
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
MinyonFSP2 Map
5 06/16/2015 4:38 p.m. FSP Rhyolite cliffs. Minyon N.S.W. 50.00 -28.61254000000 153.39600000000 325.000 columnar jointing rhyolite
Mirima1 Map
5 06/15/2016 noon 3D shallowly-dipping, cross-bedded arenite in cliff exposure at end of Mirima NP track. Mirima National Park, Kununurra W.A. 2.00 -15.76253000000 128.75208000000 -9999.000 arenite, cross-beds, sedimentology arenite
Mirima2 Map
5 06/15/2016 noon 3D view of very thick cross-bedded arenite, truncated by medium cross-bedded arenite. End of Mirima NP track. Mirima National Park, Kununurra W.A. 0.60 -15.76176000000 128.75098000000 -9999.000 arenite, cross-bedding, sedimentology arenite
MistakeCreek1 Map
0 06/11/2016 noon 3D pegmatite pod (biotite-k-feldspar-quartz) and disaggregated mafic (K-feldspar phyric) porphyritic dyke? In granite. Mistake Creek, Great Northern Highway, north of Warmun Roadhouse. W.A. 5.10 -16.94435000000 128.24112000000 -9999.000 pegmatite, granite, mafic dyke, igneous relationships granite
MistakeCreek2 Map
0 06/11/2016 noon 3D mafic, amoeboid and pegmatitic pods in granite. Mistake Creek, Great Northern Highway, north of Warmun Roadhouse. W.A. 1.00 -16.94450000000 128.24121000000 -9999.000 granite, mafic amoeboid pod, pegmatite pod granite
MistakeCreek3 Map
0 06/11/2016 noon 3D mylonitic zone in K-feldspar phyric granite. Mistake Creek, Great Northern Highway, north of Warmun Roadhouse. W.A. 3.50 -16.94350000000 128.24083000000 -9999.000 mylonitic, granite, structure granite
MistakeCreekFSP1 Map
0 06/11/2016 noon FSP view from granite outcrop at surrounding plane. Mistake Creek, Great Northern Highway, north of Warmun Roadhouse. W.A. 3000.00 -16.94494000000 128.24110000000 -9999.000 granite granite
Mitchell1 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D overview of Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 75.00 -14.82099000000 125.69496000000 -9999.000 water fall, Mitchell Falls, King Leopold Sandstone sandstone
Mitchell10 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D polygonal jointing and large amygdales in Carson Vale basalt block. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.60 -14.56892000000 125.84583000000 -9999.000 basalt, polygonal jointing, amygdale basalt
Mitchell11 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D large amygdales filled with opaline silica at the intersection of polygonal joints. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.30 -14.56892000000 125.84583000000 -9999.000 amygdale, opaline silica, polygonal joints basalt
Mitchell12 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D Carson Volcanics basalt with tube vesicles. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 1.30 -14.56894000000 125.84576000000 -9999.000 vesicles, basalt basalt
Mitchell13 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D Carson Volcanics basalt with tube vesicles. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.20 -14.56894000000 125.84576000000 -9999.000 tube vesicles, basalt, Carson Volcanics basalt
Mitchell14 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D detail of tube vesicles in long section. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.30 -14.56894000000 125.84576000000 -9999.000 vesicles, basalt, Carson Volcanics basalt
Mitchell15 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D long section detail of tube vesicles in basalt block. Port Warrender Road, Kimberley. W.A. 0.45 -14.56887000000 125.84565000000 -9999.000 vesicle, basalt, Carson Volcanics basalt
Mitchell16 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D small scale cross beds in King Leopold Sandstone and surveyors pool. Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley, W.A. 1.50 -14.67411000000 125.73260000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, King Leopold Sandstone, surveyors pool sandstone
Mitchell17 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D pot hole with small rounded grind stones. Surveyors pool. Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley, W.A. 0.00 -14.67411000000 125.73239000000 -9999.000 sandstone, King Leopold Sandstone, pot hole, grind stone sandstone
Mitchell18 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D Ferruginous laterite, showing individual round pisoliths - weathered surface on a loose block. East of Kaniwal. Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley, W.A. 0.20 -14.83894000000 125.87528000000 -9999.000 Ferruginous laterite, Mitchell Plateau, pisolith laterite
Mitchell19 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D broken surface of Ferruginous laterite from site Mitchell18. East of Kaniwal. Mitchell Plateau, Kimberley, W.A. 0.20 -14.83894000000 125.87528000000 -9999.000 Ferruginous laterite, Mitchell Plateau, pisolith laterite
Mitchell2 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D bedforms in King Leopold Sandstone, including cross beds and convoluted bedding. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 7.50 -14.82099000000 125.69496000000 -9999.000 King Leopold Sandstone, cross bedding, convoluted bedding sandstone
Mitchell3 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D detail of convoluted / slumped beds in King Leopold Sandstone. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 1.40 -14.82101000000 125.69493000000 -9999.000 King Leopold Sandstone, convoluted bedding, slumped beds sandstone
Mitchell4 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D cross beds in King Leopold Sandstone. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 5.00 -14.82103000000 125.69504000000 -9999.000 King Leopold Sandstone, sandstone, sedimentology, cross bedding sandstone
Mitchell5 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D rock art at the Little Mertens Waterfall. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 3.00 -14.82103000000 125.69504000000 -9999.000 rock art, sandstone sandstone
Mitchell6 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D rock art at the Little Mertens Waterfall. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 5.00 -14.82103000000 125.69504000000 -9999.000 rock art, sandstone, Mitchell Falls sandstone
Mitchell7 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D rock art at the Little Mertens Waterfall. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 0.00 -14.82103000000 125.69504000000 -9999.000 rock art, King Leopold Sandstone, Mitchell Falls sandstone
Mitchell8 Map
0 06/08/2016 noon 3D rock art at the Little Mertens Waterfall. Mitchell Falls, Mitchell River, Kimberley. W.A. 1.50 -14.82103000000 125.69504000000 -9999.000 sandstone, rock art, Mitchell Falls sandstone

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