Marble Bar Chert Member. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 3.00 -21.18747000000 119.71198000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt basalt
MarbleBar14 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D pavement showing section through large pillows of basalt, with interpillow sediments and pillow margins. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 3.00 -21.18754000000 119.71208000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, basalt flow basalt
MarbleBar15 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D detailed view of pillow margins showing chill features and interpillow sediments. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 0.70 -21.18754000000 119.71208000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, interpillow sediments, pillow chill margins basalt
MarbleBar16 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D large pillows exposed in oblique section, with interpillow sediments. Marble Bar, Coongan River, W.A. 6.00 -21.18782000000 119.71238000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, interpillow sediments basalts
MarbleBar17 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D layer of brecciated chert in layered red, white and grey chert. 2.70 -21.18743000000 119.71218000000 -9999.000 layered chert, brecciation, Marble Bar Chert Member chert
MarbleBar18 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D small, tightly packed, pillows of komatiitic basalt with interpillow sediments and chill margins. Marble Bar, W.A. 2.20 -21.18517000000 119.71249000000 -9999.000 pillow basalt, komatiitic basalt, interpillow sediment komatiitic basalt
MarbleBar19 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D intense stockwork veining in dolerite? With multiple phases of veining and hydrothermal brecciation. Coongan River, Marble Bar, W.A. 1.40 -21.18096000000 119.71256000000 -9999.000 stockwork veining, hydrothermal brecciation dolerite
MarbleBar2 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D brecciated contact between layered chert and grey chert. Coongan River. Marble Bar, W.A. 0.60 -21.18647000000 119.71181000000 -9999.000 breccia, Marble Bar Chert Member, chert chert
MarbleBar20 Map
0 06/01/2016 noon 3D chert layers in volcanogenic sandstone. Scours into chert layers show bedding is overturned. Coongan River, Marble Bar, W.A. 1.30 -21.18081000000 119.71261000000 -9999.000 chert, overturned bedding, volcanogenic sandstone

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