
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
BluestoneUAV4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of shoreline granodiorite with cross cutting mafic dykes at Bluestone Bay, Freycinet. Tasmania. 200.00 -42.10347300000 148.33617400000 29.500 granodiorite, mafic dyke granodiorite
SulphurCreekUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of shore outcrop, showing region of folded metasediments in contact with altered basalts. Sulphur Creek, north Tas. 232.00 -41.09104300000 146.02016600000 108.600 metasediments, basalt, fold, fault metasediments, basalt
KakaduUAV2 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of small cliff exposure, showing gently dipping cross beds, truncated by planar bedded sandstone. Bardedjilidji Walk. Kakadu National Park. N.T. 10.00 -12.43685000000 132.97076000000 -9999.000 cross bedding, sandstone, sedimentology sandstone
KalbarriUAV1 Map
0 05/20/2016 noon UAV aerial view of small creek and waterfall in the Tumblagooda Sandstone. Hawks Head Lookout, Kalbarri National Park. W.A. 200.00 -27.79011200000 114.46939300000 -9999.000 Tumblagooda Sandstone, waterfall sandstone
DixonRangeUAV1 Map
0 06/14/2016 noon UAV aerial view of steep faults in metasediments. Road to Dixon Range, W.A. 50.00 -17.17800000000 128.25186000000 -9999.000 steep fault, metasediments, structure metasediments
DianasBasinUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of steeply dipping Mathinna Supergroup turbidite package. St Helens, Tasmania. 77.40 -41.36620600000 148.30181600000 100.000 turbidite, steep dip, dip turbidite
HamelinUAV3 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon UAV aerial view of stromatolites and fine interstitial sediments. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. 25.00 -26.40072100000 114.15898800000 -9999.000 tidal flat deposits, stromatolite tidal flat deposits
HamelinUAV2 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon UAV aerial view of submerged stromatolite colony. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. 100.00 -26.40027700000 114.15869900000 -9999.000 tidal flat deposits, stromatolite tidal flat deposits
HamelinUAV1 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon UAV aerial view of submerged stromatolite colony. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. 50.00 -26.40043900000 114.15878700000 -9999.000 tidal flat deposits, stromatolite tidal flat deposits
HamelinUAV5 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon UAV aerial view of submerged stromatolites. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. 50.00 -26.40031000000 114.15875100000 -9999.000 tidal flat deposits, stromatolite tidal flat deposits
HamelinUAV6 Map
0 05/23/2016 noon UAV aerial view of submerged stromatolites. Hamelin Pool. Shark Bay, W.A. 100.00 -26.40043000000 114.15891500000 -9999.000 tidal flat deposits, stromatolite tidal flat deposits
RHeadUAV4 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of tessellated pavement weathering pattern in Nobbys Tuff. Redhead, N.S.W. 11.60 -33.00636200000 151.72970400000 4.000 weathering, tessellated pavement, jointing, Nobbys Tuff, Tuff tuff
PtEllenUAV2 Map
0 10/20/2015 3:47 p.m. UAV aerial view of the angular unconformity between the underlying Kanmantoo metasediments and the overlying Pleistocene sands. Point Ellen, Kangaroo Island. 1000.00 -35.86015600000 137.73456900000 -9999.000 angular unconformity, metasediments, sandstone sediments, sandstone
GordonDamUAV2 Map
20 02/23/2016 9:14 a.m. UAV Aerial view of the Gordon Dam, showing folded quartzite and phyllite metasediments outcrop. Gordon Dam. Tasmania. 200.00 -42.73044300000 145.97555560000 -9999.000 dam, quartzite, phyllite, structure quartzite
WTasUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of the Iron Blow open pit at My Lyell with view of the Lyell Schist and Owen Group. Gormanston, West Tasmania. 0.00 -42.06835300000 145.59241300000 -9999.000 fault, contact, structure, Mount Lyell, Lyell Schist, Owen Group, conglomerate, Iron Blow Copper Mine schist, conglomerate
PeakHillUAV1 Map
0 04/13/2016 12:52 p.m. UAV aerial view of the Peak Hill open pit, Peak Hill. N.S.W. 486.00 -32.71978600000 148.19610200000 -9999.000 open pit, Peak Hill Gold Mine, mining, mine andesite
ArkaroolaFSP3 Map
5 11/26/2015 2:08 p.m. FSP aerial view of the Pinnacles, pegmatitic intrusions and surrounding sediments, Arkaroola. Northern Flinders Ranges, S.A. 0.00 -30.29877000000 139.30951000000 -9999.000 leucogranite granite
PurnululuFSP14 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon FSP aerial view of the start of the Echidna Chasm trail, showing cliff of Glass Hill Sandstone. Osmand Range Lookout, Purnululu National Park, W.A. 1000.00 -17.32185000000 128.41403000000 -9999.000 The Bungle Bungles, Sandstone, sedimentology, Purnululu National Park sandstone
PurnululuUAV4 Map
0 06/12/2016 noon UAV aerial view of the start of the Echidna Chasm trail, showing cliff of Glass Hill Sandstone. Purnululu National Park, W.A. 50.00 -17.32394600000 128.41405700000 -9999.000 Glass Hill Sandstone, sandstone, Bungle Bungles sandstone
NTasUAV3 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of the unconformity at the base of Fossil Bluff, between the Permian and Tertiary units. Fossil Bluff Conservation Area, Wynyard. North Tasmania. 50.00 -40.98138400000 145.73309700000 -9999.000 unconformity, geological contact, Fossil bluff sandstone, tillite
YinnetharraUAV1 Map
20 05/27/2016 noon UAV aerial view of typical outcrop of rounded granitic tors. North of Thirty Three River, Cobra-Dairy Creek Road, W.A. 50.00 -24.51352090000 116.24685660000 -9999.000 granite, outcrop, granite tor granite
PicnicPtUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV aerial view of Ulverstone metamorphics, showing folded bedding traces. Ulverstone Tasmania. 641.00 -41.14010200000 146.16233400000 2.500 metasediments metasediments
TaliaUAV1 Map
0 10/20/2015 4:52 p.m. UAV aerial view of unconformity between the Bridgewater Formation and the underlying Blue Range Beds, Near Talia Caves. Talia. 50.00 -33.32410000000 134.78482000000 -9999.000 unconformity sandstone, sandstone
DrummondUAV1 Map
0 10/20/2015 4:39 p.m. UAV aerial view of unconformity between underlying granites and overlying calcarenite. Drummond Point. S.A. 100.00 -34.01262600000 135.26615600000 -9999.000 calcarenite, unconformity calcarenite, granite
OlaryUAV3 Map
0 09/27/2015 6:50 p.m. UAV aerial view of 'Wiggly quartzite'. A folded quartzite unit at Weekaroo, Olary. S.A. 100.00 -32.18229700000 139.95783400000 -9999.000 quartzite, fold, structure quartzite

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