
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
Piccaninny24 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:06 a.m. 3D Long Point Granodiorite intruding into and assimilating well bedded Mathinna Supergroup. Multiple fault generations well displayed; 20cm aplite dyke offset by qz-filled fault, 1m wide fault zone with drag folding, all offset by secondary conjugate faults. 5.00 -41.69546700000 148.29358800000 3.000 igneous, structure, assimilation, conjugate fault, fault zone, dyke Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny25 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:06 a.m. 3D Very large (approx. 5m x 15m) Mathinna Supergroup xenolith within Long Point Granodiorite, with associated smaller xenoliths. Prolific veining (aplite, qz?) proximal to contact. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 5.00 -41.69528200000 148.29354700000 4.000 igneous, aplite, xenolith Granodiorite, Turbidite
Piccaninny26 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:06 a.m. 3D Long Point Granodiorite - Mathinna Supergroup hornfels sharp contact. A marked discordance containing granodiorite within the Mathinna - possibly a big fold structure.. Large fracture with small offset cross cutting the Granodiorite and Mathinna. Tas. 8.00 -41.69476400000 148.29384500000 5.000 structure, igneous, Fault, xenolith, contact, hornfels Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny27 Map
30 03/13/2015 9:06 a.m. 3D Comprehensively micro-faulted aplite intruding Mathinna Supergroup. Probably fractured due to conjugate faulting in Mathinna and granodiorite. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 6.00 -41.69436000000 148.29421800000 2.000 igneous, aplite, fault, structure Turbidite, Aplite
Piccaninny28 Map
30 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D Large Mathinna Group block with chevron folds, within Long Point Granodiorite. Possibly a stope block due to lack of isoclinal folding indicative of wall rock Mathinna Group proximal to intrusion. Note: individual photos display this better. Tas. 10.00 -41.69428700000 148.29417100000 5.000 structure, igneous, chevron folds Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny29 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D Intersecting vein sets (probably qz or aplite), possibly conjugates, within hornfelsed Mathinna Supergroup, close to contact with Long Point Granodiorite. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69429200000 148.29403000000 6.000 structure, igneous, conjugate vein, hornfels Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny3 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D irregular intrusive contact between the grey granodiorite dyke and hosting Mathinna Supergroup sediments. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 5.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 5.000 intrusive contact, turbidite turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny30 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D well bedded hornfelsed Mathinna Supergroup, displaying competency control on development of qz veins. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 1.00 -41.69424200000 148.29408500000 6.000 structure, hornfels, competency controlled veins, bedding Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny31 Map
20 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D xenoliths of dark, fine grained, mafic rock in Long Point Granodiorite. Late stage more aplitic or k feldspar material around xenoliths - late melt. Pervasive bt-defined foliation within granodiorite - evidence it is a syn-orogenic granite. Tas. 2.00 -41.69430300000 148.29438700000 4.000 xenoliths, Long Point Granodiorite, syn-orogenic Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny32 Map
80 03/13/2015 9:07 a.m. 3D Contact between Mathinna Supergroup and Long Point Granodiorite, very good example of ductile deformation within Mathinna at contact, and late melt veining. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69427300000 148.29452500000 4.000 Mathinna Supergroup, Long Point Granodiorite, ductile deformation Turbidite, Granodiorite
Piccaninny4 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D irregular intrusive contact between Mathinna Supergroup turbidites and granodiorite. Both rock types are cut by a later fine-grained aplite? Dyke and later faulting and quartz veins. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 5.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 contact metamorphism, intrusive contact, dyke, fault, structure turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny5 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D coarse-grained granodiorite with mafic enclaves / dykes, offset by faulting. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.50 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 fault offset, dyke, structure granodiorite
Piccaninny6 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight 3D irregular intrusive and faulted? Contact of granodiorite dyke with turbidite beds. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 dyke, intrusive contact, fault contact, fault, metamorphic aureole turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny7 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D granodiorite dyke intruding folded turbidite package rocks with later offset by faulting. Some parts of the dyke appear to be bedding parallel. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 dyke, fault, structure turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny8 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D granodiorite dyke with irregular intrusive contact intruding Mathinna Supergroups turbidite package. Dyke contains xenoliths of country rock. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 4.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 xenolith, dyke, intrusive contact, hornfels turbidite, granodiorite
Piccaninny9 Map
50 01/01/9999 midnight 3D granodiorite with xenoliths of Mathinna Supergroup turbidites. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 2.00 -41.69446100000 148.29395280000 2.000 xenolith, granodiorite granodiorite
PiccaninnyUAV Map
20 03/16/2015 2:36 p.m. UAV aerial view of granodiorite intruding thick package of turbidite beds. Piccaninny Point, eastern Tasmania. 50.00 -41.69264700000 148.29592000000 50.000 intrusive contact, turbidite, granodiorite turbidite, granodiorite
PicnicPtFSP1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP 360 degree view of folded pelite and psammite beds exposed at Picnic Point, Northern Tas. 250.00 -41.14010200000 146.16233400000 1.000 metasediments, fold, structure metasediments
PicnicPtFSP2 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP 360 degree view of fault in pelite and psammite beds exposed at Picnic Point, Northern Tas. 250.00 -41.14010200000 146.16233400000 1.000 fault, structure, metasediments metasediments
PicnicPtFSP3 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP 360 degree view of folding and faulting in pelite and psammite beds exposed at Picnic Point, Northern Tas. 250.00 -41.14010200000 146.16233400000 1.000 kink band, fault, fold, structure, metasediment metasediment
PicnicPtUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Ulverstone metamorphics, showing folded bedding traces. Ulverstone Tasmania. 641.00 -41.14010200000 146.16233400000 2.500 metasediments metasediments
PineCreek1 Map
0 06/25/2016 noon 3D road cutting, showing tight to open folds in thinly layered, white, brown and grey mudstone of the Mount Bonnie Formation. Kakadu Highway, N.T. 10.00 -13.65349000000 132.15392000000 -9999.000 tight fold, fold hinge, fold, structure, sheared limb mudstone
PineCreekUAV1 Map
0 06/25/2016 noon UAV overview of road cutting, showing tight to open folds with sheared limbs in thinly banded mudstone. Kakadu Highway, N.T. 25.00 -13.65349000000 132.15392000000 -9999.000 sheared fold limb, fold, structure, mudstone mudstone
Pingandy1 Map
0 05/27/2016 noon 3D thickly bedded carbonate unit near the base of the Bangemall Basin, showing irregular and disrupted bedding, chert nodules and clastic dykes. Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. 0.00 -24.00582000000 117.91148000000 -9999.000 carbonate, limestone, sedimentology, disrupted bedding, chert nodules limestone
Pingandy10 Map
0 05/28/2016 noon 3D detail of chert nodule and enclosing bed of finely laminated carbonate. Pingandy, Ashburton Downs - Meekatharra Road, W.A. 0.40 -23.98612000000 117.92156000000 -9999.000 chert nodule, carbonate, sedimentology carbonate

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