
Site Location Accuracy Capture Date Visualisation Type Description Maximum Visible Extent Latitude Longitude Elevation Keywords Lithology
BunkerBay2 Map
5 05/15/2016 noon 3D boulder of carbonate-cemented conglomerate / breccia from Tamala Limestone / gneiss basement unconformity with gneiss clasts. Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. This unit may also be known as high grade metamorphic rocks 74341 1.20 -33.53728000000 115.03139000000 -9999.000 geological unconformity, Tamala Limestone, gneiss basement, conglomerate conglomerate
BunkerBay3 Map
0 05/15/2016 noon 3D mineral stretching lineation on irregular north-dipping foliation surface in gneiss. Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. This unit may also be known as high grade metamorphic rocks 74341 3.50 -33.53747000000 115.03257000000 -9999.000 mineral stretching lineation, foliation, gneiss, structure gneiss
BunkerBay4 Map
0 05/15/2016 noon 3D detailed view of mineral stretching lineation from site Bunkerbay3, showing aligned mafic minerals. Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. This unit may also be known as high grade metamorphic rocks 74341 0.60 -33.53747000000 115.03257000000 -9999.000 mineral stretching lineation, structure, foliation, gneiss gneiss
BunkerBay5 Map
0 05/15/2016 noon 3D detailed view of foliation in gneiss showing sheared augen. Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. This unit may also be known as high grade metamorphic rocks 74341 0.25 -33.53761000000 115.03266000000 -9999.000 augen, gneiss, shearing, structure gneiss
BunkerBayUAV1 Map
0 05/15/2016 noon UAV unconformity between basement gneiss and Tamala Limestone. Bunker Bay, Cape Naturaliste. W.A. gneiss unit may also be known as high grade metamorphic rocks 74341 50.00 -33.53685000000 115.03130000000 -9999.000 geological unconformity, gneiss, Tamala Limestone gneiss, limestone
BurnieFSP1 Map
5 01/01/9999 midnight FSP view of large quarry outcrop in quartzite? at the entrance to the township of Burnie. Burnie, north Tas. 0.00 -41.06717200000 145.94652400000 -9999.000 quarry, quartzite quartzite
BurnieUAV1 Map
20 01/01/9999 midnight UAV view of large quarry outcrop in quartzite? At the entrance to the township of Burnie. Burnie, north Tas. 430.00 -41.06717200000 145.94652400000 70.000 quarry, quartzite quartzite
Byron1 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:18 a.m. 3D folded and faulted fine grained, low grade metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 8.00 -28.63433000000 153.63599000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
Byron2 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:19 a.m. 3D folded and faulted low-grade, fine grained metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 8.00 -28.63455000000 153.63579000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
Byron3 Map
5 07/08/2015 10:20 a.m. 3D folded and faulted low-grade, fine grained metasediments of the Neranleigh-Fernvale Beds. Byron Bay, N.S.W. 6.00 -28.63475000000 153.63560000000 1.000 metasediments, folds, faults, structure metasediments
CalcalingMine1 Map
5 05/25/2016 noon 3D weathered, complex zoned pegmatite, near Quanta Cutting-Weira Rd. W.A. 0.00 -30.91527600000 118.43186600000 -9999.000 zoned pegmatite, pegmatite, igneous rock pegmatite
CalcalingMine2 Map
5 05/25/2016 noon 3D weathered, complex zoned pegmatite, near Quanta Cutting-Weira Rd. W.A. 42.00 -30.91527600000 118.43186600000 -9999.000 open pit, pegmatite, zoned pegmatite, igneous rock pegmatite
Camfield1 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon 3D flow banded volcanics with stretched vesicles. Camfield, Buntine Highway, N.T. 1.40 -17.10740000000 131.25758000000 -9999.000 vesicles, volcanics, flow banded volcanics
Camfield2 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon 3D drusy quartz-cemented, flow-banded volcanic clasts and chert clast breccia. Camfield, Buntine Highway, N.T. 0.50 -17.10725000000 131.28761000000 -9999.000 drusy quartz, breccia, volcanics volcanics
Camfield3 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon 3D amygdales with microcrystalline quartz rims and crystalline quartz cores within flow-banded volcanics. Camfield, Buntine Highway, N.T. 0.40 -17.10718000000 131.28769000000 -9999.000 amygdales, flow-banded volcanics volcanics
Camfield4 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon 3D semi-conchoidal fracture and mn-dendrites within silicified volcanics / chert. Camfield, Buntine Highway, N.T. 0.80 -17.10715000000 131.28766000000 -9999.000 manganoan dendrite, silicified, volcanics volcanics
CamfieldFSP1 Map
0 06/21/2016 noon FSP view from hill of surrounding plateau. Hill comprising quartz / silica-cemented, flow-banded volcanic clasts and chert clast breccia. Camfield, Buntine Highway, N.T. 2000.00 -17.10726000000 131.28775000000 -9999.000 volcanics, breccia, quartz cement volcanics
Camperdown1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:37 a.m. 3D view of Maar volcanic / pyroclastic deposits, showing layered beds and accretionary lapilli. Camperdown, Vic. 2.00 -38.23459000000 143.09209000000 -9999.000 tuff, pyroclastics, maar volcano, volcanics, accretionary lapilli pyroclastic
Camperdown2 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:37 a.m. 3D detailed view of layered volcaniclastic units, including fine ash and accretionary lapilli. Camperdown, Vic. 0.40 -38.23459000000 143.09209000000 -9999.000 accretionary lapilli, volcaniclastic pyroclastic
Camperdown3 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:37 a.m. 3D detail of layered pyroclastic units, showing bands of accretionary lapilli and finer material. Camperdown, Vic. 0.70 -38.23456000000 143.09200000000 -9999.000 accretionary lapilli, pyroclastic, volcanics pyroclastic
CamperdownFSP1 Map
0 06/05/2016 10:37 a.m. FSP view from hill of volcanic landscape, showing lakes in the craters of extinct Maar volcanos. Camperdown, Vic. 3000.00 -38.23573000000 143.09209000000 -9999.000 Maar volcano, volcanics pyroclastic
Canberra1 Map
5 06/20/2016 3:47 p.m. 3D Open folds and faults in Silurian sandstone and mudstone at the Sate Circle in Canberra, A.C.T. 10.00 -35.30408000000 149.12651000000 580.000 folds, faults, structure sandstone
Canberra2 Map
5 09/08/2015 3:34 p.m. 3D Faults and folds in Silurian metasedimentary rocks of the Canberra Formation at the top and left of the view. There is an angular unconformity between these rocks and the underlying Silurian State Circle Shale. A.C.T. 20.00 -35.30429000000 149.12701000000 580.000 folds, faults, structure, unconformity sandstone, shale
Canberra3 Map
5 09/08/2015 3:47 p.m. 3D Faults and open folds in the Silurian Camp Hill Sandstone of the Canberra Formation. A.C.T. 25.00 -35.30450000000 149.12740000000 580.000 folds, faults, structure, bedding, sedimentology sandstone
Canberra4 Map
5 10/08/2015 3:09 p.m. 3D Faults and open folds in the Silurian Camp Hill Sandstone of the Canberra Formation. A.C.T. 25.00 -35.30492000000 149.12816000000 580.000 sandstone

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